• 2 months ago
पालकमंत्रिपदांच्या नियुक्त्यांवरून नाराज होत उपमुख्यमंत्री आपल्या दरे गावी गेल्याच्या चर्चेनं राजकारणात एकच खळबळ उडाली. त्यानंतर भाजपातून त्यांच्या मनधरणीचे प्रयत्न सुरू झाले होते.


00:00When I came to the village, people got upset. I will have to come many times to complete this project.
00:07I will have to roam in this area.
00:10All the spots in this area from Pratapgada to Patan, this is the biggest area.
00:19Now there is a gap of 235 villages.
00:24There is a gap of 235 villages.
00:27So, this is a tourist area.
00:32That is why this project was created.
00:35And for that, we have to make an effort.
00:38I am the son of this land.
00:41So, I will have to take care of it.
00:43I will take care of it.
00:45Don't worry about anything.
00:47Look, you have so many worries.
00:49Your worries, your questions, are they being answered or not?
00:55Yesterday, you had objections about these two.
00:58So, today, you are the one who gave the advice.
01:01So, the decision will be made.
01:04Why do you have such questions?
01:07You have had so many questions since the time you were elected.
01:12But all the questions have been answered or not?
01:14From the ministerial level, all the questions have been answered.
01:17Now, from the ministerial level, all the questions have been answered.
01:19What is wrong in having expectations?
01:21He has worked in Raigad for many years.
01:24So, there is nothing wrong in having expectations.
01:30So, I, the Chief Minister, and the other Chief Ministers,
01:38we will sit down and find a way out.
