• 2 months ago
00:00And you know as I said there, there was a lot of emotions going up to the game itself
00:04I mean that was my first one you're playing in and
00:08It's so surreal realizing you're about to play that game
00:13I mean
00:16You know you I know there's only 32 teams in the NFL, but getting there is so hard
00:23And all week you're thinking about and for me I had a very
00:28You know up and down just wait that I got there all the way from like
00:34High school to college to even the year before it in 2016 where I just didn't have a great season
00:41So there was just constantly you're you're you're you're always
00:45You know questioning you know am I good enough or are we good enough, and you think you're good enough
00:51But you know you're you're I don't know it just happens continually and
00:56And then you're reminded you just keep working man
00:58That's the only thing that matters keep working to keep trying to get better keep trying to improve
01:03And it just felt like the whole
01:05Season kind of was that way for the Philadelphia Eagles and a lot of the guys on that team
01:10Which ultimately and correlated with the speech at the Rocky steps later?
01:14But yeah, it was a it was a highly emotional time still emotional for me. I'm almost crying right now thinking about it, but the
01:22you know it's
01:24Everything flashes before you before Super Bowl. Yeah, I can't help but think back and you think about well
01:30How how am I here?
01:32How am I?
01:33Fortunate enough and lucky enough to be here
01:35Yeah, and then you think about your teammates and everybody else, and it's just it's a very overwhelming experience
01:42you know
01:43Being on the biggest stage of your profession, and I imagine anybody feels that way right like no matter
01:48What you do if you get to that point where you have the opportunity to be known as like the best?
01:53In the entire world or whatever you do. It's a it's a it's a feeling that is
01:59Is you know I don't know if you've put a lot into it. It's gonna mean a lot to you
02:04We've dedicated a lot of hours and time and commitment and travel
02:08And you know you've foregone a lot of other things in your life
