• 2 months ago
These twists stopped you from noping out of these movies.


00:00From rug pulls nobody saw coming to unexpectedly clever and satisfying twists, these reveals were
00:06far more fun, interesting and just plain ridiculous than the otherwise forgettable
00:11or even downright awful film preceding it. And that is what kept our asses in our seats.
00:17Gareth here from WhatCulture.com and here are 10 movie reveals that stopped you from walking out.
00:2210. Lucinda is in on the con, derailed
00:26Let's kick things off with the watchable yet mostly forgettable thriller Derailed,
00:30which centres around an advertising exec, Charles Sheen, who embarks on an extramarital affair with
00:36a similarly married woman, Lucinda Harris. Charles is eventually blackmailed by a man
00:41named Philippe Laroche, who has kidnapped Lucinda and promises to kill her if he doesn't pay up
00:46$100,000, which Charles promptly does by taking the money from an account funding his daughter's
00:52medical treatment. Pretty typical erotic thriller fare that doesn't merit much of your attention,
00:57right? But at this point, Charles heads to Lucinda's work and finds that she actually
01:01goes by the name of Jane, before discovering that a picture of her daughter she showed to him was
01:06actually cut out from a brochure. And then the penny finally drops. Charlie tracks Jane down
01:12and spots her kissing Laroche, confirming that she was in on the con from the very beginning.
01:16It's a twist that relies on the audience's overall perception of Jennifer Aniston. She
01:21very rarely plays villains, and is far from the most natural fit for a femme fatale. As such,
01:27it comes as a genuine shock, all the more so as Jane is then shot and killed during a climactic
01:32gunfight between Charles and Laroche.
01:359. Jamie Stabs Darlene – Halloween 4 The Return of Michael Myers
01:39Halloween 4 is far from the worst entry into the series, and has enjoyed greater cult
01:44appreciation in recent years. But it's nevertheless pretty lacklustre compared to the first two
01:49Halloween movies. With all the hype about Michael Myers' return to the screen after sitting out
01:54anthology sequel Halloween 3 – Season of the Witch, Halloween 4 suffered immensely from a
01:59script which was slung together in just 11 days. Perhaps most criminally, it killed Laurie Strode
02:05off-screen, and replaced her with her daughter Jamie Lloyd. Though Danielle Harris gives a
02:10solid performance as Jamie, it's a slog at even just 88 minutes, with Michael taking far too long
02:16to do anything, and the story getting excessively bogged down in dull, melodramatic subplots.
02:21Michael is seemingly killed by a lynch mob at film's end, and just as you probably feel like
02:26you've had enough of the movie, it drops one hell of a last-minute twist in your lap.
02:30Jamie is taken back home and attacks her foster mother Darlene, with a pair of scissors while
02:35wearing a clown costume and mask, in a manner immediately reminiscent of her young uncle in
02:40the original Halloween. It's a brilliant and wildly unexpected twist which touted a provocative
02:46new direction for the series, albeit one which the next film soundly disregarded.
02:522007's War spends the bulk of its runtime failing to deliver on the promises of a hard-boiled action
03:00thriller in which Jason Statham and Jet Li square off against one another. Statham plays FBI agent
03:06John Crawford, who seeks revenge against the mysterious assassin Rogue, played by Jet Li,
03:11who apparently killed Crawford's partner Tom Lone along with his family. But this dead,
03:16ordinary revenge thriller gets a totally bonkers boost of adrenaline in its final 10 minutes,
03:22when it's revealed that the quote-unquote Rogue is actually Tom Lone himself.
03:26Flashbacks reveal that the real Rogue did indeed attack Lone's house and kill his family,
03:31but Lone managed to overpower and kill Rogue, before surgically altering his appearance to
03:36steal Rogue's identity. Oh, and the reason that the real Rogue was able to track down Lone in
03:40the first place? Crawford was blackmailed into providing his address, prompting Lone to shoot
03:45his former partner and escape, the ending leaving it ambiguous whether Crawford survived or not.
03:51Boy, that escalated quickly, huh?
03:54Karen goes back to Rick, the last American virgin. For a solid 98% of its runtime,
04:00The Last American Virgin is a pretty typical 80s boner comedy, filled with gratuitous nudity,
04:06juvenile jokes and a perfunctory abortion subplot, the latter being surprisingly commonplace in
04:11comedies of this era. All the same, this is a what-you-see-is-what-you-get rom-com, right?
04:16We fully expect the film to end with high schooler Gary getting the girl of his dreams,
04:20his cute classmate Karen. Even when Karen gets pregnant by Gary's sexist pig-of-a-friend Rick,
04:26it's Gary who sticks by her and even pays for her abortion by selling his belongings
04:31and borrowing cash from his boss. Gary and Karen seemingly grow closer together as the
04:35film reaches its end, with Gary declaring his love for her, the pair sharing a kiss,
04:40and Karen inviting Gary to her 18th birthday party. Right, we all know where this is going,
04:46why even bother tuning in for the treacly happy ending?
04:49But when an elated Gary arrives at the party, he walks in on Karen and Rick making out. A
04:54devastated Gary promptly leaves the party, drives home in tears, and the end credits roll.
05:00That's it. Nobody could have seen such an unexpected yet believably brutal end coming.
05:05This was a cold bucket of water to the face for audiences,
05:08and two defiant middle fingers up at Hollywood's tendency towards saccharine, implausible romance.
05:146. Gabriel is Madison's parasitic twin malignant
05:18Oh, malignant man. James Wan's horror film is, for the first 75% of its runtime,
05:23a dreadfully dull horror film slash police procedural. Or, if you want to be charitable to
05:28one, a self-aware parody of one. Either way, it's chock full of wooden acting, stilted dialogue,
05:34and drab, predictable scares. Enough that you couldn't be blamed for tuning out before the
05:39third act. But those who stick it out to the end are soundly rewarded with one of the most bonkers
05:44plot twists in recent cinematic history. As it turns out, Gabriel, the serial killer rampaging
05:49in the vicinity of protagonist Madison, is actually Madison's own parasitic, conjoined twin.
05:56Most of Gabriel was surgically removed from Madison in childhood,
06:00but a vestigial part remained due to it being connected to her brain.
06:06And so when Madison's abusive husband gives her a head injury at the start of the film,
06:10it sets Gabriel free, allowing him to effectively hijack Madison's body and carry out the killings.
06:16And because Gabriel is attached to the back of Madison's head, he's only able to control her
06:20backwards, explaining why Gabriel's movements throughout the film look so jerky and unnatural.
06:26It's a boldly insane reveal that perked just about everybody up, ending the film on a certifiably
06:32nuts final section as Gabriel embarks on a gory rampage through a police station.
06:37Did this insane, skull-cracking twist keep you glued to Malignant? Or were you already
06:41on to your next slice of horror at that point? Let me know in the comments section down below.
06:465. Dracula Is Actually Judas – Dracula 2000
06:50There's no two ways about it. Dracula 2000 is freaking trash. A gothic horror film so
06:56aggressively influenced by turn-of-the-century new metal and post-Matrix fashion choices that
07:01it almost graduates to self-parody. But if you make it close to the end of the movie,
07:05there's one genuinely intriguing plot twist lying in wait. It's eventually revealed that
07:10Dracula's real identity is Judas Iscariot, and he was cursed by God to live eternity as a vampire
07:16for betraying Jesus. More to the point, the twist also explains Dracula's odd aversion to silver
07:22throughout the movie. It was part of the curse due to Judas accepting 30 pieces of silver to
07:27betray Jesus. Again, Dracula 2000 isn't a good movie at all, but suggesting that Judas was the
07:33original vampire is a genuinely creative and intriguing twist on traditional vampire lore,
07:39enough that it clearly belonged in a much, much better film.
07:434. Esther Is Dead – Orphan First Kill Many groaned when a prequel to 2009's
07:48deliciously entertaining horror film Orphan was first announced, especially given that lead
07:53actress Isabel Thurman was now well over a decade older, seemingly making the prequel a pretty
07:59awkward fit. And while First Kill's first hour suggests a pretty typical forgettable horror
08:04prequel, whose attempts to make Thurman's appearance consistent with the previous film
08:08are laughable at best, things take a seriously unexpected turn at the end of act two.
08:13The film details Lena slash Esther escaping from an Estonian psych ward and assuming the
08:18identity of missing American girl Esther, where she's reunited with her family – mother Trisha,
08:24father Alan and brother Gunner. Yet the hugely unexpected twist sees Trisha save Esther from a
08:29detective who discovers her deception, shooting him dead. Trisha then reveals she's known Lena
08:34wasn't her daughter from the beginning. Why? Because the real Esther died four years prior
08:39in an argument with Gunner, and Trisha faked Esther's disappearance to protect her son while
08:44keeping her husband firmly in the dark. It's such a clever and genuinely surprising holy crap moment
08:50in a movie that's so unremarkable up to this point. Gamely rearranging the chessboard for
08:55the third act, as Esther discovers she's got a scheming femme fatale for an adoptive mother.
09:01Massimo Has a Secret Twin Brother – 365 Days, This Day
09:06Granted, Netflix's original Polish erotic thriller film 365 Days was so dreadful
09:12and dreadfully problematic that you can only really blame yourself for bothering to watch
09:16its recent sequel, 365 Days, This Day. But after an hour or so of embarrassingly bad dialogue
09:23and toe-curlingly awkward sex scenes, the sequel drops a plot twist so gloriously
09:28telenovela-worthy it surely stopped many from turning the movie off. Midway through the story,
09:34we learn that mobster Massimo has an evil identical twin brother, Adriano, who has sex
09:39with a woman in front of Massimo's wife, Laura, to make her believe he's been unfaithful. Yep.
09:45To call it hilarious is an understatement, especially as the film has the impressive
09:49goal to play the big reveal totally straight rather than ever bothering to wink at the audience.
09:55It may be thunderously dumb, but it's also the kind of car crash stupid you can't help but keep
09:59watching in slack-jawed awe. The Devil is the Old Woman – Devil
10:042010's horror film Devil touts a deliciously appealing premise. A group of five strangers
10:10are trapped inside an elevator, one of whom is the Devil in disguise and secretly killing the
10:15others off one by one. Yet ultimately little interesting is done with this conceptually
10:20intriguing supernatural whodunit, which at least has the good sense to wrap up within a tight 80
10:24minutes – enough that you probably stuck around for its genuinely diverting final gacha.
10:29It's eventually revealed that the Devil is the most unexpected of the five strangers,
10:34an elderly woman who was seemingly killed by the Devil at the end of the second act.
10:38As it turns out, this was all a devilish ruse, as the old woman stands back up at the end of
10:43the movie, her eyes pitch black, revealing her diabolical true nature. The Devil has spent the
10:48movie claiming the lives of the elevator's sinful occupants, and it's ultimately only Tony,
10:53who survives after confessing his role in a fatal accident five years prior,
10:58in turn repenting for his actions and leaving the Devil unable to claim his soul.
11:03At the end of a disappointingly flat, over-familiar mystery-horror film,
11:07Devil at least delivered a genuinely jolting final rug pull.
11:11Tom is Guilty – High Crimes
11:13High Crimes is one of the several absurd Ashley Judd-starring crime thrillers released around
11:18the year 2000, with Judd playing Claire Kubik, whose husband Tom is arrested by the FBI for
11:24allegedly taking part in a military operation in El Salvador, which led to the deaths of nine
11:29unarmed civilians. Tom admits this all to Claire, except claims that he was only present during the
11:35murders and didn't actively take part in them. As Claire and fellow attorney Charlie Grimes defend
11:40Tom in court, it becomes agonisingly clear that there's a conspiracy to cover up the truth
11:44and frame Tom for the massacre. Pretty standard played-out fare for the courtroom drama genre,
11:49basically. Or is it? In the end, we learn the shocking truth, that Tom was indeed guilty of
11:55all the murders, and even killed witnesses years before being arrested. At film's end,
12:00Tom attacks Claire after realising he's been rumbled, resulting in him being shot and killed.
12:05Sometimes a movie feels generic and familiar enough to set your expectations through the
12:10floor, only to swing back around and deliver a genuinely exciting twist.
12:40Check out some more WhatCulture goodness on the channel, and have yourself the best of days!
