• 2 months ago
5 علامات هتقولك إنك بتعاني من متلازمة نتفلكس

هل بتقضي ساعات قدام التلفزيون؟ لو مش قادر تبطل مشاهدة، ممكن تكون بتعاني من متلازمة نتفلكس! في الفيديو ده هنكشف لك 5 علامات هتساعدك تكتشف إذا كنت مصاب بيها. هل أنت مدمن؟ تابع الفيديو علشان تعرف أكتر!

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓

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#ElConsolto #متلازمة_نتفلكس


00:00If you're sitting in front of a TV screen and you want to watch something new, you keep turning it on and off.
00:06You can't leave the remote in your hand.
00:08And suddenly, you find yourself counting the hours and maybe you're bored.
00:12And you haven't watched anything yet.
00:14Why do we waste a lot of time in choosing?
00:17This is a situation that Netflix has imposed on us.
00:20We can't call it a psychological problem or a trope, but it reflects our personality and the way we deal with it.
00:26It's just a situation.
00:27It happens when you have a lot of options in front of you.
00:30And instead of making you feel comfortable and comfortable, it makes it easy for you to choose.
00:35You find yourself hesitating and nervous, and you can't decide.
00:39The result?
00:40You waste all your time browsing instead of enjoying watching.
00:43Some scientists have said that hesitation leads to a number of reasons.
00:47Neglect in the sea of ​​options.
00:49The more options you have in front of you, the more confused your mind becomes.
00:54This is because the mind likes simple and clear things.
00:57But when you have a hundred movies to choose from, a kind of delirium occurs.
01:02Fear of the wrong decision.
01:03What if I chose this movie and it turned out to be a monster?
01:06What if there was another better movie?
01:08The brain is afraid to miss a better opportunity.
01:10And this makes you go around yourself.
01:13And of course, mental exhaustion.
01:15Choosing is a mental process that consumes a lot of energy.
01:19When you keep thinking a lot, it makes your mind tired quickly.
01:23And this can make you leave watching at all.
01:26Hesitation in choosing is also psychological.
01:29Scientists say that the number of choices is not always a good thing.
01:33Sometimes you increase your anxiety instead of providing happiness.
01:36This is what happens when we watch a lot of TV.
01:39Or even when you go down to buy something from the supermarket and keep thinking,
01:43will he take this or that?
01:45People now like to choose the best, and this increases the pressure.
01:48Instead of accepting any movie and watching, we try to find something ideal.
01:53And this is a waste of time.
01:54Searching for new and exciting things.
01:56The more you look at the pictures and names of movies,
01:59you feel like you're taking a little bit of happiness.
02:02And this makes you keep browsing instead of watching.
02:05The subject seems simple,
02:07but it can affect our mental state and cause a lot of problems,
02:11such as stress increase,
02:13the release of hormones such as cortisol,
02:15increases when you stay confused for a long time,
02:17lack of movement.
02:19The time you spend browsing can be used for useful activities,
02:23or even for watching a reality show.
02:25But you stay stuck in your place.
02:27The effect on sleep.
02:29We often keep flipping until the time flies
02:32and we are late to sleep, and this affects our health.
02:35So how do you overcome hesitation and prefer many options?
02:40First, set a time to choose.
02:43Give yourself five minutes to choose.
02:46If you haven't finished yet, see the first thing that catches your eye.
02:49Reduce the options in front of you.
02:51Choose a specific category, like action or comedy,
02:54and search for it.
02:56The fewer the options, the easier it is to choose.
02:59Rely on ready-made lists.
03:01Ask someone you know, or see a list of lists on the Internet.
03:05This will save you a lot of time.
03:07Focus on enjoying, not perfection.
03:09Choose any movie and think that the goal is to enjoy your time.
03:13Netflix commitment is not just about choosing movies.
03:16It's a reflection of the way we think in our daily lives.
03:19When you are aware of a problem and set limits to yourself,
03:22you will be able to enjoy more,
03:24whether on Netflix or in your life decisions.
03:27Next time, when you open the screen,
03:30choose and enjoy instead of complaining.
