• hace 2 meses
A estas películas no les fue nada bien. Bienvenido a WatchMojo, y hoy vamos a hacer un recuento de las películas que tuvieron mayores reacciones negativas por parte del público o de la crítica.


00:00I'm not afraid of anything, I just don't want you to be afraid of me.
00:06Hey, hello and welcome to WatchMojo Spanish, I'm G,
00:10and today we are going to make a recap of the movies that had the most negative reactions from the public or the critics.
00:16Ok, I'm waiting for the punchlines.
00:19Number 30, The Flash.
00:21This is mad trippy, so we're like in the future.
00:25No, wait, this is not trippy, dude, this is catastrophic.
00:28This movie faced a negative response even before it was released.
00:33Thanks to the actions of its star, Ezra Miller, The Flash ended up being shot at the end of 2021.
00:39In 2022, Miller was accused of all kinds of unpleasant behaviors,
00:44such as assaulting and harassing several people and multiple robberies.
00:48He was arrested and many people speculated that he was dealing with some mental health problems.
00:53Of course, all this affected Warner Bros.' ability to commercialize the movie,
00:58and discouraged many people to go see it.
01:11Although it received decent reviews, especially for a DCEU movie,
01:17it barely recovered its huge budget in box office.
01:20Number 29, Dragon Ball Evolution.
01:34How can you ruin the adaptation of such a beloved manga?
01:36Making a cheap and boring movie that is totally unfaithful to the original material,
01:41and choosing a lot of white people for the main roles.
01:45Everyone hated this movie.
01:47It has a terrible 14% in Rotten Tomatoes,
01:50and the creator of Dragon Ball, Akira Toriyama, disliked it so much that he said he couldn't even call it Dragon Ball.
01:57The hatred towards this movie was so intense that years later,
02:01both the screenwriter, Ben Ramsey, and the main actor, Justin Chatwin,
02:05apologized for having spoiled it so much.
02:14Number 28, It Ends With Us.
02:16This movie was a surprise hit of the summer, and in general, it was well received by fans.
02:21However, the marketing that Blake Lively did for the movie was another story.
02:34Breaking the circle addresses some dark themes around domestic violence,
02:39and even represents some scenes that can be difficult to see.
02:43However, Lively promoted the movie as a romantic, angry comedy.
02:48Many people also criticized her for using the press tour to sell her hair care products,
02:54and her drink line, instead of drawing attention to the problem of couple violence.
02:59In the interviews, Lively even alluded to the questions about how the survivors would react to the movie.
03:08This has led many to wonder if she really understands the seriousness of her own movie.
03:24Number 27, Dear Evan Hansen.
03:38First of all, let's put things in their place.
03:41Ben Platt seems too old to play a college student.
03:46He was about 27 years old at the time of filming,
03:49and somehow he even looks older than that on the screen.
03:53It does not help that his roommate, Caitlin Dever, seems much younger,
03:58which makes their romantic scenes together a bit...
04:04Many critics and viewers did not like the way the movie portrays mental illnesses either,
04:10and some described it as superficial, cruel and even harmful.
04:14It seems that there is a pattern.
04:16If you are going to make a movie that deals with dark themes,
04:19you need a skillful touch, and some filmmakers just don't have it.
04:25Number 26, Joker.
04:47It is difficult to believe how much indignation this movie generated before its premiere.
04:51Many thought that Joker glorified violence
04:53and could even inspire people to commit violent acts after seeing it.
04:58Some cinemas reinforced security during the weekend of the premiere,
05:02while others refused to project the movie.
05:05In the end, these fears were unfounded.
05:08The sequel to 2024, Joker Folia 2, faced another type of reaction.
05:14People didn't like it very much.
05:16Critics were unequal in the best of cases,
05:19and its box office performance was much lower than expected,
05:23which left the future of the franchise in uncertainty.
05:36Number 25, Monty Python's Life of Brian.
05:50This classic satire follows the life of an ordinary man
05:53who is born next to Jesus and later confused with the Messiah.
05:57Of course, religious comedies tend to inspire a lot of indignation,
06:01but the reaction to Brian's life was extreme.
06:05Many United Kingdom town halls banned the movie even before watching it.
06:10Some didn't even have movie theaters in their jurisdictions,
06:14so the ban was a purely symbolic act.
06:17It was also banned in Ireland and Norway,
06:20and some religious groups called it blasphemy.
06:35In particular, they criticized the ending,
06:37arguing that it ridiculed the crucifixion of Jesus.
06:41The controversy continued in the 21st century,
06:44with some Christian groups criticizing others for promoting the movie.
06:48Number 24, The Last Airbender.
06:51The biggest crime of this movie is that it is terrible.
06:55The plot lacks meaning, the performances are of poor quality,
06:59the editing is horrible and the effects are very cheap,
07:03despite the $150 million budget.
07:07Critics and fans hated it equally,
07:10and many described it as one of the worst movies ever shot.
07:14The decision to choose white actors for the two main roles didn't help either.
07:19To top it off, the television series it is based on is universally loved.
07:35While the action movie does everything wrong,
07:38the cartoons do everything right,
07:41with well-developed characters, solid themes and exciting arguments.
07:46Although the screenwriter and director M. Night Shyamalan declared himself a fan of the series,
07:50he only spoiled the adaptation.
08:02Number 23, Blonde.
08:09They want you.
08:11You belong.
08:15Just that alone is worth anything.
08:17One of the most polarizing movies before 2022.
08:20This fictional story of Marilyn Monroe's life
08:23seems to bury the late star just to exploit her.
08:27Her real life was full of tragedies, but Blonde is frankly brutal in her portrait.
08:32It includes scenes of aggression and other horrifying incidents that never really happened,
08:38inviting the viewer to contemplate Monroe's suffering.
08:42Although the interpretation of Ana de Armas was highly praised,
08:46many criticized Monroe's portrayal as dehumanizing, one-dimensional and misogynistic.
08:52There's going to be younger people that don't know anything about her,
08:54and they're going to think that JFK assaulted Marilyn Monroe.
08:57It's not fair to either one of them because there's no proof that it ever happened.
08:59The other characters, including President John F. Kennedy,
09:03don't come out much better standing.
09:05Regardless of their opinion on the movie,
09:08we all agree that it's not easy to watch.
09:11Number 22, A Clockwork Orange.
09:14The Durango 95 purred away real horror show.
09:19A nice, warm, vibrating feeling all through your gutty woods.
09:23Sometimes the reaction to a violent movie is irrational,
09:27but in the case of A Clockwork Orange it's a little more understandable.
09:31Both the movie and the book it's based on are extremely violent,
09:35and not just for the standards of the 70s.
09:38And what's worse, the perpetrators are teenagers
09:42and the movie often presents its brutal actions as cheerful and fun.
09:46The movie was banned in several countries,
09:49and even some imitation crimes were attributed to it,
09:52including a murder committed by a 16-year-old
09:55who claimed to have been inspired by the movie.
09:58Stanley Kubrick's wife denounced that she and her husband
10:01had been threatened by the movie.
10:03As a result, it was withdrawn from British cinemas at the director's request.
10:08You can be instrumental in changing the public's verdict.
10:16Do you understand, Alex?
10:19Do I make myself clear?
10:21Number 21, Music.
10:23Hello, Music.
10:26I'll be up to fix your air conditioner in a couple of minutes.
10:29All right? Here you go.
10:31When viewers leave a movie wondering what the creators were thinking,
10:35you know something has gone very wrong.
10:38Apart from the fact that it's just bad,
10:41Music was criticized in practically every corner of the internet
10:44for its representation of autism.
10:46The screenwriter and director, Sia,
10:48chose a neurotypical person, Maddie Zellger,
10:51to play the role of a non-verbal autistic girl.
10:54The representation was labeled as stereotyped, exaggerated, and even dangerous.
10:59Members of the autism community called for representative casting
11:03and called out what they perceived as offensive portrayal of people with autism.
11:08And worst of all, Ziegler herself
11:10was afraid to offend autistic people with the movie,
11:13but Sia convinced her to do it.
11:16This is a movie that should never have been made.
11:19Number 20, Crush.
11:21Although Brokeback Mountain
11:23seemed predestined to win the 78th Academy Award for Best Film,
11:29a select group of people supported Paul Hagee's drama
11:33about racial tension to cause discomfort.
11:41Well, the movie that could finally crush the Oscars
11:45and its followers, left the boat immediately.
11:49Now, when people talk about the winners of Best Films,
11:53Crush is usually the easy answer,
11:56and many call it traffic for fools.
12:11I think we miss that touch so much
12:14that we crash into each other just so we can feel something.
12:18However, if you are one of those few people
12:21who supports the Academy election,
12:23we will not judge you.
12:26Number 19, Aloha.
12:28About the role, Aloha seems to be a great success.
12:32It is written and directed by Cameron Crowell
12:35and is starring a series of prominent characters
12:39that otherwise would guarantee viewers in the box office,
12:43including Bradley Cooper, Bill Murray and Rachel McAdams.
12:48But things did not turn out that way.
12:51The writing and direction did not work well,
12:54but above all, it faced a significant amount of controversy
12:58for its blanking.
13:00The worst part of the reviews
13:02was directed to Emma Stone's casting,
13:05who played a Hawaiian and Chinese descent pilot
13:09named Alison Ng.
13:16Some argued that Stone's sea delivery was intentional,
13:20including Stone herself,
13:22who stated that the character was not supposed to be similar to her origin,
13:26although she has also expressed her regret.
13:29However, she was strongly criticized and mocked
13:32at the 2019 Golden Globes ceremony.
13:42Number 18, Driving Miss Daisy.
13:45This film, starring Morgan Freeman and Jessica Tandy,
13:50was a great success in 1989.
13:53It raised almost $150 million
13:57and received nine nominations
13:59in the 62nd edition of the Academy Awards.
14:08It also set some Oscars records.
14:11Tandy became the winner of Best Actress of the Year.
14:15It is the most recent PG film to win Best Film
14:20and is one of the five winners of Best Film
14:23that has not received a nomination for Best Director.
14:30Something I done?
14:35Perhaps this speaks to the controversy of its triumph.
14:38Many people believe that Driving Miss Daisy
14:41did not deserve the best film,
14:43including the members of the Academy.
14:45When The Hollywood Reporter surveyed the members in 2015,
14:49many admitted that the award should have been for My Left Foot.
14:55Number 17, The Twilight Saga.
14:59After the bestseller by Stephenie Meyer reached the big screen,
15:04half of the human population rejoiced,
15:07while the other half was indifferent.
15:10How old are you?
15:16How long have you been 17?
15:22A while.
15:23The more attention Twilight received
15:26and the more MTV Movie Awards awards it won,
15:29the more people got upset.
15:31That annoyance quickly turned into a strong anger
15:35that seemed as if the movies of the series
15:37were the engendering of Satan.
15:41Although even once the fans are starting to admit
15:46that Twilight received more success than it deserves,
15:49it is also possible that we have given it more hate than it was necessary.
15:54Number 16, Mother.
15:57Mother, by Darren Aronofsky,
15:59is one of the most divisive movies of the decade.
16:03And that became evident during its premiere
16:06at the Venice Film Festival,
16:08when it was applauded and booed simultaneously.
16:19Some hated the religious metaphors of the movie
16:23and the biblical allegories,
16:25perhaps waiting for a simpler invasion story.
16:33But the worst offense was the graphic violence that was displayed.
16:38Mother was brutally criticized for its degree of violence,
16:42which includes the constant mistreatment of Jennifer Lawrence's mother
16:47and a horrible event that involved her newborn baby.
16:51A lot of people can stand the barbarity in the cinema,
16:54but this was crossing the line.
16:58Number 15, Ghostbusters.
17:01As well-intentioned as this movie was,
17:05Ghostbusters is just one of those movies that you don't remake.
17:09It is a classic of all time
17:11and the nostalgic fans who have it close to their hearts
17:15were not happy.
17:23The cast of women also caused a lot of violent reactions,
17:28as well as Leslie Jones' performance,
17:31which some perceived as an Afro-American character,
17:34noisy and stereotyped.
17:37The trailer quickly became the least liked on YouTube
17:42and this only caused more negative reactions.
17:45Some saw the hostile response as misogynistic
17:49and an example of the ongoing cultural war,
17:52and the people involved in the movie
17:55began to actively defend themselves on social media.
17:59It was a huge disaster wherever you look at it.
18:03Number 14, The English Patient.
18:06The story of The English Patient is obviously loved.
18:10The movie received 12 Oscar nominations
18:13and the novel it is based on
18:15won the Booker Award and the Governor General Award.
18:20However, both received a good amount of criticism and debate
18:25about the ethics of rewriting history.
18:34The English Patient
18:40The title patient is based on Laszlo Almasy,
18:43a man who helped the Axis Powers during World War II.
18:48Almasy died of dysentery in 1951,
18:52while in the movie he was given a fatal morphine overdose
18:56after a plane accident.
18:58The movie has also received a negative reaction
19:02for Fargo's airing at the Oscars
19:05and was famous for receiving a mockery in an episode of Seinfeld.
19:19Number 13, The Life of Adele.
19:22This European film was very well received by critics
19:25and won numerous awards in the industry,
19:28but the controversy was there from day one.
19:32Director Abdelatif Ketchic received complaints
19:36about the unfavorable work conditions reported
19:39by both the team and the main actresses.
19:51Ketchic himself later expressed his doubts about the release,
19:56believing that the negative publicity had tainted his reputation.
20:00In fact, the movie was released,
20:03but it only caused more negative reactions,
20:06since many people disagreed with its more intimate scenes.
20:11Some thought they were too graphic,
20:14and those who belonged to the LGBTQ community
20:18found it unrealistic.
20:27Number 12, The Darkest Night.
20:30While The Darkest Night, by Catherine Bigelow,
20:35was an impeccably made movie,
20:38it also received a lot of negative comments
20:41that, without a doubt, have ruined its legacy.
20:44The movie was quickly caught up in the 2012 presidential elections,
20:49thanks to many Republicans who accused it of supporting Obama's re-election.
20:55Some believed that Bigelow and his team
20:58received classified information from the Obama administration
21:02while making the story.
21:14Others, including the CIA director,
21:17fiercely and publicly criticized the apparent inclinations
21:21in favor of torture in the movie,
21:23some called it propagandistic and historically inaccurate.
21:28Finally, the families of some of the victims of September 11
21:32attacked the movie for including voice recordings
21:35of their loved ones without their consent.
21:40Number 11, Juno.
21:42Despite the strong praises of the critics,
21:45Juno immediately became the target of movements
21:48that were against abortion
21:50and those who were in favor of the right to abortion.
21:53Some believed that the movie showed strong themes against abortion,
21:57since Juno flirted briefly with the idea
22:00before actively deciding against it.
22:10It does not help that Juno was released the same year as Waitress and Knocked Up,
22:16two comedies with similar stories.
22:20I'll meet you in my office.
22:24I'll give you a little time alone here.
22:26In addition, the movie was blamed for a series of teenage pregnancies in Massachusetts,
22:31which resulted in what was called the Juno Effect.
22:35That ain't no etch-a-sketch.
22:37This is one doodle that can't be undid, Holmes Gillett.
22:40Finally, the political background of the movie was mentioned again in 2019,
22:45when the writer Diablo Cody stated that she would not have written Juno today
22:50due to the hellish alternative reality in which we now seem to be trapped.
22:56Number 10, The Hobbit. An Unexpected Journey.
22:59Although most of us knew that The Hobbit didn't have to be three movies,
23:04we were excited to visit Middle-earth again and follow the unexpected journey of Bilbo.
23:10I'm going on an adventure!
23:12At first it was fun to see Gandalf and Gollum again.
23:16However, after reading the following chapters of the trilogy,
23:20Peter Jackson was officially proving our patience.
23:25Because The Hobbit started as a relatively short children's novel,
23:29many believed that the extended adaptation had more filler than an endless novel.
23:35I turned your back!
23:37You turned away from the suffering of my people and the inferno that destroyed us!
23:43Perhaps an addition of the director or, even better, of a fan is necessary.
23:47What was also unexpected was the mixed result with respect to the new technology of 48 frames per second used
23:55and many viewers did not find it as an improvement.
24:00Number 9, Titanic.
24:02Is it possible that a movie has too much success?
24:05Being Titanic an obvious example.
24:15The movie broke all kinds of records in box office and Oscar awards.
24:20But the insurmountable success of James Cameron did not stop there.
24:24For a long time it was impossible to go anywhere without making reference to Titanic.
24:30Once the world finally got tired of that, they really got tired of that.
24:44Anyway, it is possible that you have seen Titanic in theaters several times.
24:50Any movie that achieves that must have done something very well.
24:56Number 8, Ghost in the Shell.
24:58Scarlett Johansson is a great actress, but Motoko Kusanagi was the right role for her?
25:05I made you a new body, a synthetic shell.
25:11But your mind, your soul, your ghost, it's still in there.
25:17Many people do not believe it.
25:19Being an adaptation of a Japanese manga, Ghost in the Shell received a lot of pre-launch advertising due to Johansson's casting
25:27and many people classified it as an example of whitewashing.
25:31It received more criticism when it was reported that the directors were going to use CGI to make Johansson look Asian.
25:38However, many others, including the director of the anime movies and the rights holder of Ghost in the Shell, defended the casting and praised Johansson.
25:48It feels like there's always this thick fog over my memory and I can't see through it.
25:53It was also widely reported that many Japanese natives and manga fans were not bothered or surprised by Scarlett's casting.
26:05Number 7, Avatar.
26:07The bigger the movie, the bigger the reaction.
26:11Between 2009 and 2019, Avatar was the biggest box office movie in history.
26:17Although it was briefly surpassed by Avengers Endgame, it took first place again in 2021 thanks to a Chinese reissue.
26:35As expected, the movie has received a negative reaction like no other throughout this time.
26:41In parallel to Titanic, Avatar has gone from reigning in the box office to being the most criticized entity online.
26:49Both bloggers and commentators can't stand the idea that a movie with such simplistic themes and a cliché story has raised more than 2 billion dollars.
27:01What the hell have you people been smoking out there?
27:05They're just goddamn trees!
27:10Regardless, there are still many pro-blue people who proudly defend the movie, which is a good thing considering how many sequels will be released in the 2020s.
27:23Number 6, The Last Temptation of Christ.
27:26Martin Scorsese has often received criticism for the degree of violence in his movies.
27:32In this case, however, it was to represent Jesus Christ having a greater intimacy with Mary Magdalene.
27:43Although the movie includes a discharge of responsibility that says in a quote,
27:48not based on the Gospels, that did not prevent some Christians from getting angry.
27:54Many Christian groups protested and boycotted the premiere of the film, and some movie chains gave in to the pressure and refused to show it.
28:03According to reports, Scorsese received death threats and the film was banned in several countries.
28:09But the worst came on October 22, 1988,
28:13when a group of Christian fundamentalists set fire to a cinema in Paris that screened the film.
28:2414 people were injured in the attack.
28:27Number 5, Kids.
28:29This drama about the majority of the age, directed by Larry Clark, originally received the rare NC-17 rating due to its explicit content.
28:44Filmed in a quasi-documentary format, Kids received immediate criticism for its graphic character,
28:51and some even labeled it exploitative and illegal.
28:56Not only was the content itself controversial, but many of the main characters were considered abhorrent and unpleasant.
29:13A scene that, by the way, we will not show, continues to receive immense criticism,
29:18both for its scary content and for the unbreakable way in which it was filmed.
29:23Many people saw some artistic merit in the film, instead of calling it provocation for the simple fact of provocation.
29:32Number 4, The Interview.
29:34If the uproar around The Interview taught us something, it is that people would fulfill all the demands of North Korea.
29:43Ladies and gentlemen!
29:45To show the beautiful sign of our people's republic,
29:50we have come from the United States.
29:53The film generated criticism across the country for its representation of the screen murder of Kim Jong-un.
30:14Sony Pictures Releasing was pirated before the release of the tape,
30:19and computer pirates who had connections with North Korea threatened with future attacks if the release was carried out as planned.
30:28After the threats, Sony withdrew The Interview from a general release,
30:34a measure that was harshly criticized by both critics and actors.
30:39Even President Obama condoned the measure and said,
30:42we cannot have a society in which a dictator somewhere can begin to impose censorship in the United States.
30:50Number 3, Wapis.
30:52This is the debut of the French director Maimouna Doucouré.
30:57It was not a great first impression.
30:59This morning, Netflix is under growing fire after its release of the award-winning French film, Cuties.
31:05Netflix completely ruined the release of this tape by presenting a controversial poster that showed young girls with little clothes.
31:14Although the film criticizes this type of hypersexualization in pre-teenagers,
31:20Netflix subscribers and organizations found the poster extremely inappropriate and demanded the cancellation of production.
31:29Numerous American politicians publicly condemned the film through social media
31:35and even argued that its release violated federal laws and constituted a criminal behavior.
31:42But despite the very violent reaction, Netflix continues to defend the film and claims that it has been misinterpreted.
31:50This is a mirror of today's society.
31:52A mirror sometimes difficult to look into and accept but still so true.
31:57Number 2, Nymphomaniac.
32:00Directed by the always provocative Lars Bontier,
32:03Nymphomaniac is about a woman named Jo who gives a stranger her wild personal life.
32:10But if you're to understand her, I'll have to tell you the whole story.
32:15And it will be long.
32:17In the uncut version, running five and a half hours of patience test,
32:22Nymphomaniac received criticism for both its indulgent execution time and its explicit content.
32:37In fact, the lower parts of the body of several adult artists who acted as doubles of the body
32:43were superimposed on those of the actors in the film.
32:46As such, the tape has incredibly graphic shots that some find very uncomfortable to see.
32:53And it faced some negative reactions with respect to the unbridled nature of the images.
33:00Certainly, this is not to see with your parents.
33:03Hey, hey, hey! We are not yet at the end.
33:07Remember to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
33:13Very well, let's see the position number 1.
33:18Number 1, The Passion of Christ.
33:21Really, anything that involves Jesus will surely be controversial.
33:33Although it was a huge and well-done success,
33:36Mel Gibson's biblical epic was implacably crucified by the media.
33:43Some argued against the biblical precision of the film,
33:48but one of the major affirmations was that the tape was antisemitic.
33:53However, many of these affirmations were made before the release,
33:57and many prominent critics praised the film and argued against its alleged antisemitic themes.
34:04Others focused on the scope of graphic violence and compared it to a snuff film.
34:16It was not only difficult to see the violence,
34:19but some also argued that the film lost the teachings of history
34:23and focused solely on its brutality.
34:27Which film do you think deserved so many criticisms?
34:29Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other videos of WatchMojo en Español.
