• 2 months ago
ગુજરાત રાજ્યમાં સ્થાનિક સ્વરાજ્યની ચૂંટણી જાહેર થઈ છે. આ સાથે જ ખેડબ્રહ્મા નગરપાલિકા પર સત્તા સ્થાપવા તમામ પક્ષોએ કમર કસી છે.


00:00On the 16th of February, the Chutni Commissioner has come to celebrate the Chutni of Kher Brahma Nagar Palika.
00:06It is a joyous occasion.
00:08There have been a lot of protests in Umedwar since a long time.
00:11Today, it has finally come to an end.
00:13On the 16th of February, the Chutni of Kher Brahma Nagar Palika will be held.
00:17We have seven wards and 28 Umedwars will take part in it.
00:21I am very hopeful that we will give the people of India a great victory.
00:27Sport is an important part of development.
00:32The public has been asking for sport since a long time.
00:35There is no sport in Kher Brahma Taluka.
00:37We are trying to make it happen.
00:39There is a problem with the water in summer.
00:42To solve that, we have made check dams in the river.
00:46Due to which, the water level in the wells of the Nagar Palika will increase.
00:51And the problems the public faces in summer will be solved.
00:54We have done a lot of development work.
00:59We will complete all the work that is left in the next few days.
