• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Giorgio Rutelli intervista James Carafano (Heritage Foundation) nello studio vodcast dell'Adnkronos. Carafano respinge il paragone tra la politica espansionistica della Russia e della Cina e l’approccio americano. “Non stiamo ricreando la Guerra Fredda,” afferma, sottolineando l’importanza di proteggere interessi strategici come la Groenlandia, vitale per la sicurezza transatlantica dagli anni della Prima Guerra Mondiale. “Trump comprende che non possiamo permettere che legittimi interessi di sicurezza nazionale vengano compromessi.”


00:00Isn't there the risk that if Trump says, okay, this is our quadrant, we're going to take
00:04care of our quadrant and expand our influence into these two different territories, then
00:11that's going to encourage Russia to say, well, okay, so my quadrant is in Central Europe,
00:17so I will keep on expanding in Ukraine or Georgia, et cetera, and then, of course, China
00:22with Taiwan, that it's – so we all divide up our world in three different influences.
00:29It is a false analogy to equate what the Russians are doing in Ukraine and what China wants
00:33to do in Taiwan and U.S. policy.
00:36For the simple reason it's the objectives and the means and methods are very different.
00:41The United States is not out to create hard spheres of influence.
00:43We are not recreating the Cold War.
00:45We're going to have one big red circle and that's all our stuff, and the other guy
00:48is going to have a big blue circle.
00:49The world can't be divided that way.
00:52Trump is way so experienced that he knows it's not true.
00:56On the other hand, you cannot allow your legitimate national security interest to be
01:02compromised by people who are out to get you.
01:08There is a perfect analogy between European concern about Ukraine, not just Ukraine, but
01:14where Putin might go after that as directly threatening their security, as there is about
01:20Greenland has only been vital to U.S. interests since World War I.
01:26Ironically, because you hear a lot of Europeans get very nervous about this, but why is Greenland
01:32important to us?
01:33It's because Europe is important to us, because the transatlantic crossing is the lily pads
01:40that tie the transatlantic crossing together, which are literally non-negotiable, are Greenland
01:44and Iceland.
01:45It's always been that way.
01:47During World War II, if we'd lost Greenland and Iceland, we could not have won the Battle
01:51of the Atlantic.
01:53It was that way when the Cold War ended.
01:54It was that way in the 1990s.
01:57We never talked about it, and we never did much about it, because we never saw a credible
