00:00What complaint did you file against them?
00:02In 2017-18, I filed a complaint against the guest-teacher for fake admission.
00:10The government had removed the status of the guest-teacher by making them fill in the form of fake.
00:17The person who was roaming around for the qualification, was not allowed to do so.
00:21They had put their names in the form of fake and had prepared a fake document for their admission.
00:27When the complaint was filed against me, the investigation was carried out by the department.
00:32Everyone was found guilty.
00:34The person who had removed the status of the guest-teacher, had been compensated for it.
00:42But this is not an investigation.
00:44Compensating for the status of the guest-teacher is not an investigation.
00:46The case of fake admission has been going on for the past 7 years.
00:50How many people are involved in this case?
00:53The case of the guest-teacher has been filed against 19 people, including the M.K. Tripathi.
01:00There are many unknown people involved in this case.
01:04If the police investigation is carried out, then there will be many people involved in this case.
01:14Are you satisfied with the result?
01:16Yes, I am satisfied.
01:18I would like to thank the court.
01:20I have been fighting this case for the past 7-8 years.
01:24But the department officials did not take any action against me.
01:27They used to chase me away.
01:30They used to say, what will you do with me?
01:32You can't do anything to me.
01:34I would like to tell everyone that if an official does not file a complaint against me,
01:40then they should seek the help of the court.
01:42I am very happy with the order of the court.