• 2 months ago
🌊 Profondément sous l'océan, deux sirènes se battent pour l'amour ! La sirène timide et nerdy et la sirène populaire et confiante ont toutes deux des vues sur le même triton charmant.

✨ L'intelligence l'emportera-t-elle sur la beauté, ou la sirène populaire surpassera-t-elle sa rivale ? Regardez leurs tentatives hilarantes pour l'impressionner—échecs amusants, rebondissements inattendus, et transformations épiques de relooking vous attendent !

💖 C'est une bataille de personnalités, de drame, et de leçons réconfortantes sur le fait de rester fidèle à soi-même.

🎥 Découvrez qui gagnera le cœur du triton et revendiquera leur bonheur pour toujours sous-marin !

💬 Équipe Sirène Nerd ou Équipe Sirène Populaire ? Faites-le nous savoir dans les commentaires !

🔔 Abonnez-vous pour plus d'histoires de sirènes, de situations hilarantes, et de transformations épiques !

#DrameDeSirène #SituationsDrôles #NerdVsPopulaire #RelookingDeSirène #AmourSousMarin Partage et abonne-toi si tu aimes la vidéo : https://goo.su/2BJZ
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Musique par Epidemic Sound : https://www.epidemicsound.com/

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00:00Today at the sport, it was swimming. I'm in good shape.
00:04Stop! I'm fed up. Give me the towel.
00:08Oh, I'm soaked.
00:13Oh, gross.
00:15She's a mermaid too?
00:18Oh, someone will take care of that.
00:24It's wet!
00:26My dance slipped!
00:31You're just like me.
00:35Oh, yes, I'm a mermaid.
00:39But I'm pretty.
00:44Brit, you're a mermaid too?
00:46No, I'm the only mermaid. She's just a tuna.
00:51Oh, wait! I'm really a tuna, out of her box.
00:57I need to get up.
00:59I need to dry myself.
01:03It's going to take a while.
01:05It's not even working.
01:07Roll over, roll over.
01:12It's too long.
01:14It's magic before and after.
01:18Oh, Britney, sorry about earlier.
01:20Let's make peace.
01:23Maybe she's not so mean.
01:29Something's wrong.
01:32What is it?
01:34Let's do a little test.
01:36Yeah, I'll dip her in the water.
01:43You're so ugly.
01:45Why is she so cruel to me?
01:49She'll learn her lesson.
01:53I'm surprised by you, Savvy.
01:55Britney is a pretty girl.
01:59Rather than me?
02:02I'm going to make myself beautiful.
02:05It's the fastest way to join the gesture to the speech.
02:08I know you're not eating.
02:11But it's a pearl, right?
02:15I'm going to blow them all up.
02:18Nothing is more precious than the buttons we pierce little by little.
02:23What am I going to do with all this?
02:26Yes, I know.
02:28A necklace, the same as Savvy's.
02:31What's going on?
02:37It's so beautiful.
02:40Hi, Pete.
02:42Wow, Britney. How did you change?
02:44My necklace did that.
02:51I have to do something.
02:55You stay here.
02:57Don't move.
02:59Hi, Savvy.
03:05My skirt is wet.
03:07You're going to feel the love.
03:10It's waterproof.
03:14I think I'm falling in love.
03:16Come on, everyone.
03:18It's time for me to look at your projects.
03:20In the name of a squid.
03:22Hi, can you help me with my project?
03:26No, Savvy.
03:28You had all week to do it.
03:33I'm sorry.
03:35I'm a mermaid again.
03:38Hi, dude.
03:40You wouldn't be hypnotized by my beauty, would you?
03:43Give me what you need.
03:45Go ahead.
03:51This video is going to be a hit.
03:53Here we go.
03:57Well done, Savvy.
03:59See you later.
04:01Well done, Savvy.
04:04I forgot mine.
04:08Savvy, can you give me yours?
04:15Not cool.
04:19I heard a good summer.
04:21Back to work.
04:25Brittany, is your project ready?
04:27Yes, look at this.
04:29We keep swimming non-stop.
04:31Brittany, it's beautiful.
04:33See you later.
04:39You little...
04:41One, two...
04:43Hi, Savvy. Come to the party.
04:45Of course.
04:47Hi, Pete.
04:49Do you want to come to the party with me?
04:51Actually, Savvy, I was thinking of someone else.
05:03It's empty.
05:07I'll help you.
05:09Don't worry.
05:11I'm going to summon my mermaid powers.
05:13H2 Envy, H2 Envy.
05:15You see?
05:17Wow, thank you.
05:19It's too hot here.
05:25Brittany, are you okay?
05:27Yes, I'm okay.
05:29I'll give you a swim.
05:31Wow, Britt.
05:35It's time to change.
05:39Wow, being a mermaid is so cool.
05:43What's going on? Stop!
05:45Pete, wait.
05:47I was trying to help you.
05:49Oh, Brittany!
05:53Now, Brittany,
05:55I can tell you
05:57that you're going to swim.
05:59Not bad,
06:01today's fish horoscope.
06:07A little snail.
06:09I'm going to call you
06:13Hi, Britt. Can you help me?
06:15Hi, Pete. What's new?
06:17Your new pants are nice.
06:19Can you help me take this off?
06:21Oh, yes.
06:23Don't move.
06:25What are you doing?
06:27What are you doing?
06:31It's a snail.
06:33It heals acne.
06:35Wait, it's gone.
06:37Wow, thank you, Britt.
06:39With my crush,
06:41you'll see what you'll see tomorrow.
06:43I love this dress.
06:45It's a beautiful day.
06:47Nice dress, Brittany.
06:49Thank you so much.
06:51My grandmother gave it to me.
06:53It's very precious in our family
06:57Yeah, you know what I mean.
06:59Yeah, because of the toy.
07:01Okay, bye, Brittany.
07:05She was so cool today.
07:07Oh, no!
07:09Oh, no!
07:11That's so embarrassing.
07:13Of course.
07:17The glassware
07:19makes a mermaid happy.
07:21I only need this bag and...
07:23It's peace as ever.
07:25It's peace as ever.
07:27There are lulus and buddha.
07:29What is this?
07:33I'm going to show you
07:35how hot I am.
07:39Oh no!
07:44How did you do that?
07:45Don't worry, Savi, don't worry.
07:47I'll show you why she's always so nice to me.
07:53Wow, Brit! You're gorgeous!
07:56Oh, really?
07:58Actually, thanks for helping me earlier.
08:01A mermaid gift? Wow!
08:04You're welcome. Thanks for this dress.
08:07Would you like to be my knight for the party?
08:10Oh, yes!
08:16Oh, Pete, you know how to surprise a girl.
08:19Cool! See you at the party.
08:21See you!
08:23I'm going to be the most beautiful girl in the school.
08:26Oh, nice dress, Britney.
08:28I want one like that too.
08:30We'll be like twin sisters.
08:33She's here?
08:36I've got the spark.
08:38I feel like a real princess.
08:42I've got a burning heart.
08:43Hey, let's go!
08:45I can have a drink, actually.
08:49Here, take it.
08:50Sorry, I've got to go. I've got a date.
08:55I win. Bye, Britney.
08:57Oh, Pete!
09:00Pete! Savi!
09:04How did you get here?
09:09Oh no, I've become ugly again.
09:12Oh, you're in a state.
09:14But how can I be as beautiful as you?
09:18Take my luxury necklace.
09:21You need more than me.
09:24I'm so pretty now.
09:26I'm going to be the queen of the school.
09:29Sorry, Savi. I'm Britney.
09:32Let's go.
09:33Wait, wait. I'm beautiful.
09:35Oh, he abandoned me.
09:38Hi, do you want to swim with me?
09:41Let's go.
09:43Yeah, well, it's not much.
09:45Really, don't you think?
09:46He's my master swimmer.
09:51And Chris?
10:03Perfect. Now we just have to wait for everyone to leave.
10:11Thanks for the sneakers.
10:16Thanks a lot.
10:20I'm not going to let you have them.
10:22I hope so.
10:28I'm done with the hairbrush.
10:36My beautiful shirt.
10:38It's new. I have to try it on.
10:44It's already dirty.
10:49Stop touching my stuff.
10:51I can't stand you anymore.
11:00Where is my diary?
11:08What is it?
11:10Do you like me too?
11:14You got married?
11:16How could you?
11:17Luna, stop.
11:18I can't believe it.
11:23Take this.
11:24Take this.
11:32What did you do?
11:44It's over.
11:45Let's change the room.
11:56Hey, what are you doing?
12:01Now I'm going to have my own space without you.
12:07You'll never come into my room again.
12:17They're back.
12:18It's done.
12:20Let's start decorating.
12:27What are you doing?
12:29Leave me alone.
12:35Let's do this.
12:41Wow, how did you do that?
12:43Get out of here.
12:44Go to your room.
12:48But why are you doing all this?
12:50You'll see.
12:53Now get out of my room.
12:57Don't ever come back here.
12:59I'm sorry.
13:00I'm sorry.
13:01I'm sorry.
13:02I'm sorry.
13:03I'm sorry.
13:04I'm sorry.
13:05I'm sorry.
13:06Don't ever come back here.
13:10Don't ever come back into my room.
13:12I have a date with Chris.
13:15A date with Chris?
13:16I'll call him first.
13:24Hey Chris, do you want to come?
13:27Yeah, I'll be there at 6.
13:29Okay, I'll wait for you.
13:32My room is going to be even better.
13:35I'm going to discover your secret.
13:54What's that?
14:00A blue eye shadow?
14:02Let's change that.
14:07It's alive!
14:09The love of my life.
14:11It's so cute.
14:13What's that noise?
14:24Am I late?
14:29I still have time to finish it.
14:33What's she doing?
14:38What's that?
14:42It's war.
14:45Look who's not allowed in my room.
14:48Is she allowed to do that?
14:51I'm going to fix that.
14:56Let's see what she's doing there.
15:03She wants a better room, but I'm not going to let her do that.
15:13She's hot.
15:17So many things. Where are they going?
15:23Get out of my room!
15:26No sea water for you.
15:28I'll get you.
15:33No light for you.
15:37A little peace.
15:39What's going on?
15:41I can't see.
15:47She'll never come into my room.
15:49Let's get rid of her.
15:53Let's go.
15:57It's nice.
16:03I need some spice.
16:11It's all for you.
16:18I can't believe it's ready.
16:21Let's take care of this.
16:25That should do it.
16:27I hope I didn't waste too much time.
16:30Two hours before the appointment.
16:32My room is a mess.
16:41Time to throw the trash away.
16:53Last piece.
16:56You'll regret this.
17:03I'll show you.
17:17Not again.
17:21I need a break.
17:25I need a break.
17:33I need to get rid of this.
17:48Nice cream.
17:50What's the name?
18:00I need to get rid of this.
18:02I need to get rid of this.
18:09It's not going to work.
18:13Where is it?
18:16I need to get rid of this.
18:19What could help me?
18:22What could help me?
18:26It's too dangerous.
18:29Maybe this.
18:31Someone help me.
18:38Stop making so much noise.
18:45My croquis is ready.
18:48It's so beautiful.
18:54Ten minutes left.
18:57Blue goes with my personality.
19:09Red lips, of course.
19:12Chris is going to love it.
19:16Last touch.
19:21He's here.
19:23Just a minute.
19:29I'm coming.
19:31What's taking them so long?
19:35Hi, Chris.
19:37Hey, Savi.
19:39Where's Luna?
19:43She's sick.
19:45Hi, Chris.
19:47Where's Savi?
19:49Oh, no.
19:51Come to my room.
19:53No, mine.
19:57Girls, calm down.
19:59Let's have fun together.
20:03It's so comfortable.
20:05We'll be more comfortable in my room.
20:07No, my room.
20:09Girls, don't fight.
20:11I brought food.
20:17How dare you?
20:19How dare you?
20:21Wait, what?
20:25Don't ever set foot in this house.
20:27Do you understand?
20:29Best sister ever.
20:33Open your eyes.
20:35Wake up.
20:37You're alive.
20:39Thank God.
20:41My savior.
20:43You're so...
20:47I have to go.
20:49Wait, don't go.
20:53Why did he run away?
20:55I know why.
20:57I have to clean this up.
20:59My hairbrush.
21:01Come on.
21:07Live on Earth.
21:09Far from the sea.
21:13Go away.
21:19A treasure chest.
21:21What's this?
21:23Let's see.
21:25A lot of little circles.
21:29I can hide my buttons.
21:31Humans have a lot of tricks.
21:33I'll try this.
21:37I have to cover them all.
21:39It doesn't work.
21:41It hurts.
21:45It works.
21:49Let's remove them all.
21:53This sea.
21:55I'm as soft as a pearl.
21:57What's this?
21:59I'll remove it.
22:05More disgusting things.
22:07My face.
22:09A glass.
22:11It's so disgusting.
22:13I don't need to fold it.
22:17I have to find a treasure chest.
22:21What a horrible thing.
22:23I wonder how it works.
22:29I think I found it.
22:31I'll pour coconut milk on it.
22:33Maybe it will help me.
22:37Please work.
22:39My head is spinning.
22:45It worked.
22:47Wait a second.
22:51Some leftovers from breakfast.
22:53Maybe I can use this.
22:55What if I...
22:59What's this?
23:01Maybe it will work.
23:03Why is being beautiful so painful?
23:05But my prince is worth it.
23:07It's so soft.
23:09This thing is not soft at all.
23:11Come on, magical bidule.
23:13Do your thing.
23:17It's red.
23:19I have an idea.
23:21I heard humans talking about something disgusting
23:23like slime.
23:25That's it, isn't it?
23:27Thank you for helping me, my friend.
23:29It tickles.
23:31Mission accomplished.
23:35My head is spinning.
23:37I wonder if I should wash it.
23:41What am I going to do?
23:45I have an idea.
23:47It looks like I need a good shower.
23:49But first, let's get some seaweed.
23:51Excuse me, little frog.
23:53I saw a mermaid friend
23:55doing this with her hair.
23:57I should try it too.
23:59I think he did it like this.
24:01It's the only hook I know
24:03that's not dangerous.
24:05Now I have to pull on it.
24:07Yeah, great.
24:09But I have a long way to go.
24:11I hate waiting.
24:17That's what I call loops that bounce.
24:19It's time to put on my makeup.
24:23I deserve all the bling bling.
24:25Oh, human face paint.
24:27But I want to be unique,
24:29like my prince said.
24:31Some net,
24:33some paint,
24:35and voila!
24:37So beautiful and stylish.
24:39Wow, I can't wait to kiss the prince.
24:43What do I have for the lips?
24:45That's weird.
24:47I hope I don't look like a fish.
24:59He bit me.
25:01Let go of my lips.
25:07I didn't think it was you.
25:09Thanks for your help.
25:11Not that.
25:13Mommy's necklace
25:15to bring me luck.
25:17Where are you, my prince?
25:19I'm ready.
25:21Kiss the girl.
25:23Wow, what happened?
25:27my one and only love.
25:29Ready to kiss real love.
25:31I have to go.
25:33See you.
25:35Wait, what?
