• 2 months ago
आदिवासी दुर्गम भागातील रामचंद्र गणपत भोजणे या शेतकऱ्याला थेट राष्ट्रपतींचे प्रजासत्ताक दिनाला उपस्थित राहण्याकरिता निमंत्रण आलं आहे.


00:00Namaskar, I am Gikath Chaudhary from Kushti Adhikari Panchayat, Ayilad Nagar.
00:05Under the National Biogas Programme, we, the Panchayat members,
00:10stay within the district limits.
00:13Under this programme, we are building 3-4 km of biogas.
00:19If we make a profit of Rs. 60,000, we get Rs. 22,000.
00:24If we make a profit of Rs. 14,350, we get Rs. 14,350.
00:29Under this programme, the biogas that is given to us,
00:34there are specific wells for this biogas.
00:37We are building this biogas on the basis of these wells.
00:40While building the biogas, we receive a letter from them
00:44stating that if this biogas is to be used for 5 years,
00:47we will make all the arrangements.
00:50Under this, again, under the Central Government,
00:55suddenly, 2 months ago, we were asked for benefits.
01:01In 2023-2024, we had given 24 benefits.
01:05Out of those 24 benefits, one was Ramchandra Bhojne,
01:08whose name was mentioned.
01:10Similarly, from all over Maharashtra,
01:13only 2 farmers, a farmer from Nayanthal,
01:16and a farmer from Ayilad Nagar, who was elected.
01:19We are honoured to have him as our President.
01:26How have you called them?
01:27How will you meet them?
01:28Who will you meet?
01:29We are going to call them.
01:31We are going to meet the Maharashtra Government.
01:34We are going to meet all of them.
01:36We haven't met them yet.
01:38But we are going to meet the state government.
01:41We are going to meet the state officials,
01:44the district officials.
01:46We are going to meet them.
01:48How are you going to meet them?
01:52We don't have any idea about that yet.
01:55But we have decided to meet them.
01:59We are going to meet them.
02:01That's all we know.
