• 2 months ago
Cristian Arriagada, Cirujano Plástico, nos aconsejó en qué fijarnos a la hora de elegir doctor y clínica estética antes de realizarse una operación.


00:00You are in contact with us as Vice President of the Chilean Society of Aesthetic Surgery.
00:05It is important to take into account several recommendations.
00:07I imagine that in some way you can also contribute to that.
00:13What to look at, what to do, what not to do in these cases before taking these interventions.
00:18How are you, doctor?
00:21Very well, thank you. How are you all?
00:23I apologize for not being there.
00:26We are in this little studio, a little improvised here in the clinic.
00:29Because today is Surgery Day.
00:33But the first thing I wanted to do is show our Chilean Society of Plastic Surgery.
00:38Our deep solidarity with the whole family of Elisabeth Solán.
00:42She has been there on all cell phones all these days.
00:45The truth is that we have followed closely the news.
00:47And for us, deep down, this is super tragic.
00:50Indeed, it has been a long time since we have been trying to raise awareness around all this.
00:58So, I think the first thing to say, and I think you have already said it, but I want to reinforce that concept.
01:04Is that when one undergoes a plastic surgery or any surgical procedure, there are always inherent risks.
01:11To be more specific, the case of lipoplasty is probably the most emblematic of all.
01:18And it is the surgery that in the world more patients with plastic surgery, in the end, kill.
01:24We are very specific.
01:26So, I think that here a kind of feeling has been generated that plastic surgery in general,
01:32both the aesthetic and the reconstructive, is something a little annoying,
01:37as it does not cause damage.
01:39It is not superficial.
01:40That the risks are low, that you have to leave it a little to the professional criteria.
01:44And there are a series of other considerations.
01:47But what I want to convey in this short time we have in the background to connect,
01:52is that for a person today to perform this procedure, a lipoplasty, for sure,
01:59he has to have a training of at least 12 years.
02:03It is 7 years of medicine, it is 3 years of general surgery,
02:07and at least 2 or 3 years in Chile of reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery,
02:13which today is a bit of the specialty, the point that is recognized as such,
02:17to perform this type of procedure.
02:19So, I say that the first thing I have to convey to all the people who are watching the program today,
02:25and who are looking for a procedure of this type,
02:28is to ask your doctor and directly, in the background, what are your accreditations.
02:34Go to the registry of national testers,
02:36see that it is something that does not administer anyone,
02:38more than a system that does not depend on medical societies,
02:44nor on the doctors themselves, but depends on a government entity,
02:47and that indeed all the providers are accredited for this procedure.
02:50We take the opportunity to put it on the screen so that people know where to enter.
02:54Yes, doctor, I also want to ask you,
02:57I want to ask you, because beyond the investigations that a person can do
03:00with all the ignorance that we have,
03:02and that we do not know, for example, what is the training that a doctor must have
03:05so that he is finally qualified to be able to operate.
03:09Is there a bill so that we can make sure that these people
03:14have the qualification to intervene?
03:20Yes, indeed, over time and as a result of many of these cases,
03:24we have been promoting with other medical and scientific societies,
03:29in the background, this bill that has already passed the House of Representatives,
03:34and what we are looking for, precisely, in the background,
03:37is to provide them with information and provide them with a greater capacity
03:41of discrimination against the user, in this case, the patients,
03:45when choosing to undergo a plastic surgery procedure.
03:49Because the truth is that what happens today is that it is very difficult to know.
03:53Indeed, patients are a little bit right when they say,
03:56look, I was recommended by my neighbor, by my friend,
03:59I have also seen all these patients with good results,
04:03but they have no way of knowing.
04:05Yes, yes, and you are very right,
04:08if one also wonders why it is so difficult to advance in a bill
04:12that should ultimately be easy.
04:14So that's why doubts are generated,
04:16what is behind all this, what is cheating this discussion,
04:19if it is ultimately also for the safety of so many people and so many families.
04:23Baca, do you have more background on this?
04:25Yes, well, I greet you, Cristian, it is a pleasure to talk to you,
04:28and the truth is that this bill is very important
04:31because it is precisely looking for the security, right,
04:34of public health of people, right,
04:36knowing where to go, in front of which professional.
04:39So it is precisely this law that speaks of specialization and sub-specialization,
04:43right, of surgical doctors,
04:45and therefore people will be able to go quietly to attend
04:48to a person who is going to have a major surgery.
04:51Of course, and I have always said this,
04:53regarding, perhaps in the background, other procedures that are not invasive,
04:56other doctors may intervene on the subject of aesthetics.
04:59And another super important issue that this modification also incorporates,
05:03right, incorporates the health code to be also responsible for clinics
05:08that carry out activities aimed at, right,
05:11care and aesthetic and bodily beautification,
05:13which also seems to me to be a super valuable tool,
05:16because they are all the people who have the total indefense
05:18of pursuing the heritage of a doctor and not of the clinic.
05:21That is the issue.
05:22Dr. Cristian Arregado, thank you very much for being in contact with us,
05:25for taking the time.
05:27So many questions have arrived,
05:29that I think it even gives for a next chapter,
05:31because the truth is that it catches up with us time,
05:34in some way we also want to answer them all.
05:36Have a good time, we send you a huge hug.
05:39That, thank you very much, and when you want, invite me and let's go there.
05:42Okay, have a good time, a hug.
05:46Bye, bye.
