प्रयागराज ( यूपी ) - आज महाकुंभ का दसवां दिन है। संगम में लाखों श्रद्धालु लगातार स्नान कर रहे हैं। इसी बीच महाकुंभ मेले में तंदूरी चाय का स्वाद लोगों के जुबान पर चढ़ा हुआ है। लोग लगातार इस तंदूरी चाय की चुस्की ले रहे हैं । प्रीतम का कहना है कि जिस तरीके से मिट्टी के बर्तन को अच्छे से तंदूर में पका कर उसमें चाय दी जा रही है इस कारण चाय का स्वाद अलग ही आ रहा है। वहीं महाराष्ट्र से आए श्रद्धालु चंद्रकांत गबाले को तंदूरी चाय बहुत पसंद आई। तंदूरी चाय की दुकान लगाने वाले हेमंत साहू का कहना है कि इस बार के महाकुंभ का आयोजन बहुत बढ़िया किया गया है। दुकानदारों को कोई दिक्कत नहीं हो रही है।
01:00Here you get Tandoori Tea.
01:07First they cook the clay pot, then they serve the remaining tea.
01:12The tea has a very good taste.
01:14I enjoyed drinking this tea here in Kumbakonar.
01:16I had one cup of tea after I took a bath.
01:19I had tea for two hours.
01:22I had tea for three hours.
01:25I enjoyed drinking this tea here in Kumbakonar.
01:27I had one cup of tea after I took a bath.
01:30The tea was so good.
01:31I felt like having tea again.
01:33I don't know much about Tandoori.
01:36I am from Maharashtra.
01:38But the tea was very good.
01:40They cook it in a Tandoori and serve it in a clay pot.
01:43I am drinking it for the first time.
01:45You don't get it in Maharashtra.
01:46Sir, this is our special Tandoori tea.
01:48We have come from Lucknow.
01:50They are serving Kumbakonar tea based on our cleanliness.
01:54As Mr. Narendra Modi has said,
01:57this tea is for cleanliness.
01:59We don't use disposable, plastic or cloth.
02:03This tea is good for the youth.
02:06The clay pot comes from here.
02:08The special thing about this tea is that
02:10the clay pot is heated.
02:12When the clay pot is heated, it turns red.
02:15Then the tea is added to it.
02:17When the tea is added to it,
02:19it smells like clay.
02:21Sir, Ayojan is very good.
02:23The police department also helps us.
02:25We don't have any complaints.
02:27Ayojan is very good.