• 2 months ago
This week on 'All Wednesday' we're back with Alex Miller to discuss what has been an eventful couple of weeks at Sheffield Wednesday. With communication breakdowns, a fans' forum, transfer news and planned protests all on the agenda, join us for another packed out episode.
00:00How many headlines do you think we've written about Shea Charles over the last couple of weeks?
00:05There might be another one coming. We still haven't used some of Danny's quotes from after the Leeds game on Shea, but yeah, quite a lot.
00:12And you can see why the interest is there, because he is… what did Dish call him in the presser last week?
00:19He said the third, second and third best player this season.
00:23Yeah, and I've got to say there's been some outstanding… you know, you look at what Josh has done and what a few other players…
00:32I kind of agree with that. He's just an outstanding player. He brings the best out of the players around him.
00:38Josh, Baz, you know, you look at some of those. And, you know, the thought of Wednesday without Shea Charles is a completely different proposition altogether.
00:50But yeah, it was quite the moment at the end of the fan forum, after midnight, that Deepan Chansiri walked back into the room and sort of delivered the news with a bit of a grimace.
01:02And it really took whatever air was still in the lungs of the room out. And yeah, it's a moment that will live with me for a little bit, I think.
01:13But look, it's not done and dusted. You know, he can play in the Bristol City game and then it's up to Wednesday to try and strike a deal.
01:23How likely that is doesn't sound like it's likely at this moment in time.
01:30But as you reported, you know, there's some scenarios at Southampton that might just move the needle a little bit more in Wednesday's favour.
