• 2 months ago


00:00What is the message you want to convey to the public?
00:02The complaint that was filed against the road safety was prepared by Manoj Srinivasa
00:09And it was dismissed by the children of the city
00:14The message in this is that whenever you ride a bike, wear a helmet
00:20And also wear a helmet for your companions
00:23And also don't ride a car without a seat belt
00:29So that the roads are safe
00:31It is our responsibility to reduce the number of accidents on the roads
00:36And we are working on this
00:38As a result, more and more people have become aware of road safety
00:42More and more people have understood that they should wear helmets
00:48I have seen many people in Aligarh who do not wear helmets
00:52And they walk like this
00:54Many times our officials have told them to follow the rules
01:00The traffic police should always follow the rules
01:02It is not that you should only wear a helmet
01:06Many people think that they have got a license to avoid wearing a helmet
01:10Or they have done some other work
01:14But there is no such purpose
01:16Your safety is important
01:18This is the only purpose
01:20This is the basic aim of this project
01:22To bring the children here
01:24The children are feeling the heat
01:26Many of them are standing on the road
01:28The only purpose is that people should follow the rules
01:32Not because of the fear of the traffic police
01:35Only for their own safety
01:37What will be done for the slogan of no helmet, no fuel?
01:42You have to do the work
01:44The public has to do the work
01:46We have to do the work
01:48We have met with the petrol pump
01:50We have met with the DM
01:52We have done the check-in
01:56We have done a lot of things
01:58But you have to do the work
02:02On 23rd January, we had planned to build a human cycle
02:07The aim of building a human cycle is to increase the awareness of road safety
02:15Why only on 23rd January?
02:17On 23rd January, we have to connect the people with the human cycle
02:21We have to connect the people, the authorities, the civil society and the students
02:25This is a day decided by the government
02:28This is not a day decided by us or any government
02:33Today on 23rd January, the human cycle is being organized all over Uttar Pradesh
02:38The message of road safety and awareness should reach all the people
