• 2 months ago
15,000 people have flocked to Sydney's Victoria Park on Gadigal Country for the annual Yabun Festival. It’s the largest community-led one-day festival of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Indigenous Affairs Reporter Tahnee Jash is there and joins us now.


00:00Around 1,000 protesters have marched from the Aboriginal Tent Embassy to here at Parliament
00:08Indigenous leaders giving the megaphones to First Nations children to lead chants.
00:12Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land, no pride in genocide, no pride in genocide.
00:21Pleased to change the date of Australia Day and for better social outcomes for Indigenous
00:25Australians, ringing out with the backdrop of federal parliaments.
00:29The broad feeling of inequality and injustice was palpable among those attending the rally
00:33and across generations.
00:35The rally started at the Tent Embassy where those attending were invited to take part
00:39in a smoking ceremony.
00:41Indigenous leaders spoke of Australia being a racist country where disadvantage is woven
00:45into the fabric of society before leading the march to Parliament House.
00:49So they operate up there as if we're not here.
00:55As if we're not sovereign.
00:57As if this isn't our land, but this is our land.
01:01We know that and we continue to show up generation after generation after generation and we will
01:06continue to show up generation after generation.
01:12While there has been a police presence here at the protest, it has remained completely
