• 2 months ago


00:00What are you doing?
00:04I am making a mat.
00:05What kind of mat is this?
00:07This is made of Sagar.
00:09Sagar? What is Sagar?
00:11It is used to make food.
00:15So, where do you get it from?
00:18It is kept outside the shop.
00:20You can pick it up from the street and bring it.
00:22You can pick it up and bring it.
00:25You can use it at home.
00:29How long does it take to make a mat like this?
00:33It has taken a year.
00:40What is your name?
00:42Sharda Bhai.
00:44Where do you live?
00:45Muni Plat.
00:48What do you do?
00:50I am a craftsman.
