• vor 2 Monaten
Schauspieler Michael B. Jordan und Regisseur Ryan Coogler haben in der Vergangenheit bereits mehrfach zusammengearbeitet, unter anderem bei Black Panther und Creed. Blood & Sinners erzählt von der Rückkehr von Zwillingsbrüdern an ihren Heimatort, wo eine böse Präsenz schon auf sie wartet.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/sinners-2025


00:00Hey there, we heard tale of a party.
00:04You did?
00:05You wouldn't mind us coming in now, would you?
00:08We hungry as dogs.
00:09Woof woof!
00:10You fellas must be the owners of this establishment.
00:14That's right.
00:15And you are?
00:16We just came here to play.
00:17Here, I'll show you.
00:26I picked his head, I picked his feet
00:28I would have picked his body, but it wasn't fit to eat
00:30Let's go now
00:32La da da da da da
00:34La da da da da da
00:36La da da
00:38La da da da
00:40La da da da da da
00:42La da da
00:44La da da
00:46La da da
00:48La da da da da da
00:50We gonna kill every last one of you
00:54Ha ha ha ha
00:56Sin hurts
00:58New trailer coming soon


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