• 2 months ago
Mehfil e Zikar e Meraj e Mustafaﷺ - Salana Khatam e Pak Sarkar Wali Sadiq Abad Shareef | 26 Jan 2025 - Part 6 | ARY Qtv
00:00The Prophet's call was heard from Makkah.
00:04The Prophet went to the highest place.
00:09There is a limit to their exaltation.
00:13Praise be to Him.
00:18Glory to Allah. Glory to Allah.
00:23Glory to Allah. Glory to Allah.
00:29Glory to Allah. Glory to Allah.
00:34Glory to Allah. Glory to Allah.
00:38Those who are happy to hear the glory of the Prophet, say it out loud.
00:43I am not narrating stories.
00:46I am having an authentic conversation.
00:50Why should we not say the glory of the Prophet?
00:53The Qur'an has mentioned the glory of the Prophet.
00:57Why should we not do it?
00:59It is the Sunnah of the Lord to mention the glory of the Prophet.
01:03It is the Sunnah of the Lord.
01:05And these are the Prophets who have given the address of the mercy of Allah.
01:11If these were not the Prophets, how would we know?
01:14Today people are recognized by their relationship.
01:17If they did not have this relationship, God knows where they would be.
01:20Then what would we have?
01:22So the purpose of the address is this.
01:24Now I would like to draw your attention.
01:27Today there is a social media platform.
01:30Today you are running videos.
01:32There is viewership.
01:34I ask which social media was there in the time of Data Ali Hajveri?
01:39Which YouTube was there?
01:41Which YouTube was there in the time of Imam Rabbani?
01:43Which social media was there?
01:45Which social media was there in the time of my Huzoor Aala Wa Baala Sarkar Baghdara Sharif?
01:50There was none.
01:51So we have to accept from here.
01:53There was none.
01:55There was no God.
01:57The one who put the love of these Babas in the people.
02:01This love went to the chest.
02:03And today it has reached our Mashayikhs.
02:07I am discussing this in great detail.
02:11So this is the love of Babas.
02:14This is the love of Babas.
02:16Always remember one thing.
02:18If you want to connect, connect with the tradition.
02:21With new words.
02:24Today people are denying the tradition.
02:27A tradition that has gone.
02:29Listen and you will know.
02:31It is Shia and you will know.
02:33I am talking from the point of view of reformation.
02:39If you open a new shop.
02:43It means that you want to become a Baba yourself.
02:47So now I want.
02:49Instead of making him a Baba.
02:52Why should we make him a Baba?
02:55Who has come after 1446 years.
02:58Why should we not make Baba Imam Abu Hanifa?
03:01Who has taken knowledge from the Sahaba.
03:06Why should we make a new Baba?
03:09Who has taken knowledge from the Sahaba.
03:12Should we listen to Imam Azam?
03:15Or should we listen to Yateem ul Ilm Maulvi?
03:26Should we listen to Bab ul Ilm?
03:29Or should we listen to Yateem ul Ilm?
03:32Should we listen to Bab ul Ilm?
03:35Naray Takbir.
03:39Naray Takbir.
03:43Naray Risalat.
03:47Huzoor Qibla, Mubalig-e-Islam, Pir Ferdan Sarkar.
03:54Today we do not listen to those who sit in a room and talk.
04:01We listen to those who have been blessed by our Masha'ikh.
04:08You can eat their trees.
04:11Ask them.
04:13They do not know anything.
04:15I will tell you my tree.
04:17He will tell you his tree.
04:21I will tell you my tree.
04:23You will tell me your tree.
04:25No one knows about your relationship.
04:28If we do not prove our relationship with Sayyidina Siddiq-e-Akbar to the Messenger of Allah,
04:32then we are not slaves to Bab ul Ilm.
04:34Sayyidina Siddiq-e-Akbar said,
04:39If we do not prove our relationship with Bab ul Ilm to the Messenger of Allah,
04:46then we are not slaves to Bab ul Ilm.
04:59Let us turn the camera.
05:04Let us show the camera that today,
05:07Allah is here in the love of Bab ul Ilm.
05:11Pir Ferdan Sarkar is amazing in his speech.
05:14Let us raise our hands and say Subhanallah.
05:19If there is no Bab-e-Shay, then where did all of them come from?
05:26It is 4 o'clock in the night.
05:29Did they come for worldly greed?
05:32Did they come for cars?
05:34Did they come for plots?
05:36No, no.
05:37They came in the love of Allah and His Messenger and in the love of Bab-ul-Ilm.
05:44I said that Muhaddith is also Bab-ul-Ilm.
05:48Mufassir is also Bab-ul-Ilm.
05:50Mutakallim is also Bab-ul-Ilm.
05:52All the companions are not Bab-ul-Ilm.
05:55All the companions are not Bab-ul-Ilm.
05:58All of us are Bab-ul-Ilm.
06:00The companions are Bab-ul-Ilm.
06:01The followers are Bab-ul-Ilm.
06:02The followers are Bab-ul-Ilm.
06:03The followers of the Ummah are also Bab-ul-Ilm.
06:14All of us are Bab-ul-Ilm.
06:15This deal has spread from Bab-ul-Ilm in the big land.
06:19One more thing.
06:21Why don't you talk about Bab-ul-Ilm?
06:24This is the event today.
06:27This is the fifth generation war.
06:29You don't know how your customs and traditions are being changed.
06:35You are being entangled in scholarly traditions.
06:38Today, take this matter with you.
06:40Today, take this matter with you from the followers of Allah.
06:44No matter how great a scholar you are.
06:48No matter how great a scholar you are.
06:53Don't throw his knowledge on the wall.
06:55Tell him that we don't believe in such knowledge which is void of etiquette.
07:01The source of the Takbeer.
07:03The source of the Nisaan.
07:06The source of the Tahqeeq.
07:09The source of the Haidari.
07:12Today, in the social media platforms.
07:15Today, the fifth generation.
07:17As we all know.
07:19As we all know, our youth is facing new disorders.
07:26We are hearing new things.
07:29Today, we are living in the fifth generation war.
07:33In the past, wars were fought with the power of swords.
07:36In the past, wars were fought with the power of weapons.
07:39With the power of horses.
07:41Now, you don't know how your youth is being ruined.
07:45First of all, this disorder has started today.
07:48First of all, what do they do?
07:51They will remove you from Bab-ul-Ilm.
07:53They will remove you from the miracles of Bab-ul-Ilm.
07:56Then, there will be a time when you will be denied miracles.
08:00Then, there will be a time when you will be disobeyed by the Prophet.
08:04Then, in the end, you will become an atheist.
08:07You will deny the existence of God.
08:09So, save yourself.
08:11Save your children.
08:13This is the era of Pulfitan.
08:15If you want to get the blessings of the Prophet in this era.
08:20Then, come to my Huzoor.
08:24If you don't get the blessings of Siddiq-e-Akbar in this era.
08:28Then, come to me.
08:30If you don't get the blessings of Siddiq-e-Akbar in this era.
08:34If you don't get the blessings of Siddiq-e-Akbar in this era.
08:36Then, come to me.
08:38The purpose of this sermon is that.
08:40In every era, God has increased the glory of these Bab-ul-Ilm.
08:44What will we increase?
08:46Imam-e-Rabbani is such a great Bab-ul-Ilm.
08:49Imam-e-Rabbani is such a great Bab-ul-Ilm.
08:53We don't believe in one Bab-ul-Ilm.
08:56We don't believe in any other Bab-ul-Ilm.
08:58We don't bow our heads in front of Jahangir.
09:04We don't sit in front of Jahangir.
09:07We don't sit in front of Jahangir.
09:10We are his followers.
09:12We are his followers.
09:14We are not here to be someone's followers.
09:17The lesson that Mujadid-e-Albisani has taught us.
09:22The lesson that Data-e-Ali-Ajwaili has taught us.
09:26The lesson that Allah has taught us.
09:30And the blessings of Ishq-e-Muhammadi has been given to us by the rightful Caliphs.
09:39There is no need for any new speech today.
09:43And at that time, there was no social media.
09:45This is Allah.
09:47How much time has passed since the mention of Sarkar Baghdara Sharif.
09:50We are still saying it.
09:52At that time, YouTube was Hifz-e-Ullah-o-Ta'ala.
09:55At that time, there was no YouTube.
09:58There is no live streaming today.
10:00And money is dying.
10:02This mention was not started by bad people.
10:05It was not started by social media.
10:07Allah has started it now.
10:09So, the mention that Allah himself has started.
10:12That mention will be continued.
10:15That mention will be continued till Qiyamah.
10:17Your enemies have died of starvation.
10:20Tell me, whose street is Daal here?
10:23You will die of starvation.
10:26The love of the saints has not started from the ground.
10:29It has started from the earth.
10:32Today, the shops of the saints have been closed.
10:37Now, the shops have been closed.
10:39Now, there is no one.
10:41Where have these people come from?
10:46Now, the shops are also not clean.
10:53That has not happened.
10:55What I am trying to say is...
10:57Mr. Allama, we do not only have shops in Rafar.
11:02We also have the shop of Rasool-e-Ala.
11:05We do not have open shops.
11:09We also have the shop of Rasool-e-Ala.
11:11So, it is said...
11:12You should run the shop of the Lord of the worlds.
11:16Today, if a person runs the shop of someone,
11:19then that person also runs.
11:21So, the shop of whom Allah himself runs,
11:24how can the shop of the saints be closed?
11:27How can it be closed?
11:29And our saints,
11:31who are sitting at the end of the day,
11:33Oh, Khwaja-e-Azam, my beloved,
11:41Khwaja-e-Azam, my beloved,
11:53Khwaja-e-Azam, my beloved,
11:56Khwaja-e-Azam, my beloved,
12:03Khwaja-e-Azam, my beloved,
12:13Khwaja-e-Azam, my beloved,
12:16Khwaja-e-Azam, my beloved,
12:32Khwaja-e-Azam, my beloved,
12:42Khwaja-e-Azam, my beloved,
12:47What is your matter, O my guide?
12:53What is your matter, Khwaja-e-Azam, my beloved?
13:00What is your matter, Khwaja-e-Azam, my beloved?
13:07O my companion, my beloved,
13:12What is your matter, Khwaja-e-Azam, my beloved?
13:16What is your matter, Khwaja-e-Azam, my beloved?
13:20What is your matter, Khwaja-e-Azam, my beloved?
13:25What is your matter, Khwaja-e-Azam, my beloved?
13:32I want to hear your voice.
13:34I am very tired.
13:35My body is very tired.
13:37I will say it with you.
13:39Now your voice.
13:40What is your matter?
13:42No, no, no.
14:13Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
14:18Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
14:33Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
14:43The whole world agrees...
14:53The whole world agrees...
14:58The whole world agrees...
15:14Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
15:23Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
15:33Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
15:43Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
16:03Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
16:15Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
16:27Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
16:37Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
16:47Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
16:53The whole world agrees...
17:14Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
17:20Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
17:43Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
17:58Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
18:28Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
18:38Oh my God, what is wrong with you?
18:48Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah
19:18Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu
19:48The time passed by, and it is time for prayer.
19:55May Allah grant you this spring, which you are holding in your bosom right now.
20:06It is the last day of the night and such a blessed time has started.
20:13The rain of mercy is pouring down.
20:16About four and a quarter...
20:19And in the quantity of the Langer Sharif, Fakir Haji Yusuf Qureshi Sahib,
20:29he has arranged a lot of Langers.
20:33There is the Langer-e-Rasooli and there is the Langer-e-Saleh-e-Abad.
20:38May Allah grant you this healing.
20:42May Allah grant you the highest station of His pleasure.
20:49May Allah grant you the blessings of this gathering.
20:52At this time, Allah Jalla Jalaluhu's special favour is upon you.
21:00You are sitting on the floor, but you are receiving the blessings of the throne right now.
21:06By the grace of the Holy Prophet of Allah,
21:10the Messenger of Allah has given you the highest station of His pleasure right now.
21:18The highest station of His pleasure.
21:20The Prophet of Allah has come to meet Allah.
21:25I am a Rajan Nabi, right?
21:27He has come to meet Allah.
21:31And Allah has granted the Prophet of Allah to meet Allah.
21:37And how close was that meeting?
21:41The Qur'an has mentioned it.
21:43Dana Fatadallah
21:47Dana means to move forward.
21:51Fatadallah means more.
21:54How close was that meeting?
21:58Kaaba Qausain
22:02Kaaba Qausain
22:05Kaaba Qausain
22:07Kaaba Qausain
22:10Allah is purer than this.
22:13But Allah has given His servants.
22:16Kaaba Qausain
22:20More than this.
22:22More than this is known by the one who goes and by the one who takes.
22:28May Allah grant you the blessings of that closeness.
22:33Your station is that you reach to the pen.
22:37O Messenger of Allah, our station is that we reach to your feet.
22:42Right now you are sitting at the feet of the Messenger of Allah.
22:45And the Messenger of Allah is paying attention to you.
22:49Close your eyes.
22:53Keep your attention on your heart.
22:55And make a surah of repentance.
22:58And get ready for repentance.
23:01And whoever has not yet taken the oath of allegiance, make the intention of taking the oath of allegiance.
23:06In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
23:10There is no god but Allah.
23:15Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
23:19There is no god but Allah.
23:22He is alone and has no partner.
23:25The Messenger of Allah.
23:27The crown of the two worlds.
23:29The life of the Prophet.
23:31Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
23:34The Prophet of the end of times.
23:36The Messenger of Allah.
23:39O Allah, forgive us all our sins.
23:51O Allah, accept our repentance.
23:54O Allah, be pleased with us.
23:56Enlighten our hearts.
23:59Allahu Allahu Allahu Allahu Allahu Allahu Allahu Allahu
24:12Jalla Jalaluhu.
24:14Turn your face and hands.
24:15Turn your chest and hands.
24:17May Allah grant you this blessing.
24:19Raise your hands for prayer.
24:21Whatever you have read.
24:24You have read it now.
24:26You have to thank me as well.
24:29You have to or not?
24:31Therefore, you have to read Alhamdulillah once.
24:34And read Allah Sharif three times.
24:36This is how you have to thank.
24:57Khalifatul Masih I.A.
24:59Khatam Sharif.
25:03Three thousand Khatam Sharif.
25:08Whatever you have read.
25:12From Makkah Sharif, one Khatam became one lakh Khatam.
25:18Khalifatul Masih I.A.
25:21Khalifatul Masih I.A.
25:22Khalifatul Masih I.A.
25:23Khalifatul Masih I.A.
25:24Khalifatul Masih I.A.
25:25Khalifatul Masih I.A.
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28:08Khalifatul Masih I.A.
28:09Khalifatul Masih I.A.
28:10Khalifatul Masih I.A.
28:11Khalifatul Masih I.A.
28:12Khalifatul Masih I.A.
28:13Khalifatul Masih I.A.
28:14Khalifatul Masih I.A.
28:15Khalifatul Masih I.A.
28:16Khalifatul Masih I.A.
28:17Khalifatul Masih I.A.
28:18Khalifatul Masih I.A.
28:19Khalifatul Masih I.A.
28:20Khalifatul Masih I.A.
28:21Khalifatul Masih I.A.
28:22Khalifatul Masih I.A.
28:42Khalifatul Masih I.A.
29:10Khalifatul Masih I.A.
29:38Khalifatul Masih I.A.
30:06Khalifatul Masih I.A.
30:34Khalifatul Masih I.A.
31:02Khalifatul Masih I.A.
31:30Khalifatul Masih I.A.
31:58Khalifatul Masih I.A.
32:26Khalifatul Masih I.A.
32:54Khalifatul Masih I.A.
33:24Khalifatul Masih I.A.
33:26Khalifatul Masih I.A.
33:45Khalifatul Masih I.A.
