• 2 months ago
Farming black soldier flies to fill the gaps in food production and eliminate waste.
00:00Black soldier fly farming will help us to clean the environment.
00:23They eat organic waste.
00:25When they are eating on that organic waste, it means that our places were left clean.
00:44What is interesting about black soldier fly farming is they multiply very fast.
00:51So any farmer can do it in your own way.
01:04Our black soldier flies are insects found all over the world, especially in places where
01:11there is sand.
01:12It lays over 500 to 800 eggs.
01:18That means you can produce it in large quantities.
01:22Black soldier fly has four stages, whereby we have the eggs, larvae, pupa, adults.
01:30It is a protein source in animal feeds.
01:48It helps us to decompose organic waste, which forms fertilizer, the one we use in our gardens.
