• 2 months ago
बुरहानपुर में महिलाओं ने पान मसाला के खाली पाउच से आकर्षक चटाई का निर्माण कर रहे हैं. जो मेहमान नवाजी के काम आ रहा है.


00:00What are you doing?
00:29I am making Chhattai
00:30What kind of Chhattai is this?
00:32This is Sagar Chhattai
00:34What is Sagar Chhattai?
00:36It is a kind of Chhattai made of food items like water, bread etc.
00:41Where do you get this Chhattai from?
00:43I get it from a street vendor
00:47I get fresh Chhattai from there
00:50I make Chhattai from the leftover Chhattai at home
00:55How long does it take to make this much Chhattai?
00:58It took me a year to make this much Chhattai
01:01Sometimes it takes 4 to 6 months to make this much Chhattai
01:05Do you sell this Chhattai?
01:07Yes, I sell it
01:09How much do you sell it for?
01:12I sell it for Rs. 600, Rs. 700, Rs. 800, Rs. 1000
01:16I buy it from a street vendor
