• 2 months ago
00:02:40I told you there was none, Miss Petrie. None at all.
00:02:58Why were you in the dining room?
00:03:01I came in the back way, as usual.
00:03:04Who are those two men in there?
00:03:06That is my business, Mr. Johnson.
00:03:08Oh, yes. Yes, of course.
00:03:23Oh, I'm sorry. I thought my father had returned.
00:03:30Oh, why don't you stop?
00:03:32Hiya, gorgeous.
00:03:33Oh, he's selling a lot.
00:03:34Not me, Miss Evans, on a swell trip, but I'm glad to get back to where I'm sure of seeing good-looking girls.
00:03:39How are you, June?
00:03:40Yes, sir, it's grand to get back to all you beautiful girls.
00:03:44Uh-oh. Oh, well, we can't all look good.
00:03:47Your laugh, Mr. Danvers, splits more eardrums than a mule's hee-haw.
00:03:52Oh, I'm sorry. From now on, I'll laugh up my sleeve.
00:03:54And probably blow out an elbow.
00:03:56Always giving me the needles. She puts me in stitches.
00:03:59Dad, excuse me, please.
00:04:02Hello, darling.
00:04:05Well, what's your excuse?
00:04:07Here I pass up a heavy date to have dinner with my father, and he shows up four hours late.
00:04:11Oh, I'm sorry, June, but I couldn't...
00:04:13Thomas Harley.
00:04:14Yes, why?
00:04:15Let's go.
00:04:16What do you want me for?
00:04:18For robbing the Citizen State Bank and murdering a guard less than an hour ago.
00:04:21No, you're lying. Dad!
00:04:23Gentlemen, I can prove that you're wrong.
00:04:25Of course.
00:04:26I don't see how, with your fingerprints in the bank vault and beside the murdered man.
00:04:29They can't be my fingerprints.
00:04:31For the last four hours, I've been locked up in the Carey Theatrical Warehouse.
00:04:34Locked up? How?
00:04:35I don't know. I got in all right, but there's nobody there.
00:04:38I started out, but the only door was locked.
00:04:40For four hours? You could have telephoned.
00:04:43I tried to use the telephone, but it was out of order.
00:04:45I can prove what I say.
00:04:47Read this.
00:04:55It's no good, Harley.
00:04:57Get Dave Wyatt. He can prove my innocence.
00:04:59We can't get Wyatt. He's been dead eight years.
00:05:02Wyatt dead?
00:05:05When did you know him?
00:05:06When you were both convicts in state prison 20 years ago?
00:05:11Tell them you were never in prison.
00:05:13It's true, June, but don't worry.
00:05:16It's all a mistake, as these men will soon learn. I'll be back quickly.
00:05:28I'm glad you dropped in, Charlie.
00:05:30But you never stay long enough.
00:05:32Only come to say goodbye.
00:05:34Government work keep me hopping like dissatisfied flea from dog to dog.
00:05:39Even now, automobile and assistance outside.
00:05:42I've got to get back to work.
00:05:44I've got to get back to work.
00:05:46I've got to get back to work.
00:05:48I've got to get back to work.
00:05:50I've got to get back to work.
00:05:52I've got to get back to work.
00:05:54Even now, automobile and assistance outside.
00:05:57Loaded for trip to distant city.
00:06:00Automobile loaded, not assistance.
00:06:03Tony, dad's final appeal has been denied.
00:06:05Why didn't you tell me? Why did you let me learn it from the newspapers?
00:06:08June, dear, I phoned you several times. You were out.
00:06:11We've got to keep trying.
00:06:13June, I know the strain you're under, but breaking down won't help.
00:06:16Dad has only nine days to live.
00:06:18You know that he's innocent.
00:06:20I've always believed that.
00:06:21Or as public defender, I'd never have carried the case so far.
00:06:24If dad dies, the law will have killed an innocent man.
00:06:27The law convicts only on evidence of guilt.
00:06:30June, this is an old friend of mine, Charlie Chan.
00:06:32Miss Harley.
00:06:33Miss Harley. Oh, I followed Thomas Harley case all through trial.
00:06:36What did you think of the case against Mr. Harley?
00:06:38Case seemed quite perfect. Almost too perfect.
00:06:41Dad is innocent, no matter what anyone says.
00:06:43June, dear.
00:06:44We have only a few days left. We've got to do something.
00:06:46Where can I get a good private detective?
00:06:48That idea's useless.
00:06:49Charlie, if you won't give me the name of a detective, I'll find one myself.
00:06:52June, we haven't a chance.
00:06:53My entire staff tracked down every bit of evidence that might help.
00:06:56It was no use.
00:06:58I'm sorrier than you'll ever know it, I have to say it, but there's nothing we can do.
00:07:02One thing can be done.
00:07:04What's that, Charlie?
00:07:05Give young lady name of detective.
00:07:07Who would you suggest?
00:07:08Young fellow whom Mr. Morgan recommend.
00:07:11Call on detective tonight.
00:07:12Charlie, what can one man do against the entire legal force of the state?
00:07:16The ancient proverbs say, one small wind can raise much dust.
00:07:20Excuse, please.
00:07:23What name did he give you?
00:07:24Whoever the man is, he hasn't the ghost of a chance.
00:07:27Then I admire him for trying to do the impossible.
00:07:29All packed, Mr. Chan.
00:07:44Tidied the two piece of the two.
00:07:47We work four long hours at it, Pop.
00:07:49Excellent, excellent.
00:07:50It is finest job of packing you have ever done.
00:07:53Thank you, Pop.
00:07:55Car okay?
00:07:56Oh yes, all oil and grease.
00:07:57Yes, and the tank full of gas.
00:07:59Now we will go back to hotel.
00:08:01What for?
00:08:02To unpack baggage.
00:08:06I will sit in car while you two enjoy nervous breakdown.
00:08:13Now, ain't that something?
00:08:15After we packed the bags, better than we ever packed them before.
00:08:18Now, that's what your Pop said.
00:08:20Then we have to unpack everything.
00:08:22It took us four hours of hard work.
00:08:24You know what told me?
00:08:25I got a headache.
00:08:26A headache?
00:08:28I don't know where I got it, but I got one.
00:08:29Always sitting.
00:08:31Wish you would wear out brains instead of seat of pants.
00:08:35Pop, we have been thinking.
00:08:36Most impossible.
00:08:37Oh, yes, Mr. Chan.
00:08:38We've been thinking.
00:08:39And now you have a headache.
00:08:43Hey, how did he know that?
00:08:45Now, in a case like this, what would confusion say?
00:08:48It's not confusion.
00:08:50It's Confucius.
00:08:51Every time you open your mouth, it's confusion to me.
00:08:54Hey, you hear that one brain knocking?
00:08:57That's you.
00:08:58That's the door.
00:08:59Uh-oh, that's me.
00:09:04Mr. Chan.
00:09:05Right over that way, ma'am.
00:09:11Good evening, Miss Harley.
00:09:13Mr. Chan, I don't know how to thank you.
00:09:15I feel the same way, Mr. Chan.
00:09:17Please, you must not mention thanks until I have done something useful.
00:09:22Oh, this is Hugh Kenzie, Mr. Chan.
00:09:24I phoned him at the prison immediately after you took the case.
00:09:27I'm a sergeant guard at the state prison.
00:09:29I drove to town as soon as possible to congratulate June on obtaining your services.
00:09:33I wanted Hugh to tell Dad.
00:09:35Mr. Harley feels that he has a chance with you on his side.
00:09:38I'm detective, not magician.
00:09:40You must not expect too much on short notice.
00:09:43But we have only nine days.
00:09:45Honorable grandmother always say,
00:09:47do not think of future, it come too soon.
00:09:50Police report on Harley case show very little upon which to work.
00:09:54You mean there's nothing you can do?
00:09:56Merely mean we must look somewhere else.
00:09:58But where?
00:09:59Place where you live.
00:10:01Why look there?
00:10:02Mr. Harley taken from there.
00:10:04He is like tooth which has been pulled.
00:10:07Tooth is missing, but gap remain.
00:10:09From gap, we may deduce why tooth is gone.
00:10:14We go now to Foss Hotel.
00:10:21Sitting assistants.
00:10:23You will please get back containing exhibits and follow me.
00:10:26Okay, Pop.
00:10:27Boy, a murder case.
00:10:28Come on, let's hurry.
00:10:30Why do you always have to hurry to a murder?
00:10:32Why can't you just ooze on down to one?
00:10:35I never see nobody.
00:10:36Every time they start, they got to hurry to a murder.
00:10:42I've told you, that's all I know.
00:10:44Very sorry, but urgency of case return.
00:10:47Very sorry, but urgency of case require I ask few more questions.
00:10:52Being a detective is an ugly trade.
00:10:54Ugliest trade sometimes have moment of joy.
00:10:58Even grave digger know some people for whom he would do his work with extreme pleasure.
00:11:04I'm sorry I said that, it just slipped out.
00:11:06Many such slip might solve mystery.
00:11:09Please continue.
00:11:10That's all I have to say.
00:11:12That's what woman always say, yet go right on talking.
00:11:17You are social worker?
00:11:21You sometimes take in lodger who is ex-convict hoping to rehabilitate same?
00:11:26Often, what's wrong with that?
00:11:28Nothing, very fine civic duty.
00:11:31Mr. Harley live in this house for 15 years.
00:11:34So, you must have known he was ex-convict when he first enter this house.
00:11:39I did, I tried to help him.
00:11:41You tried to help him by informing police he is ex-convict.
00:11:44He betrayed my trust in him by committing robbery and murder.
00:11:47After he said he meant to go straight.
00:11:4915 years after.
00:11:53What about note which Mr. Harley received asking him to go to carry theatrical warehouse?
00:11:59Same was written on your typewriter, Mrs. Foss.
00:12:02It was, but Tom Harley borrowed my typewriter two days before the bank robbery.
00:12:07Even so, you could have written note before crime occur.
00:12:11So could anyone else in this house.
00:12:13Thank you so much.
00:12:15Mr. Kinsey, you will please ask all others to come inside.
00:12:20You have no other ex-convict living in this hotel?
00:12:23No, I have not.
00:12:31You work for social foundation, Mrs. Patrick?
00:12:35Afternoons as a typist.
00:12:37Strange note received by Mr. Harley asking him to come to carry theatrical warehouse.
00:12:42Was written by someone who was excellent typist.
00:12:45Oh, go on, leave her alone, mister.
00:12:47She uses a sequin sock system, I've seen her practicing.
00:12:50On Mrs. Foss' typewriter?
00:12:53You make much money as typist?
00:12:56Yet you wear most expensive clothes.
00:12:59Most of my clothes are given to me by people at the foundation.
00:13:04Mr. Johnson, you are a public accountant?
00:13:08You have own business?
00:13:09Yes, I do all the bookkeeping for several small business firms.
00:13:13One of your business firms is Cary theatrical warehouse?
00:13:18But the police knew that.
00:13:20They proved that when Harley was in the Cary place,
00:13:22I was across the city working for another company.
00:13:25I was in the Cary warehouse.
00:13:27I was in the Cary warehouse.
00:13:29They proved that when Harley was in the Cary place,
00:13:31I was across the city working for another client.
00:13:37Now, Mr. Danvers,
00:13:39you were in both cities of Lamont and Rodden
00:13:42shortly before banks were robbed there.
00:13:47You had me worried for a minute, but you're right.
00:13:49I was in both cities, often.
00:13:51You also visit banks which were robbed, including Citizen State Bank here.
00:13:56I visit banks all over the state on business.
00:13:59The police got those for me during the Harley trial.
00:14:02You sell tear gas bombs and burglar alarm equipment to banks?
00:14:06Yes, sir. It's my job to protect banks.
00:14:09With your knowledge of banks,
00:14:11could you not be a very great assistance to someone wishing to rob same?
00:14:16Now, wait a minute.
00:14:17If you're trying to accuse me...
00:14:19Merely suggest what you could do if dishonest.
00:14:26Speaking of clothes, Miss Evans...
00:14:28Listen, I buy my own clothes. Nobody gives me anything.
00:14:32Of course, if somebody was to offer me a mink coat, I wouldn't refuse it.
00:14:37During an investigation of Cary warehouse,
00:14:41a dress with your name on it was found there.
00:14:43Huh? A dress of mine?
00:14:45Very small dress, consisting of few feathers.
00:14:49Oh, yeah, I remember.
00:14:51Oh, mister, you should have seen me in that outfit.
00:14:55But I had nothing to do with Harley.
00:14:57I wore that costume in frivolous follies.
00:15:00But the show finally flopped.
00:15:02Cary's must have bought the props, scenery, and all the costumes for junk.
00:15:05But your show plays cities of Lamont and Rodden
00:15:09at same time banks were robbed there
00:15:11in identical manner which cities and state bank robbed here.
00:15:15Listen, are you trying to pin something on me?
00:15:17No, merely at moment trying to figure
00:15:20how you pin upon yourself such very few feathers.
00:15:23Oh, very cute.
00:15:25That will be sufficient for present.
00:15:27All may go now.
00:15:34Did you learn anything that will help, Mr. Chan?
00:15:36No, tomorrow we'll visit prison and interview your father.
00:15:40Tell him not to worry and tell him we're doing everything possible.
00:15:43I said all may go, which include you, Miss Evans.
00:15:46I heard you the first time.
00:15:49Are you going to leave now, Mr. Chan?
00:15:52Mr. Chan?
00:16:00Invitation to depart also include you, Mrs. Foss.
00:16:04This is my house and I'll do as I like.
00:16:08Mr. Chan, if I can be of any help,
00:16:10I'll get a leave of absence from my job and come down here.
00:16:12No, Hugh, you can't afford to do that.
00:16:14Miss Harley is right. You return to job.
00:16:16I send for you when I need you.
00:16:18Mr. Chan, I'm scared. We only have nine days.
00:16:20Take it easy, dear, please.
00:16:22Excellent advice.
00:16:24Remember old saying, earthquake may shatter the rock,
00:16:27but sand upon which rock stood,
00:16:29still right there in same old place.
00:16:32You relax and you survive great ordeal.
00:16:41Mr. Chan, is this the shortest way to prison?
00:16:44No, shortest way is to commit crime.
00:16:47We'll have to try that sometime.
00:16:50You surprised yourself, huh?
00:16:52Usually you surprise me.
00:17:01Did you see that B come through here with that jet job motor?
00:17:06Someone's shooting at us, Pop.
00:17:07Where's Birmingham? The car's going by itself.
00:17:09No, it ain't. I was steering by remote control.
00:17:11Do you know who was shooting at us, Pop?
00:17:13Only persons know we come this way are people living at Foss Hotel.
00:17:16This is going to be very, very dangerous.
00:17:43I'm awfully glad to see you, Charlie.
00:17:45I think...
00:17:46As old friend Warden Cameron, you think what?
00:17:49You're throwing away your reputation.
00:17:51I mean it.
00:17:52You haven't a chance in breaking this case.
00:17:54But if I fail, Mr. Harley will die.
00:17:56What is my reputation compared to man's life?
00:17:59Oh, I know how you feel, but I still think you're being foolish.
00:18:02Then why someone shoot at me on way here?
00:18:05Because they think I'm on right track.
00:18:08Perhaps I am not so foolish.
00:18:11Oh, this is Guard Kenzie, Mr. Chan.
00:18:13Oh, I've already met Mr. Kenzie.
00:18:15Mr. Harley's anxious to see you, sir.
00:18:18He should get resigned to the fact that he hasn't got a chance.
00:18:21He'll sit in.
00:18:23Sit again.
00:18:24Remain where you are.
00:18:26Oh, Warden.
00:18:29Mr. Barker wanted the print files on that new batch that just came in, sir.
00:18:33Oh, yes. In my office.
00:18:35Go right ahead, Kenzie.
00:18:36One moment.
00:18:37I have seen you before?
00:18:39I don't know, but I've seen you.
00:18:42You're Charlie Chan.
00:18:43And you are...
00:18:44Number 8251.
00:18:48He's Jimmy Slade, a forger.
00:18:50He's a trustee in the fingerprint file room now.
00:18:53Did you see that man give Pop the eye?
00:18:55You mean that tough guy?
00:18:57Oh, you mean the convict?
00:19:00Well, Birmingham Brown.
00:19:01Well, look at old Bishop.
00:19:05What do you say, boy?
00:19:06Not much.
00:19:07Man, it's sure good to see a new face around here.
00:19:09Yeah, but this face ain't staying.
00:19:11Neither is mine.
00:19:17Mr. Chan to see you, Mr. Harley.
00:19:21I've been waiting to see you, Mr. Chan.
00:19:23Sorry to see you here, Mr. Harley, but great pleasure to meet you anywhere.
00:19:27I don't know what I'm going to say.
00:19:29Please, sit down.
00:19:32Birmingham, you're always late, even coming to see me.
00:19:35Don't you ever do anything on time?
00:19:37Sure, I bought a car once.
00:19:39On time.
00:19:40You know what made me late, Benjamin?
00:19:42I had to take my girl over to...
00:19:43No beauty shop can help her.
00:19:45Why, no.
00:19:46Why, she got a face that old...
00:19:47Not that bad.
00:19:48The lady at the beauty parlor said that she was going to...
00:19:50They can't recap them wrinkles.
00:19:53Now, what they should do is...
00:19:54They did.
00:19:55And while we was over there, do you know what...
00:19:57I know, I know.
00:19:59Now, look, is that the same gal you...
00:20:01No, she don't weigh that much now.
00:20:03No, all she weighs now is...
00:20:04That's still too heavy.
00:20:06Why don't you get her to go on the same diet my gal used?
00:20:09Get her to take two...
00:20:10Oh, they don't make that stuff anymore.
00:20:12No, now, what I want to give her is something...
00:20:14That'll give her hay fever.
00:20:16Why, sure.
00:20:17Listen, in that case, why don't you take her over to...
00:20:20I did.
00:20:21And you know who I saw over there?
00:20:23I saw...
00:20:24Is he still out there?
00:20:26I thought he was...
00:20:27He was, but he got out.
00:20:28Is that so?
00:20:30He's staying over with Mr...
00:20:31Is that so?
00:20:33They must be charging him.
00:20:34No, not that much.
00:20:36No, all he's paying is...
00:20:37That's a fair price.
00:20:40Well, looky here.
00:20:41I got to go now.
00:20:42I'll be over to see you.
00:20:43I'll be working then.
00:20:44Oh, well, I'll be seeing you.
00:20:45I'll be looking for you now.
00:20:46Okay, sure.
00:20:47Look me up now.
00:20:48I'll do that.
00:20:50Who is that man?
00:20:51Oh, he's a fellow who used to hang around my house.
00:20:52That's my brother, Ben.
00:20:53Oh, you're...
00:20:54Your wife died while you were in prison 20 years ago?
00:21:00When June was born.
00:21:02I never told June because I...
00:21:04I meant to go straight.
00:21:06And I have, Mr. Chan.
00:21:08But your fingerprint's found in bank vault.
00:21:10Yes, I know.
00:21:12I saw the photographs in court.
00:21:14They were my prints, but I was never in that bank in my life.
00:21:21You don't believe me.
00:21:23Well, I'm beginning to think that maybe I did commit the crimes they sentenced me for.
00:21:27Never believe nightmare, no matter how real it may seem.
00:21:31When you were here 20 years ago, was Warden Cameron here also?
00:21:37Yes, he was.
00:21:39Ready to go, Mr. Chan?
00:21:40Yes, please.
00:21:41Don't you worry, Mr. Harley.
00:21:43Mr. Chan, do you think there's any hope?
00:21:46There is possibility you may suffer for someone else's crime.
00:21:50But if someone else committed the crime, then...
00:21:52Mr. Chan.
00:21:54What are you going to do?
00:21:56At moment, I'm like man trying to set clock by guess.
00:22:00And as time does not stand still, perhaps better not stand still myself.
00:22:07Are you sure you know what you're talking about?
00:22:09When he says, now let's turn to one corner and you says another.
00:22:13I don't...
00:22:15I wonder where this parade is going.
00:22:16I don't know. Let's follow it and see.
00:22:18No, we better not.
00:22:20Hey, Punchy.
00:22:21You know what I heard through the grapevine?
00:22:23Don't be always interrupting me, Punchy.
00:22:25Charlie Chan is here.
00:22:27You know what I'm going to do when I see that Chan?
00:22:31Did you hear what that man said about Pop?
00:22:32I ain't deaf.
00:22:33I think we better follow them.
00:22:34What did you say just while ago when I said let's follow them?
00:22:36Come on.
00:22:37No, that ain't what you said.
00:22:40Watch this way, man.
00:22:49They went in here.
00:22:50Come on.
00:22:51Hey, you don't want to go in there, do you?
00:22:52Look, you heard what they said about Pop.
00:22:54We got to find out what they're up to.
00:22:55Okay, okay.
00:23:00There they are. See them?
00:23:16The men we were following are hiding behind these bales.
00:23:19Maybe we better hide to keep them from following us.
00:23:21We'll sneak up on them.
00:23:22There you go. We'll sneak up again.
00:23:24Punchy, how many times do I got to tell you that ain't the way to do it?
00:23:28You slash once when you want to finish something.
00:23:31Now, do you want to know how to do it?
00:23:33Don't interrupt.
00:23:35You take the stabber like this.
00:23:37Once the job is done and it's neat.
00:23:42Do you hear me, Punchy?
00:23:44That's the way you do it.
00:23:45One slash.
00:23:49They are planning a murder.
00:23:50We got to find out who he's going to kill.
00:23:52We going to find out.
00:23:53You going to find out.
00:23:56Wait a minute.
00:23:58Wait a minute.
00:24:08Good grief. They got to knock off.
00:24:14They're still coming. They're right behind us.
00:24:15Yeah, they're in that crowd. We can't see them. Let's go.
00:24:19Good grief. The gang is from all sides.
00:24:23Look, here they come now.
00:24:24Do you see them?
00:24:26No. Let's go this way. Down the hall. Come on. Let's go.
00:24:29Oh, please. Let's get out of here.
00:24:31Here they come again. Good grief.
00:24:44You better count your money.
00:24:45Don't be always interrupting, Punchy. Count it.
00:24:47Come on, you guys.
00:24:48I used two guys following me.
00:24:49No, sir. We got here first, but you can have it.
00:24:51Listen, mister. It's all a mistake.
00:24:52What do you mean a mistake?
00:24:53I'm not telling you.
00:24:54You told me there's doors locked.
00:24:56Hey, how can we get out of here?
00:24:57Hey, fellas. There's a visitor here and he wants to know how we can get out.
00:25:02This ain't that funny. Mr. Champ.
00:25:04Hey, Pop.
00:25:05Mr. Champ.
00:25:06Let him have one of your keys.
00:25:08Then you're not quitting the case.
00:25:09No. After talking to the gang, I'm going to quit.
00:25:12I'm going to quit.
00:25:13I'm going to quit.
00:25:14I'm going to quit.
00:25:15I'm going to quit.
00:25:16I'm going to quit.
00:25:17No. After talk with Mr. Harley, I'm convinced the man is innocent.
00:25:21But, Charlie, the law doesn't frame men.
00:25:24Accidents can happen if planned that way.
00:25:27But Harley's fingerprints were found in the bank.
00:25:29My theory is fingerprints were forged and placed at scene of crime.
00:25:34Oh, no, Charlie. That's impossible.
00:25:36Nothing is impossible. Forgery is only solution.
00:25:40Must find out how same is done before too late for Mr. Harley.
00:25:45Pardon me, Charlie.
00:25:47It's me.
00:25:53Karen, what's up?
00:25:55What started the rioting?
00:25:57Just a reception to some strangers who got the wrong cell.
00:26:02What strangers?
00:26:03Pop, Pop.
00:26:06Oh, oh. Which way?
00:26:07Which way?
00:26:08Cell Block Four.
00:26:13Mr. Champ!
00:26:15We can't get out of here!
00:26:17Mr. Chan!
00:26:19Quiet down!
00:26:21Come on!
00:26:23Come on!
00:26:25Come on! Quiet down!
00:26:27Quiet down!
00:26:29Right this way, Warden.
00:26:35Ha ha! He wants to get out!
00:26:37Don't be naughty.
00:26:39Pop, I'm sure glad to see you.
00:26:41Who's that? Mr. Chan?
00:26:43You caused trouble. But it wasn't our fault, Pop.
00:26:45Mr. Chan, we followed the wrong parade.
00:26:47First time I hear cuckoos outside of clock.
00:26:49But, Pop, we heard them talking about you.
00:26:51Oh, Charlie, I heard you was here.
00:26:53When I saw you, I wanted to shake your hand.
00:26:55Mr. Foggy, why, very great pleasure to see you again.
00:26:59I trust you are enjoying vacation?
00:27:01Oh, sure. He put me in here.
00:27:03It took one of the greatest detectives in the world to do it.
00:27:05Oh, Mr. Chan, I want you to meet me pal, Punchy.
00:27:07Mr. Chan,
00:27:09this is undoubtedly the most supreme moment
00:27:11of my entire life.
00:27:13I stand here humbly...
00:27:15Hey, Punchy, you're...
00:27:17Don't interrupt.
00:27:19Thank you, Mr. Chan.
00:27:21What are we going to do now, Pop?
00:27:23You will get out of here before they put you in garments
00:27:25suitable to your personality.
00:27:27What kind of garments is that?
00:27:29Straight jackets.
00:27:31That did it.
00:27:33Punchy, you've been going in for a literature.
00:27:35Your Mr. Thompson in this department
00:27:37has been most kind and helpful.
00:27:39Well, I'm glad, Charlie.
00:27:41We're proud of our staff.
00:27:53How you come with experiments so far, Mr. Thompson?
00:27:55No luck yet, Mr. Chan.
00:27:57I was afraid it couldn't be done.
00:27:59Well, the forging of fingerprints has been tried before,
00:28:01but it's never worked.
00:28:03However, Mr. Chan's theory of how it might be done
00:28:05has possibilities.
00:28:07I cut some rough ridges and whirls
00:28:09in these rubber pads, but...
00:28:13Same thing.
00:28:15No distinguishable fingerprints.
00:28:17No oil.
00:28:19That's right, sir.
00:28:21What do you mean, oil?
00:28:23There is always natural oil in hands.
00:28:25And that oil is what causes a fingerprint to remain
00:28:27after the hand touches the surface.
00:28:29I tried using regular fingerprint ink,
00:28:31but no one would take that for a fingerprint.
00:28:33Perhaps if we obtain oil more like natural oil.
00:28:35Well, I tried using a thin mixture of olive oil,
00:28:37but the oil ran and smeared,
00:28:39and the result was no fingerprints.
00:28:41Looks like we're up against a stone wall, Charlie.
00:28:43I don't promise anything,
00:28:45but I'm going to keep on trying.
00:28:47No man can do more.
00:28:49I have more work to do yet in your department.
00:28:51Afraid it's no use, Charlie, but what do you want done?
00:28:53Please have police quietly check back
00:28:5510 to 15 years
00:28:57on all persons now living at Foss Hotel.
00:28:59Okay, but why?
00:29:01Skeletons in closets always speak loudest to police.
00:29:07I've been thinking.
00:29:09Tommy, you are wrong.
00:29:11You mean you are.
00:29:13You don't even know what a lawsuit is.
00:29:15Sure I do. It's something that the police wear.
00:29:17Are you kidding?
00:29:19But, Tommy, this is the last one, Pop.
00:29:21No more.
00:29:23Today's the 14th, and Harley's scheduled to die at the 17th.
00:29:25What can you do reading all this stuff, Pop?
00:29:27Police reports show
00:29:29three banks robbed in the past two years.
00:29:31Do you think Harley robbed all three of them, Pop?
00:29:33Son Tommy is
00:29:35noisy woodpecker on family tree.
00:29:39I've got to remember that.
00:29:41Rawdon Bank robbed, and man named Stanley Gray
00:29:45Lamont Bank robbed,
00:29:47man named Stephen Briggs imprisoned.
00:29:49Harley was set up for the bank job in this city.
00:29:51And all three banks robbed
00:29:53in identical manner.
00:29:55I've got it covered.
00:29:57Also, curious coincidence is
00:29:59each man arrested
00:30:01in each case swear
00:30:03he leave no fingerprints in bank
00:30:05because he never there.
00:30:07Do you think Harley was in with the gang, Pop?
00:30:09Oh, he finish school
00:30:11now he try to finish me.
00:30:13But, Pop...
00:30:17Also, in each case, each man have former prison record.
00:30:19Yes, Harley had been in state prison.
00:30:21Gray and Briggs,
00:30:23no former convicts there.
00:30:25It is only prison where all three men
00:30:27served time.
00:30:29Want a good suggestion, Pop?
00:30:31Yes, but let me make suggestion first.
00:30:33Keep quiet.
00:30:35Oh, sure, Pop.
00:30:37But if I do, I won't be able to give you my suggestion.
00:30:39That is idea.
00:30:41Very good idea.
00:30:43I believe there is some connection
00:30:45between bank robberies, fingerprints,
00:30:47and the state's prison.
00:30:49What about your idea of forging fingerprints?
00:30:51Oh, for time, my nurse theory.
00:30:53Very excellent theory.
00:30:55But now, instead of nurse,
00:30:57I fear theory need undertaker.
00:31:03Who are you, Charlie?
00:31:05Charlie Chan speaking.
00:31:07We have that information you asked for.
00:31:09Do you wish to take it now?
00:31:11Yes, go ahead.
00:31:13Miss Petrie is actually the wife of Jimmy Slade,
00:31:15a convict trustee employed
00:31:17in the fingerprint bureau at the state prison.
00:31:19She has been visiting him there every month.
00:31:21Thank you. Thank you.
00:31:23Instead of undertaker,
00:31:25doctor arrived,
00:31:27and theory now very healthy again.
00:31:31I see.
00:31:33Another thing, Miss Petrie,
00:31:35why you lie about clothes?
00:31:37I didn't. They were given to me.
00:31:39I learned different.
00:31:41Where you obtain money to buy fine garments?
00:31:43I've done nothing wrong.
00:31:45Please, where you get money?
00:31:47Just because my husband's in prison,
00:31:49you... I'm not going to say another word.
00:31:51You will talk at police headquarters.
00:31:53Get your hat and coat.
00:31:55Miss Harley, you go with her.
00:31:59You think she's mixed up in this?
00:32:01We soon find out.
00:32:03Mrs. Foss,
00:32:05why you lie when I ask you
00:32:07if any other convict live in this house?
00:32:09I didn't. Miss Petrie's never been in prison.
00:32:11You didn't ask me about her husband.
00:32:13When young lady
00:32:15bear title Miss,
00:32:17she usually have no husband
00:32:19to be mentioned.
00:32:21I've seen Miss Petrie often.
00:32:23She's timid and shy.
00:32:25That's June.
00:32:35What happened?
00:32:37Someone choked me. Miss Petrie?
00:32:39I don't know. I don't know who it was.
00:32:41It was someone in that room.
00:32:45Clothing undisturbed?
00:32:51What have you there?
00:32:53Nothing, Pop. Just some old telephone numbers.
00:32:59Name of Cary Theatrical Warehouse
00:33:01appear often in this case.
00:33:03Find anything, Mr. Chan?
00:33:05Mr. Kenzie, you will ask police
00:33:07to locate Miss Petrie.
00:33:09I will try warehouse.
00:33:11I'm going to the warehouse.
00:33:13I will try warehouse.
00:33:29Must be a woman driver, Pop.
00:33:31Woman too sweet and gentle for that.
00:33:33No license plates.
00:33:43Perhaps Miss Petrie
00:33:45arrived already.
00:33:47Take a look around.
00:33:51Now, Birmingham.
00:33:55Didn't you hear what Pop said?
00:33:57Sure. Your Pop said,
00:33:59look around quietly.
00:34:01And that's just what I'm going to do.
00:34:03Look around quietly, right here in the light.
00:34:05See, there ain't no harm to that.
00:34:07Always want to go in the dark.
00:34:09See, I'm going to look right around here in the light.
00:34:11See that? Ain't nothing to that.
00:34:19Tommy, see? Go ahead.
00:34:21Go in the dark and get lost.
00:34:23Okay, I'm going to stay out here in the light.
00:34:25Always running around.
00:34:31That ain't real.
00:34:33Oh, boy. Oh, boy, that ain't real.
00:34:35But if anything happens,
00:34:37I want you to stay with me.
00:34:39Listen to me. Be dependable.
00:34:41Hey, Tommy.
00:35:09Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
00:35:11Don't get excited now.
00:35:15He ain't real.
00:35:17He was real.
00:35:19Don't get excited now. He's in the trance.
00:35:21Not us.
00:35:23Just stay with me, and I'll let you know when to go.
00:35:29I never heard of an old boy.
00:35:31Now, you don't have to worry.
00:35:33I'm going to get you out of here.
00:35:35I'm going to get you out of here.
00:35:37I never heard of an old boy.
00:35:39Now, you don't have to worry now.
00:35:41Everything's all right. Just stay with me.
00:35:43I never see... They ought to have a cage or something
00:35:45for them lions around here.
00:35:47This house shorting is terrible.
00:35:49I ain't never... Whoa.
00:35:51I heal a monster.
00:35:53This place is getting crowded.
00:35:55Brother, will you just move over just a little bit?
00:35:57Just over that little bit. Thank you.
00:35:59That's plenty.
00:36:03I've never seen nothing like this before in my life.
00:36:07Give me my hat.
00:36:11Is that you got in my hat?
00:36:15Please say yes. You got in my hat.
00:36:33I ain't kidding either.
00:36:39all of this warehouse you ain't seen,
00:36:41get together because I'm going to show it to you.
00:36:49Now, let them come.
00:36:51I got them now where they can't get me.
00:36:53Mm. Now, ain't this all right?
00:36:55Wish I could have found this place a long time ago.
00:36:57What is this?
00:36:59Good evening.
00:37:01Well, ain't this nice?
00:37:03Looks all right.
00:37:13Good gracious.
00:37:17Mr. Doorman.
00:37:19Mr. Doorman.
00:37:21You better open that door. If you don't, you're going to lose it.
00:37:23Good gracious.
00:37:25Oh, my goodness.
00:37:31Good gracious.
00:37:45Mr. Chan.
00:37:49Be quiet. Here I am.
00:37:51Oh, Tommy. How did it happen?
00:37:53How did what happen?
00:37:55You ain't got no clothes on, don't you? Don't you catch cold?
00:37:59Good gracious. Tommy, don't do that without you say something.
00:38:01Hey, is this you or is this you? Who is you?
00:38:03This is me. Be quiet.
00:38:05Oh, that's you? I just can't help it, Tommy. I'm all upset.
00:38:07Good gracious. I never... I'm nervous.
00:38:09I just got to sit down. I'm telling you, I'm just...
00:38:11Ow! God! A snake!
00:38:13Mr. Chan! Mr. Chan!
00:38:15Please, please.
00:38:17Didn't I tell you to look around quietly?
00:38:19I mean quietly.
00:38:21Go watch door.
00:38:23Yes, sir. That's the best thing I heard you say.
00:38:57Mr. Johnson.
00:39:05Mr. Johnson.
00:39:07Hey, Pop.
00:39:09Hey, Pop.
00:39:11Oh, here you are, Pop.
00:39:15I didn't hear you come in.
00:39:17Strange you not hear us.
00:39:19My assistant make very much noise.
00:39:21Sorry. I didn't hear what you said.
00:39:23I didn't hear what you said.
00:39:25Sorry. I didn't hear what you said.
00:39:27I have sinus trouble.
00:39:29At times, like tonight, it affects my hearing.
00:39:31Makes me slightly deaf.
00:39:33You not hear assistants make noise in warehouse?
00:39:35No, I didn't.
00:39:37I couldn't.
00:39:39I'm very sorry for...
00:39:41I say I'm very sorry for your affliction.
00:39:43Oh, thank you.
00:39:45Uh, if you'll excuse me, I have a bit of work to finish.
00:39:55Your deafness too convenient, Mr. Johnson.
00:39:57Your deafness too convenient, Mr. Johnson.
00:39:59Good idea, huh, Pop?
00:40:01Your idea, my dollar.
00:40:05Miss Petrie arrive here yet?
00:40:07Miss Petrie?
00:40:09I know she's never been here.
00:40:11Well, we expect her very soon.
00:40:13Mr. Chan, come quick!
00:40:15Mr. Chan!
00:40:21Mr. Chan, come in, please.
00:40:23Mr. Chan, come in quick!
00:40:29That truck just went around and here it come back again.
00:40:31Miss Petrie!
00:40:33Hey, look out!
00:40:45Miss Petrie is dead. Call the police.
00:40:47Yes, sir. Here's her purse, Pop.
00:40:49No. Wish only police to examine lady's purse.
00:40:53No, Mr. Chan.
00:40:55She didn't have her purse when she left.
00:40:57Well, no one went by me into her room.
00:40:59No, I won't say anything.
00:41:05I was right.
00:41:07Miss Petrie not have purse when she leave hotel.
00:41:09You mean she was murdered?
00:41:11By same truck which earlier tried to run down myself at assistance.
00:41:13But, Charlie, why was the purse left at the scene?
00:41:15To leave fingerprints
00:41:17and provide police with convenient murderer.
00:41:19Mr. Chan?
00:41:23I thought I recognized these prints. They were in my files.
00:41:25They belong to Louis Mack, ex-convict.
00:41:27Louis Mack convict? Where?
00:41:29He served two sentences at state prison.
00:41:31I'll have the police send out a call on him.
00:41:33No, not necessary.
00:41:35Instead, I myself will go to state prison
00:41:37early tomorrow morning.
00:41:39What for?
00:41:41To prove someone there is helping to forge prints
00:41:43which convict innocent men.
00:41:45I will telephone you.
00:41:51Here are the cards you wanted
00:41:53from the fingerprint files, Mr. Chan.
00:42:03Four of them?
00:42:05Yes, the cards of Stanley Gray, Steve Briggs,
00:42:07Thomas Holley, and Louis Mack.
00:42:09Was not expecting card on Louis Mack today.
00:42:11Why not?
00:42:13I got the cards on Gray and Briggs from the dead file
00:42:15and they are in my files.
00:42:17Why not?
00:42:19I got the cards on Gray and Briggs from the dead file
00:42:21and the day after tomorrow, Holley's card goes into that file.
00:42:23Believe Mr. Holley,
00:42:25we live longer than you think.
00:42:27You got something, Charlie?
00:42:29Bad men leave marks wherever they go.
00:42:31You will please have all of these cards
00:42:33examined for fingerprints
00:42:35other than those photographed here.
00:42:37Oh, there won't be anybody but mine.
00:42:39And maybe a couple of the trustee, Jimmy Slade.
00:42:41And mine, perhaps.
00:42:43Can examine cards quickly?
00:42:45Right away.
00:42:47But Charlie, this business of forging fingerprints can't be done.
00:42:49Believe same has already been done.
00:42:51Through use of these cards
00:42:53to wrongly convict
00:42:55three innocent men.
00:42:57Briggs, Gray, and Holley.
00:42:59Gray went out of his head.
00:43:01He died in the psycho ward here.
00:43:03Briggs was in bad health when he was sentenced.
00:43:05Two months here finished him.
00:43:07I learned both men die protesting innocence.
00:43:09They swear fingerprints found in banks
00:43:11at Lamont and Rodden
00:43:13were not placed there by themselves.
00:43:15And now, Mr. Holley says...
00:43:17But Charlie, our prison cards
00:43:19couldn't be used to frame these men.
00:43:21We'll see as soon as Mr. Barker
00:43:23finishes his examination.
00:43:25Okay, okay.
00:43:27This looks okay, huh? Let's sit down.
00:43:29Yeah, let's stay right here and keep out of trouble
00:43:31and wait for Miss Chan.
00:43:33Well, Birmingham Brown.
00:43:35Oh, no. Not again.
00:43:37Well, look at old Bilge.
00:43:39Hi, boy.
00:43:41Glad to see you.
00:43:43Is you still in?
00:43:45Oh, sure.
00:43:47So while you were out, did you run into him?
00:43:49Oh, yeah. I went over and I saw him.
00:43:51You see, nobody introduced him, so I walked up to him and I said...
00:43:53That's the wrong approach.
00:43:55Sure. Why didn't you ask him that?
00:43:57I did. And we killed it.
00:43:59So I tried to borrow his...
00:44:01I thought the finance company got that.
00:44:03Oh, they did, but he got another one.
00:44:05Say, is he still going...
00:44:07No, I'm keeping company with her.
00:44:09I thought all the time you...
00:44:11Oh, she's married.
00:44:15Yeah, she married a fella by the name of...
00:44:17He's a nice fella.
00:44:19Oh, he is?
00:44:21Wait a minute. Let me tell you something.
00:44:23What's that?
00:44:25You know what I heard?
00:44:29I heard...
00:44:31Not until Christmas.
00:44:35No. I never did believe that...
00:44:39No. I never did know him.
00:44:41I don't know him myself. We've been strangers for years.
00:44:45You know what, Benjamin?
00:44:47That's why I like to talk to you.
00:44:49Because me and you seem to agree with each other.
00:44:51We sure do, don't we?
00:44:53You sure you're all right, Parker?
00:44:55Absolutely. Our file cards have been tampered with.
00:44:57This one has been wiped clean.
00:44:59And this one...
00:45:01That's Louis Mack's card.
00:45:03Yes, sir. And on it are a thumb and index
00:45:05Preserve this card.
00:45:07It is proof that someone tried to falsely accuse
00:45:09Louis Mack of Miss Petrie murder.
00:45:11When Kenzie gets back here with Slade,
00:45:13I'll get to the bottom of this. If I have to make...
00:45:15Warden, the guards can't locate Slade.
00:45:17He must know why we want him.
00:45:19Well, I'll find him. I'll call a general lock-up.
00:45:29Uh-oh. Gotta go. Can't be late for school.
00:45:31No. Well, so long, Ben.
00:45:33They throw a lot of bells.
00:45:35Yeah. I wonder what they're celebrating.
00:45:37I don't know. Maybe it's another one in Paris.
00:45:39This is when we're gonna stay out of it.
00:45:41That's the best thing that I heard you say yet.
00:45:43Look, let's play jankenpon.
00:45:51I got you that time.
00:45:59Oh, no!
00:46:03A lot of sirens.
00:46:05Yeah. But we will stay right here.
00:46:15Slade missing?
00:46:17Yes, sir. We're checking to see if any of the others are.
00:46:19Warden, guards have located Slade.
00:46:21He's heading for the bailing shed. Come on.
00:46:47The sirens stopped.
00:46:49We better go and find Pop.
00:46:51Let's do that. Let's find Pop. Come on.
00:47:19Watch out.
00:47:21Warden, he's up on the bail.
00:47:27Hold your fire, boys.
00:47:29Slade, you better give up.
00:47:31You haven't got a chance.
00:47:35Come and get me.
00:47:49He's hit.
00:47:51He still may be able to talk.
00:48:11You're not going to make me take the rap for all this.
00:48:19Slade is dead.
00:48:21Just as well for him.
00:48:25Gun barrel plugged.
00:48:27Gun explode.
00:48:29He killed South.
00:48:31Hiya, Pop. Did something happen?
00:48:33A dead man. Guess something did happen.
00:48:35Yeah, we better go before something happens to us.
00:48:37It is too bad.
00:48:39Mr. Slade was the only one who could tell us
00:48:41how prison cards used in fingerprint forgeries.
00:48:43But if there was something wrong...
00:48:45State's attorney demand absolute proof.
00:48:47At present, I have no proof at all.
00:48:49You mean there's nothing more you can do?
00:48:51Only convincing proof now would be realistic.
00:48:53I'm afraid so.
00:48:55I'm afraid so.
00:48:57I'm afraid so.
00:48:59I'm afraid so.
00:49:01I'm afraid so.
00:49:03I'm afraid so.
00:49:05Only convincing proof now would be real murderer.
00:49:07What do you want now?
00:49:09Your fingerprints, please.
00:49:11I'm looking for a murderer.
00:49:13I'm looking for a murderer.
00:49:15Well, let me out.
00:49:17One moment, Miss Evans.
00:49:19I desire your fingerprints also.
00:49:21Look, Mister. I never let policemen hold my hand.
00:49:23Have you got a warrant?
00:49:25Are you gonna book me for something?
00:49:27Okay, then I'm standing on my rights.
00:49:29And I'm not giving you my prints.
00:49:31Excuse, please.
00:49:33So you work for the government, who doesn't these days?
00:49:36You should see my withholding tax.
00:49:39Okay, toots, when you get a warrant, give me a buzz.
00:49:46Miss Evans too smart for her own good.
00:49:48I have her fingerprints now, here.
00:49:52I desire fingerprints of everyone else in this house.
00:49:55Everyone else is out.
00:49:57No matter. This gentleman is expert at finding fingerprints in rooms.
00:50:02We go upstairs, please.
00:50:09You too not afraid?
00:50:11Afraid of what, Pop?
00:50:13That you sit down so often, you get concussion of brain.
00:50:16Pop, I got a swell idea.
00:50:18Good. Save it for old age.
00:50:22Look, I'll save one for me too.
00:50:32Any luck?
00:50:34Not yet, sir.
00:50:35Has anything been heard from Foss Hotel yet?
00:50:39The prints on Louis Mack's prison card were those of Johnson, but he hasn't shown up at the hotel yet.
00:50:43Excuse, please.
00:50:51Oh, Mr. Chan.
00:50:53No, Mr. Johnson hasn't come back yet.
00:50:56Why, Mrs. Foss said Danvers went away on one of his regular trips.
00:50:59But I'm worried, it's getting...
00:51:01Please, please, you must not worry.
00:51:03Everything now in lap of God.
00:51:05Very soon I give very hearty shove, perhaps clue fall off of laps.
00:51:11Your idea is partly right, Mr. Chan.
00:51:13As you suggested, I photographed and engraved a set of fingerprints on these pads.
00:51:18Those are genuine fingerprints.
00:51:20But when pressed against an object, they still leave no print mark.
00:51:22That's right.
00:51:23A lack of oil, huh?
00:51:25I tried using vegetable oil and mineral oil.
00:51:28And if this test doesn't work, I'm afraid the experiment has failed, sir.
00:51:31No experiment is failure until last experiment is success.
00:51:37Now, this is a combination of animal oil.
00:51:48Now, if the print remains after the powder is blown off...
00:51:59Now, those are forged fingerprints.
00:52:01But any expert, not knowing what we did, would swear that they were the real thing.
00:52:04Then we can clear Harley.
00:52:05No, no.
00:52:06We make successful experiment.
00:52:08But this is no proof that Mr. Harley was convicted through forgery.
00:52:12But, Pop, if the detective at the Foss Hotel arrests Johnson...
00:52:15I fear Mr. Johnson gone by this time.
00:52:18This engraving and photography on rubber, you do all of that here?
00:52:24No, sir. I use an engraving plant.
00:52:26I had to have cameras, engraving tools, and several vats for the acid.
00:52:29Such things could not be hidden in small space.
00:52:32No, sir. They'd have to be stored in a pretty large place.
00:52:34Large place, large...
00:52:37You remain here and try contact Governor of State.
00:52:40If detectives at Foss Hotel arrest Mr. Johnson, telephone me to Cary Warehouse.
00:52:46Cary's? What are you going out there for?
00:52:48To try and prove.
00:52:50Mr. Harley's fingerprints forged exactly as we do tonight,
00:52:53thanks to Mr. Thompson.
00:52:55Very fine job.
00:52:57You know, Pop, believe it or not, that's the same idea I had.
00:53:03Tommy, now I've heard everything.
00:53:11Pop, that's the truck that almost ran over us.
00:53:13Shrewd observation.
00:53:14This is truck which killed Mr. Thompson.
00:53:16Look inside.
00:53:18Four big cameras.
00:53:19Hey, what are them tubs doing in there?
00:53:21That is paraphernalia used in forging fingerprints.
00:53:24You two remain here on watch.
00:53:26If I call, come quickly.
00:53:28Yes, sir.
00:53:31You know, I think Pop's got someone.
00:53:33There must be some clues around here.
00:53:35Let us do some investigating on our own. Come on.
00:53:37Let us you go and let us me stay here.
00:53:39I'm going to wait right here, you and me.
00:53:41I'm going to wait right here.
00:53:43Let us do some investigating.
00:53:45Second thought, I think I'll follow Mr. Chan. It's safer.
00:54:13Birmingham, it's me.
00:54:44I wonder where Pop is.
00:54:46Hey, Pop!
00:54:48Hey, Pop!
00:54:54No, I know you ain't real.
00:54:56Couldn't be real.
00:55:14Oh, boy. Not now.
00:55:16But when I ask you to make your departure,
00:55:18do not leave me here.
00:55:22Now, this is exactly what I need.
00:55:24A removable foxhole.
00:55:26It's real.
00:55:44Now, is the time.
00:55:48Oh, my goodness.
00:55:49It can't be.
00:55:50I know it ain't true.
00:55:51Don't nobody believe it.
00:55:53I don't believe it.
00:55:54Of course, you don't.
00:55:56Now is the time.
00:56:01Oh my goodness, it can't be.
00:56:05I know it ain't true, don't nobody believe it.
00:56:07I don't believe it.
00:56:08Boss, you told me.
00:56:10I see where the bullets are coming from.
00:56:14Yeah, but I don't want to look no bullets in the eye.
00:56:16Look, in the truck.
00:56:17I got an idea.
00:56:18Good idea.
00:56:19That's a good idea, Tommy.
00:56:25That's right, Tommy, back it out.
00:56:27Right straight through that door.
00:56:30We're going to run down that killer.
00:56:32That's what we'll do.
00:56:36Get him, Tommy.
00:56:37Don't miss him, Tommy.
00:56:44What am I saying?
00:56:46Good gracious of me.
00:56:54You are traveling salesman.
00:56:56This time, no sale.
00:56:59Assistants do very fine job.
00:57:01Thanks, Pop.
00:57:02Yeah, you put murderer right in my hands.
00:57:06I guess we're pretty good, huh?
00:57:11But how do we do it?
00:57:20Charlie, where have you been?
00:57:22Yes, I'll send the police right over.
00:57:24It'll be only a couple of hours.
00:57:25What about Harley?
00:57:26Yes, sir.
00:57:27Mr. Morgan, please telephone warden.
00:57:29I have complete evidence to exonerate Mr. Harley.
00:57:32When police arrive, we'll drive to prison.
00:57:35Pick you up on way.
00:57:40Fast talking salesman, unusually quiet.
00:57:42I'll talk plenty.
00:57:44You killed Mr. Johnson to prevent him from talking.
00:57:48This way, please.
00:57:52So, that is why I slightly detained last night.
00:57:55Mr. Harley, you'll be out of here the moment the state's attorney's papers arrive.
00:57:58Oh, Dad.
00:57:59Everything's all right, June.
00:58:01Your dad's free.
00:58:02Oh, you were wonderful to us, Hugh.
00:58:04Well, it's over.
00:58:05I'm glad you settled it, Charlie.
00:58:07Oh, case not settled yet.
00:58:08Why, wasn't Danvers the guilty man?
00:58:10Convict Slade is one who steal fingerprint cards from prison files.
00:58:14And he sent them to Johnson, who photographed and engraved them on rubber.
00:58:17And Danvers cased each bank before the robberies.
00:58:20But all work for third man who is missing, man responsible for most of crimes.
00:58:25How was Slade able to get fingerprint cards out of prison and back again so easily?
00:58:32Good question, warden.
00:58:35It is.
00:58:37You got any more?
00:58:39Who gives Slade gun?
00:58:40Who fixed gun so it explode when fired and murder Slade?
00:58:45Man who do all these things is third missing man.
00:58:49Must be someone inside prison.
00:58:52Correct, warden?
00:58:55You may be right.
00:58:56Many contemptible persons in prison.
00:58:59But worst of all is you, Mr. Kenzie.
00:59:03You're accusing me?
00:59:05My suspicions confirmed after talk with Mr. Danvers.
00:59:08We got your cover.
00:59:12Thank you, Charlie.
00:59:18Excellent, excellent.
00:59:21You will put weapons back in pockets.
00:59:23I guess we are good, huh?
00:59:24I don't know how we did it that time.
00:59:28Charlie, I at least thought Kenzie loved you.
00:59:31Oh, he egomaniac.
00:59:32He think only of self.
00:59:35He want money so he steal it.
00:59:38He try to get rid of you because you oppose daughter's marriage to him.
00:59:42How did you find that out?
00:59:43I talk with chorus girl, Miss Evans.
00:59:46Well, Charlie, next time you're in town, drop in and see us.
00:59:50See us?
00:59:56We sure fooled them, didn't we?
00:59:58Yeah, your pops sure got a great sense of humor.
01:00:00You should know that by now.
01:00:04Oh, no.
01:00:05This is too much.
01:00:06Well, hello there, Benjamin.
01:00:08Hello, Birmingham.
01:00:09Yeah, I just been figuring.
01:00:11Do you know you owe me?
01:00:13I don't owe you nothing.
01:00:14All I owe you is...
01:00:16Oh, no.
01:00:17You forgetting the time that I...
01:00:19Do you know I had to spend around...
01:00:20You ain't ever spent that much in your life.
01:00:22Look, my uncle wrote and told me that...
01:00:25No, no, no.
01:00:26Birmingham not do that.
01:00:27He go see landlady and she tell him...
01:00:30She lied.
01:00:31I don't know her assent.
01:00:33Listen, Mr. Chan, did you know her...
01:00:35Yeah, I met him last time, you know.
01:00:37That's right, Mr. Chan.
01:00:38That's the time that I took it over to...
01:00:39Took what over to where?
01:00:41Oh, to check to the tailor.
01:00:42Oh, that's what after that suit I never got to wear.
01:00:45Yeah, Birmingham go out in rain, suit shrink.
01:00:47Tailor refuse same, so Birmingham must pay for suit.
01:00:50Well, where's the suit now?
01:00:52It's still shrinking.
01:00:53My little nephew got on his teddy bear.
01:00:55You know, that's why I like meet you boys.
01:00:57We understand each other so well.
01:01:00Oh, Mr. Chan, he killed me.
01:01:02Pop, I don't get it.
01:01:04I never get that kind of a talk.
01:01:05How do you do it?
01:01:07You are familiar with pidgin English?
01:01:09Oh, sure.
01:01:10Same difference.