• 2 months ago
These voice actors have insane range! For this list, we’ll be looking at the voiceover artists who left their marks on a cartoon not just as one lone character, but as a good majority of the cast - or even the entire cast.


00:00Look, will you guys please just stop fighting?
00:02Oh, butthole Brian.
00:03Yeah, this is a private conversation.
00:04Welcome to WatchMojo,
00:06and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 voice actors
00:09who perform multiple characters in the same show.
00:12Wasn't that a great story?
00:16For this list, we're looking at the voiceover artists
00:19who left their marks on a cartoon,
00:21not just as one lone character,
00:23but as a good majority of the cast,
00:25or even the entire cast.
00:27Who's your favorite multifaceted voice actor?
00:29Let us know in the comments.
00:43Dee Bradley Baker is a legend among voice actors,
00:46even being able to successfully pull off animal noises.
00:49However, we'd love to pay tribute to his contribution
00:52to the Star Wars franchise during Clone Wars.
00:59In this series, he not only voices Captain Rex and Commander Cody,
01:03but also literally every clone trooper.
01:11Even with so many duplicates,
01:13Baker successfully manages to give them all distinct voices and personalities,
01:17from Hunter's smoky gruffness to Crosshair's slithery delivery.
01:20And that's just for starters.
01:25Of course, Baker's return as the titular Bad Batch
01:28was more than welcomed in the Clone Wars sequel series,
01:31once again proving that he is a one-man army.
01:34Literally, in this case.
01:46During its six-year run,
01:48Codename Kids Next Door welcomed a plethora of well-known voice acting legends,
01:52among them being Kree Summer.
01:54This is one of Summer's most notable shows
01:56where she played not one, but three major roles.
01:59Number five, her devious teenage sister Kree Lincoln,
02:02and one-third of the delightful children from down the lane.
02:12As number five, she becomes the very model of a laid-back,
02:16level-headed gal who can kick serious butt.
02:21Kree, named after her actress, is a lot more conniving and cocky.
02:26Finally, the delightful children are deviously creepy,
02:34made even more impressive with Miss Summer being able to
02:37sync up with the delightful children's other actors.
02:49One perk of being a series creator is getting to lend your voice to your own show.
02:53Alex Hirsch takes advantage of this for Gravity Falls,
02:56where he gets to voice a good chunk of the cast.
03:01From the gruff cheapskate Grunkle Stan,
03:03to the formerly brilliant-turned-totally-demented old man McGucket.
03:14He's also admitted that Soos, the lovable dim bulb of the Mystery Shack,
03:18is his favorite voice to record,
03:20and we can't blame him with such a hilarious voice.
03:24Though he originally wanted David Lynch to voice Bill Cipher,
03:35Hirsch fills the role with his own, quote,
03:37poor Lynch impression.
03:39And yet it fits perfectly for Bill,
03:41just like every other voice Hirsch gives his own creation.
03:54During his run on Nickelodeon,
03:58Butch Hartman could always rely on the talents of yet another voice acting legend,
04:02Gray Delisle Griffin.
04:04Nowhere is her talent more evident than in The Fairly OddParents,
04:07where she voices over 30 characters, both female and male.
04:17Each role she plays, she gives a little pizzazz.
04:20From Chad's smugness to Principal Waxel Plax's Irish perkiness,
04:27to Veronica's unhinged distress, and so on.
04:34And then, of course, there are her two most notable roles in the series,
04:38Vicky the babysitter and her little sister Tootie.
04:41Tootie carries an air of innocence and admiration,
04:44while Vicky is a walking symbol of sadistic torture.
04:47And Gray captures both roles excellently.
05:00As one of the main voice actors behind the totally insane-y classic,
05:04Rob Paulson proves his legendary status by bringing his A-game
05:08voicing so many dynamic characters.
05:11As Yakko, he channels his inner Groucho Marx as a witty smart aleck.
05:18When voicing Pinky, he breaks out a Cockney accent and his iconic random noises.
05:31Finally, as Dr. Scratch-and-Sniff, he takes inspiration from Peter Sellers'
05:35Dr. Strangelove, and adds a hilarious hint of distress,
05:39which is especially fitting when dealing with the Warners.
05:48All three major players, and the various minor roles,
05:51really highlight Mr. Paulson's gift for voice acting.
05:55And when he returned for the 2020 reboot,
05:58he resumed the roles perfectly, with little effort.
06:08Number 5, Billy West, Futurama
06:12Good news, everyone! Right now, we'll be highlighting one of Futurama's
06:20multi-talented actors, Billy West.
06:22West not only successfully manages so many roles,
06:26but also a hilarious tribute with almost all of them.
06:37For example, Professor Farnsworth carries a hint of Jerry Lewis,
06:40while Dr. Zoidberg takes inspiration from Lou Jacobi and George Jessel,
06:48with a hint of Curly Howard when he needs to flee the scene.
06:52Even Zap Brannigan's voice is a tribute to the late Phil Hartman,
06:56who was originally considered for the role before his passing.
06:59Alas, after a series of deadly blunders caused by distracting low-cut fatigues
07:03and lots of harmless pinching, the army decided women weren't fit for service.
07:08Not when I'm in charge.
07:09Arguably, Fry is the closest to West's natural voice.
07:12And yet, it still carries the good-natured,
07:15bumbling characteristics we love about the boy literally ahead of his time.
07:19Icy wiener?
07:21Aw, crud.
07:22I always thought by this point in my life I'd be the one making the crank calls.
07:34You really have to respect the production behind South Park.
07:37Each episode takes about a week to write and produce,
07:39which includes getting voice recordings done.
07:42Thankfully, series creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker are always available
07:46to get into the recording booth and voice over half the cast.
07:49Wait, wait, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa.
07:51You're telling me there's an illness that makes you blurt out obscenities?
07:53They naturally voice the main boys, Trey voicing Cartman and Stan,
07:57while Matt handles Kyle and Kenny.
07:58Boy, it sure is good to have you back, Kenny.
08:01I hear your parents might give up selling meth for good.
08:05There he is, there's my buddy.
08:07While also voicing nearly every other kid and male adult character.
08:11And they fit both ages perfectly.
08:14Stan, grandma said she poked you and you haven't sent a poke back.
08:17Because they run the show, they know what they're looking for with the dialogue,
08:21so it doesn't take them long to get the voices they need.
08:23And we thank them for all they do.
08:25Sorry guys, but Eric and I know a little something you don't.
08:28Not that it's anything that cool. Right, Eric?
08:30Right, Butters. These guys are so dumb, huh?
08:40As an adult cartoon veteran,
08:41it's become tradition for Seth MacFarlane to voice at least one character in his own cartoons.
08:46Nowhere is this more evident than with his roles on Family Guy.
08:50Why is this story all about mom this week?
08:52What, are we giving Seth's voice a rest?
08:58Of course, we have our three main Griffin men,
09:01Peter, Stewie, and Brian, the latter using his natural speaking voice.
09:05No, why would I say that? It's not even a word.
09:07On top of that, we also have the eely Glenn Quagmire,
09:11narcissistic anchor Tom Tucker, gruff conservative Carter Pewterschmidt,
09:15and similarly gruff quack Dr. Hartman.
09:18And that's merely the tip of the iceberg.
09:29True, some voices are bound to sound similar to others.
09:32But they all have their own identities and bounce off each other amazingly.
09:37Especially Brian and Stewie.
09:45With its status as the longest-running cartoon,
09:48we had to fit The Simpsons on this list.
09:51And who better than the title actor with over 30 characters under his belt, Dan Castellaneta?
09:56Of course, we all know his most iconic role,
09:59the dim-witted, donut-loving family man Homer Simpson.
10:15Along with him, there's also the bozo ripoff Krusty the Clown,
10:30the broken-town drunk Barney, Homer's elderly, often senile father Abe,
10:35the temperamental Scottish groundskeeper Willie, and even the Ted Kennedy spoof Mayor Quimby.
10:40And we barely made a dent in Castellaneta Simpson's resume.
10:47The fact that he's stuck with the show since the very beginning
10:50and voiced so many people is truly a testament to his talent.
10:58Before we unveil our top pick, here are some honorable mentions.
11:02Tabitha St. Germain, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic,
11:05voices Rarity, Princess Luna, Nightmare Moon, Granny Smith, and Mrs. Cake, among others.
11:24Mike Judge, Beavis and Butthead, voices both title characters,
11:28in addition to David Van Driessen, Tom Anderson, Principal McVicar, Coach Buzzcut,
11:34and composed the theme song.
11:43John DiMaggio, Futurama, voices Bender and Robot Santa,
11:48as well as several one-episode characters.
11:51Nick Kroll, Big Mouth, voices Nick Birch, Hormone Monsters Maury and Rick,
12:08Coach Steve Steve, Lola, also the Statue of Liberty, a mouthy ladybug, and Sylvester Stallone.
12:21Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
12:26about our latest videos. You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.
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12:37Even after his passing, Mel is still revered for his incredible vocal energy and range,
12:42and nowhere is his talent on full display more than the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies shorts.
12:51From the snarky wit of Bugs Bunny, the stammering charm of Caterpillar,
12:55to the unusual, but not unusual, voice of the one and only,
12:59Mel Blank, who is also known as Mel Blank, is one of the most popular characters in the show.
13:04The stammering charm of Porky Pig, the zany arrogance of Daffy Duck,
13:09and the mocking shrillness of Tweety Bird.
13:14There's a lot more than that, but we can only fit so many characters on one list.
13:18With every character, Mel manages to give them each a memorable,
13:22zany, and just plain hilarious voice, and the fact that he carried these roles
13:26for decades more than justifies his nickname of the man of a thousand voices.
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