Cathy Carriga, ex chica “Mekano”, exchica reality y exalcaldesa de Maipú ha protagonizado numerosas polémicas. Actualmente se encuentra en prisión preventiva.
00:00I think it brings together all the worst of the human being, because when you are in the campaign...
00:07Wait, politics brings together all the worst?
00:09Yes, and brings out the worst of the human being, because...
00:11And since you are already dead, if you had to take the option of being a politician again and leaving TV, would you have taken the option of being a politician or would you have never returned to politics?
00:24Look, that question...
00:27You are already dead.
00:29I have been asked that question. I feel that the worst thing in life, and my hell on earth, was from the damage that other people do,
00:41who perhaps do not have the ability to get to a place and do harm.
00:46I think it is the worst thing I have ever experienced, because finally politics, you know what it does?
00:50It brings out the one who is better for people in some way, and the one who lies comes.
00:56Yes, of course. But the day before you die, would it have been difficult for you to return to politics or would you have completely discarded it?
01:03No, today I am reuniting with my essence, with my genesis, with my origin, with my family.
01:13And I am rebuilding myself again, because when they try to destroy your life...
01:18Because that's what happened with politics.
01:20Who tried you? What politicians betrayed you?
01:22With what I spoke, with this report.
01:24But beyond Vodanovic, what politicians betrayed you?
01:27Can I ask you by name who betrayed you?
01:30I can't talk about politicians' betrayals, because I was very independent in what I did.
01:34What did they disfraud you of?
01:36A lot of people.
01:37Really? Do we know any?
01:38I think that 80% or 90% of the people who are in politics are really there for a personal motivation, for ambition, for power.
01:48Can I ask you by name?
01:50What for? I think people are aware of it.
01:52But you already died.
01:54Look, the people who leave the path of politics, it's because they get it out.
01:59Just like they get a lot of people who come to a job with competencies and see it as a danger.
02:05I don't have it clear. Can I ask you who, for example, has memories of political betrayals?
02:10If we can talk about people, we can talk about what is happening today with our country.