• 2 months ago
യുജിസി ചട്ട ഭേദഗതിക്കെതിരെയുള്ള പ്രമേയം ജനാധിപത്യ അവകാശമെന്നും പ്രതികരണം.


00:00See, I had come here to inquire about health of veteran leader in public life, Shri Achyuthanandji.
00:11From my college days also I used to hear about him and he has been an ideal in public life
00:21and I happen to be the governor here, so I thought I must meet him, his family, discuss
00:30and it was very fortunate that we all met in the house. Because of his ill health he could not
00:39speak, but still we could exchange our views, just we met within the eyes only.
00:49So, but everything was so fine, I wanted to be always meet AKG, this Achyuthanandji
00:58and then I came here, that's all. I pray for him a good health as early as possible.
01:17Yeah, it is everybody has a right to say anything over anything in this country,
01:21being a democratic. So, all those views should go to the proper person, proper platform,
01:29they will discuss. Still these things are draft, not the final version. So, considering the views,
01:36different views, everybody's views, they will come with the final document.
01:41Sir, many of the universities in Kerala are still left without the vice chancellors,
01:45will you take any action?
01:47I will have to find out if there are some vacancies and then I will proceed.
01:51And the Kerala government has decided to oppose the UGC regulations, what will be your stance, sir?
01:57No, that I have already said, they have said something and everybody has a view to say,
02:03everybody can say it, we being a democratic country, I think there is nothing wrong in
02:10saying anything against any democratic country.
02:20Sir, yesterday Chief Minister and Vice-Chancellor Liu met in Sharjah, how was the meeting?
02:24It was a very cordial meeting, I was very happy that both of them had come there,
02:29we had a good exchange of views and we exchanged pleasantries, how the weather, everything.
