• 2 months ago
ऋषिकेश में कैबिनेट मंत्री प्रेमचंद अग्रवाल के सामने जनता ने निर्दलीय प्रत्याशी के पक्ष में की नारेबाजी. वापस लौटे अग्रवाल.


00:00Protestors chanting.
01:00The election is being held at a slow pace and this is a conspiracy of the government to slow down the elections in any way possible because the atmosphere is against the government at the moment and a lot of votes are going to be cast against the government.
01:18The government is trying to slow down the elections in order to avoid the anger of the people.
01:31KK Mishra was called up and told that a lot of votes have been cast against the government and a lot of votes have been cast against the government.
01:46A lot of votes have been cast against the government and a lot of votes have been cast against the government and a lot of votes have been cast against the government.
02:01My request to the Election Commission is that the elections should be held at a fast pace or else the voters will leave.
02:11We have seen that a lot of votes have been cast against the government.
