• last month
Menteri Agama Nasaruddin Umar mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru Imlek 2576 Kongzili, kepada seluruh warga bangsa yang merayakannya.
00:00Honorable Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and Imam Besar Masjid Isiklal Jakarta
00:07I would like to wish you a Happy New Year
00:10Happy New Year to the people of Konghucu and the citizens of Bangsaye
00:23I hope that the problem can be solved
00:30I appreciate the theme of this year's IMLAC celebration
00:35which is the behavior of a straight leader will straighten the hearts of all people
00:42This theme reminds me of one of President Prabowo's messages
00:46that the fish is rotten from its head
00:49This theme and message teaches us all about the importance of integrity and perseverance
00:57Because every one of us is a leader and will be asked for responsibility for leadership
01:04Let's make the IMLAC 2576 celebration a momentum to improve oneself
01:14to straighten the hearts and make a commitment to continue to contribute to the development of the country
01:25I hope Indonesia will be more prosperous, just and prosperous
