• 2 months ago
Women have to work twice as hard to get half the acknowledgement as men, Aseefa Bhutto Zardari, Pakistan’s First Lady, says.


00:00How do you view the situation for women in Pakistan today?
00:04You know, what I've seen with my mother and something that I still see today
00:08is that women have to work twice as hard to get half as much acknowledgement as a man.
00:14But we are a strong and resilient force.
00:18The founder of our nation, Qaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah,
00:21used to say that there are two great powers in this world.
00:24One is the sword and the other is the pen.
00:27And there's a great deal of rivalry and competition between the two.
00:31But there's a third power, greater than both, and that is our women.
00:36So the more time I spend on the ground, I see what a strong force we are.
00:40And with regards to the issues that women might be facing,
00:43whether it's in Pakistan or globally, you name them, we're facing them.
00:47Be it inequality, be it security, be it access to health care, education.
00:53But we are a strong and resilient force.
00:55And the more time I spend on the ground, I see that with the power of the vote,
00:59we manage to make our voices heard.
01:02And for those who haven't voted or for some reason are outside the voting apparatus,
01:06they too, when they join forces and rally together,
01:11their voice can make cities come to a standstill.
