• 2 months ago


00:00I have a vegetable shop. Everyone here knows me as Jaiswal.
00:04When the CM madam came, she stopped here.
00:07After stopping, my son was standing with a photo. His name is Arpan.
00:10She gave my son an autograph.
00:13I asked her, how are you? What do you do?
00:15She said, I study in a school.
00:18He studies in St. Francis.
00:19I was also very happy that my son got an autograph from the CM.
00:23How are you feeling?
00:25I am feeling very good.
00:26For the first time, the CM stopped in this line and gave my son an autograph.
00:31I felt very good.
00:34Son, come here.
00:36I felt very good.
00:38The CM madam came here. She will take care of the development here.
00:42There is a lot to do.
00:44The development of Hashimara in Pichara should continue.
00:49I request the CM madam to develop it further.
00:53Is there any problem here?
00:55The main problem here is education and medical.
01:03Education and medical is a problem here.
01:07Whatever happens here, a person has to go to Siliguri.
01:10You don't get anything from Siliguri for normal treatment and education.
01:16We have to plan for the outside world to educate our children.
01:20I request the CM madam to develop this area so that we don't have to go outside.
01:27My name is Bhubneshwar Jaiswal.
01:29In the name of Amit or Jaiswal Bhesh Sob, I know the whole of Hashimara Air Force Station, Army Camp, Binnagori.
01:37Jaiswal is the name of the shop.
01:39My son's name is Arpan Jaiswal.
01:42He studies in St. Francis School, Hashimara, class 3.
