(Adnkronos) - "Ho ricevuto un avviso di garanzia per i reati di favoreggiamento e peculato in relazione alla vicenda del rimpatrio del cittadino libico Almasri". La presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni, con un video sui social, annuncia "la notizia di oggi". "Il procuratore della Repubblica Francesco Lo Voi, lo stesso del fallimentare processo a Matteo Salvini per sequestro di persona, mi ha appena inviato un avviso di garanzia", dice la premier. "L'avviso di garanzia che è stato inviato anche ai ministri Carlo Nordio e Matteo Piantedosi e al sottosegretario Alfredo Mantovano", aggiunge.
00:00The news of today is this. The prosecutor of the Republic, Francesco Lovoi,
00:05the same of the, let's say, the failed trial of Matteo Salvini for the kidnapping of a person,
00:12has just sent me a warrant for the crimes of favoritism and peculation
00:19in relation to the story of the repatriation of the Libyan citizen to Masri.
00:26A warrant has also been sent to the ministers Carlo Nordio and Matteo Piantedosi
00:32and to the undersecretary Alfredo Mantovano, I presume following a complaint
00:36that was presented by the lawyer Luigi Ligotti, a former left-wing politician,
00:40very close to Romano Prodi, known for having defended Pentiti
00:44of the caliber of Buscetta, Brusca and other mafiosi.
00:48Now, the facts, we have talked about them in these days, are quite well known.
00:52The International Criminal Court, after months of reflection,
00:55issues an international arrest warrant against the head of the judicial police of Tripoli.
01:00Curiously, the court does so just when this person was about to enter the Italian territory
01:06after he had serenely stayed for about 12 days in three other European states.
01:13The request for arrest of the International Criminal Court
01:17has not been sent to the Italian Ministry of Justice,
01:20as is intended by the law, and for this reason the Court of Appeal of Rome
01:24decides not to proceed with its conviction.
01:27At this point, with this subject free on the Italian territory,
01:31rather than releasing him, we decide to expel him and repatriate him immediately
01:39for reasons of security, with a special flight, as happens in other similar cases.
01:44This is the reason for which the Prosecutor's Office of Rome
01:47today is investigating me, the Deputy Secretary Mantovano and two ministers.
01:53I think that today is worth what it was worth yesterday.
01:57I am not reprehensible, I do not want to be intimidated.
02:00It is possible that for this reason, let's say,
02:03it is aimed at those who do not want Italy to change and become better,
02:07but also and above all for this reason I intend to continue on my path
02:11in defense of the Italians, especially when the security of the nation is at stake and without fear.