• 2 months ago
Manchu Vishnu reacts on family issues and on his fight with brother Manchu Manoj.

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00:00Right, I'll come back to the movie a little later, but it would be an absolute disservice
00:10if I don't, again, let me issue a disclaimer here.
00:15You could choose not to respond on certain aspects and I'll truly respect that.
00:19With respect to what's happening within the family and the recent Twitter war to be isolated,
00:25the way a third person looks at it is neither party, in this case, paints itself in glory.
00:31Because the level of discourse, I think, has gone to a level where nobody can be proud
00:37about it, considering the words that are being used, etc.
00:40What is your version on this?
00:41Yes, I mean, now it is in the public domain, there's shots being fired.
00:46I'm sure you must have seen that there are people with vested interests making use of
00:51what is happening, be it online, be it influencers, be it YouTubers, etc.
00:56What is your stand on that?
00:59See, families are complicated and every families have their own issues.
01:06Probably because of the, you know, the popularity which father has and we guys have, this is
01:17being carried by the national news also.
01:21But I'm a very old traditionalist, I, you know, I'm probably I'm a very old soul also.
01:27I believe in Mata, Pita, Guru, Daivam.
01:30I'm very, very, my fundamental principles are that.
01:35Come what may, these four will never change for me, okay.
01:41What has happened is totally unfortunate and I hope, you know, there would be an end
01:51for all of this in the near future.
01:54But it is really unfortunate all of this has happened and is happening.
02:01And I know that there will be a few more incidents in the future also.
02:06You'll never hear me talk about it, Akash.
02:09I'm a very private person.
02:11I will not talk about it.
02:13I'll never make a statement.
02:15You know, they might provoke me to make a statement.
02:19They might insult me to make a statement.
02:21But I'm not interested in bringing my family affairs out into the public and whatever Twitter
02:25was you're talking about, I'm not a party of any of it.
02:30I mean, you posted something without any out and out insinuation, but it was taken personally.
02:37If the shoe fits, wear it.
02:39I get that.
02:40I mean, even if you wanted to, I'd have to give it to you.
02:42You were clever with it.
02:43I'm not saying you wanted to.
02:44But even if you did.
02:45See, if you go back and see, my father is celebrating his 50 years of being an actor.
02:52And that is what I'm celebrating irrespective of whatever is happening.
02:55The glory.
02:56How many actors can proudly say 50 years they have been in the industry and are a legendary
03:02figure at that level and being at the position where he is and still reckoned as a phenomenal
03:09actor and a relevant actor after 50 years, very, very few people had that opportunity.
03:14And my father's having that.
03:16And as a son, I want to celebrate that.
03:18And there are so many celebrations we sorted up going forward.
03:22Now in that, we've been releasing his famous dialogues every day.
03:26If you go back, not just now, right from the 1st of December, you see, we put on his famous
03:33dialogues and then we moved on to his famous songs, his iconic songs.
03:38We are putting one every day, every day.
03:42And one such situation, one of my favorite movies with Mr. Ram Gopal Verma and one of
03:47his iconic dialogues was slated that day.
03:52All I did was post that.
03:55I don't say anything out of the blue, which I didn't.
03:59But if anybody else wants to see that as an opportunity that they got attacked and they
04:04felt they were said on that and they, you know, it's unfortunate.
04:08And if they want to say something on it, let them keep saying.
04:11See, I'm not new to criticism.
04:14The minute I started being an actor and decide to stand on my two feet and stand for any
04:18issue that I am sure I will be rubbing people a little, you know, on the wrong side.
04:26I don't care.
04:27You want to hate me?
04:28Take a token and stand in the line.
04:29There are already people in line.
04:31Out of them, out of so many people, there will be one more person.
04:34And to live my life thinking what 20, 30 people around me think about me is stupid.
04:44I don't lead my life like that.
04:47I don't care what people think.
04:48I do what my heart says is clear.
04:50And I enjoy my life.
04:51When I go to bed in exactly less than two minutes, I'm already in deep sleep.
04:57So, you know, my conscience is clear, I am sleeping.
04:59I don't care about anything.
