• 2 months ago
Director, writer and star James Sweeney, along with castmates Dylan O'Brien, Lauren Graham and Aisling Franciosi of 'Twinless,' sit down for an interview with THR at our studio in Park City to chat about the film. They also dish on the moment they were first recognized, the celebrity that left them starstruck and more.


00:00Describe the movie in one sentence two lonely men make each other less lonely
00:08nice that sounds like a porno. That's what we're selling is it sort of true
00:22that this movie was sort of inspired by the Olsen twins I'd say inspired in the
00:28sense that they were a source of formative inspiration for me but I
00:33wouldn't say anything about their lives or their films directly inspired to
00:36plot love yeah that's why someone asked me yesterday if Lindsay Lohan was a twin
00:43well it's sort of similar because she's she prayed twin I understand I have a
00:51British sister and people always say oh like the parent trap and I'm like no
00:56we're just sisters different countries that's my relationship to the bear but
01:02you knew each other as children yes Dylan and I met in 2020 and then we were
01:11greenlit two weeks before the WGA strength so that we were kind of in a
01:15holding pattern for half a year and then we got the green light go go go go and
01:20then we rushed to cast these lovely ladies I got offered on a Wednesday night
01:24on a Friday morning so it was quick it was fun what is born what is the
01:32fastest that you have ever done from from author to showing up on set it was
01:38Gilmore Girls because I was on another show so they wouldn't see me for a long
01:48time and then they finally I think I got it on a Friday flew to Canada I'm like
01:53Saturday or Sunday but yeah I know like it okay so that worked out it worked out
01:58okay what were each other's first impression as a plane who fun yeah just
02:06fun I I don't know I adore him immediately I is that wrong I didn't
02:13feel that way no I do I do feel like we we sort of instantly had like some kind
02:21of just connectivity that was like really natural yeah like everybody
02:26because you're so charming certainly not this is why I'm sitting for a week no I
02:40don't have that with everybody Wow I'm an earth sign oh which one
02:45specifically which one yeah yes we're opposites in a good way like all my
02:53college roommates River goes like it's it's a good it is it's a good I'm
02:58Pisces did you do this right after speak no evil did I do this no I actually done
03:11something right before it like a little improv movie but yes oh yeah that was I
03:21mean I just I've never done anything in this tone ever so yeah smiling a lot was
03:26new for me to like practice the improv movie was also a James back boy wasn't
03:31yeah just six days of improv the first time you got recognized on the street
03:38does anyone have a memory of that I was in a shoe store and someone asked me for
03:45an autograph and I signed it and then somebody tapped me on the shoulder and I
03:51turned around I was like oh my god this is crazy I am huge and the person goes
03:56do you have these in a night I was like oh yeah I'm just regular still I was in
04:04Walmart yesterday the other night and a woman asked me if I knew where the
04:12linens were I said I don't watch it what about anyone's first time being
04:18starstruck I was very excited when I sat next to John C Reilly and and then I
04:24went once I was in the lift with Willem Dafoe and I was like I love it did you
04:28say anything no I interned on a film in college where Kristen Bell was one of
04:41the actresses and I was standing guard and I had some sort of snack and she's
04:47like trying to get in I have to stop her I'm like do you want some she's like no
04:52she's very sweet but it was embarrassing for me I'm starstruck by
04:58everybody it's really a problem I didn't move with Meryl Streep I was
05:04nightmare the whole time first one's kind of fair yeah that was like a little
05:09mic to drop just there that was pretty cool no well in there I didn't film a
05:12Meryl Streep to the degree that I've just blood was pounding in my ears
05:18during all of our scenes which is not good it's not it's not a good way to be
05:21an actor but it was pretty cool my dad's a camera operator and when I was
05:28I think nine he was working on the the New York unit he was beat him up on the
05:34New York unit for spider-man and bring it on I just come out and I was like in
05:39love with Kirsten Dunst and I got to go there shooting in Queens one night my
05:43mom took me to like watch from the set and they're shooting a scene and I was
05:49just watching Kirsten Dunst from like a far like a really long far away with
05:53binoculars yeah couldn't hear them but I thought that was so cool anyone have a
06:00one movie that like they always watch over and over again it's weirdly
06:04Godfather one and two oh I can't I can never not I can never turn away do you
06:11have a preference between two I feel guilty if I rewatch movies really cuz I'm
06:17like there's so many movies to watch no I feel yeah yeah yeah favorite movies
06:22Barton Fink though shout it
