• vor 2 Monaten
'83 ist nicht tot! Der Multiplayer-Taktik-Shooter wurde ursprünglich vom mittlerweile geschlossenen Studio Antimatter Games entwickelt (parallel zur Rückkehr von Project I.G.I.), dann folgte 2023 die Studioschließung, doch durch diverse Übereinkünfte soll das Spiel nun doch erscheinen. Und das ist Grund zur Freude, denn an '83 arbeiten zig Veteranen der alten Rising-Storm- und Red-Orchestra-Spiele.

'83 will taktische Multiplayer-Gefechte während der Hochphase des Kalten Kriegs bieten, die in Sachen Realismus gerade so weit gehen, dass der Spielspaß nicht auf der Strecke bleibt. Eben wie Rising Storm damals. Das Spiel soll 2025 in Steams Early Access wandern, der Trailer vermittelt aber schon mal einen ersten Eindruck.
00:00Welcome to Eighty-Three, a large-scale online tactical PvP shooter built around the idea of accessible realism, a twist on the tactical shooter genre popularized by the Rising Storm series.
00:22The goal is to make combat feel as authentic as possible until it stops being fun, and then we wind it back a notch.
00:32It's 1983, the tensions between NATO and the USSR have reached their breaking point, and the Cold War has quickly turned into an all-out conflict across Europe.
00:42One of the battlefields, codenamed Woodpecker, takes you to the location of the iconic Duga radar station in northern Ukraine.
00:53There are multiple objectives you and your squad need to swiftly capture to gain control over this strategic location.
01:01The choices your squad makes when capturing objectives matter.
01:05Teamwork, effective use of vehicles and equipment, or well-timed fire missions can all provide the necessary tactical advantage to win the battle.
01:15Eighty-Three is currently in development, and we aim to launch it on Steam Early Access within one year.
01:23Please support the game by wishlisting on Steam and sharing our trailer with your friends.
01:29Thank you, and see you on the battlefield.
