• last month
Character: Kassandra Cheyung
Creed: Martyr

Hunter: The Reckoning - Wayward is the 2nd game in the trilogy of the underrated gem. However, it was developed for Sony Playstation 2 instead, unlike the original which was debuted in Microsoft XBOX first followed by Nintendo Gamecube which is rather a bummer.
Game mechanic is the same as the original, but there are few changes.
(1) Basic range weapons now have limited ammos. Another bummer.
(2) Multiplayer is limited to 2 players instead of 4 originally. Even more bummer.
(3) Controls are different such that you can switch between melee and range weapons easily. This can be good for beginners and also easier for weapons management during combat, but I rather stick to the old controls as it can get confusing whether the button is special or my melee weapon when attacking. Overall, another bummer to me but not that as much as the first two points.
(4) Unused characters' experience are still progressing. This is the only good part of this game compared to its predecessor and successor because you can switch characters anytime you want too. However, you should be expecting that their progress will not be as much as the ones you used.
(5) Also, objectives of this 2nd game is not as clear cut as compared to the prequel and sequel so real bummer again.

Kassandra Cheyung is back in this game as Martyr again. She is definitely not a character for beginners because she is the typical speedy character with low health/defense/strength.
If you want to use her, you need to identify which enemies to kill and which to just run, which is essential towards the end of the game.
Also, her magic usage requires sacrificing of health just to make her more deadly and be faster, so use it wisely. Not the best use of magic but definitely better than Spenser's (Avenger's).
At least her hair is decent now, and that her dual pistol default range weapons are buffed as compared to the original game.

Title, Character Select & Beginning Cutscene - 0:00
Joshua's Hotel (Tutorial) - 0:32
Outer Graveyard - 8:20
Theatre District - 15:35
The Church (2 times) - 28:17
Ashcroft Station - 33:37
Ashcroft Catacombs - 37:05
Downtown - 41:18
Outer Graveyard Part 2 - 53:31

