• 2 months ago
बिहार की राजधानी पटना में अखिल भारतीय पीठासीन अधिकारियों की बैठक हुई. छत्तीसगढ़ विधानसभा के अध्यक्ष रमन सिंह ने इसमें शिरकत की.


00:00We have with us the head of the assembly, Mr. Ravan Singh from Chhattisgarh.
00:03Sir, how have you strengthened the assembly?
00:06There should be a lot of debate in the assembly, there should be a lot of discussion,
00:10from the budget to other issues, and the work of the assembly,
00:14the main objective of making the assembly, whether it is Lok Sabha or Vidhan Sabha,
00:18is to make laws for the benefit of the people.
00:22And the rights that are obtained in the constitution,
00:25I feel that the effective use of this, whether it is Vidhan Sabha or Lok Sabha,
00:31should be done by each and every member, and should be given maximum time.
00:35And the more you participate in the debate, the more you will reach out to the people,
00:39the more you will appear in the papers, and the more you will keep your point.
00:43If you make a mistake, the news will not be made.
00:45If you say something, it will go to that area.
00:49You are talking about bringing a portal,
00:51in which the debate of all the assembly of the country,
00:53and the assembly proceedings take place.
00:55The MP and MP of Vidhan Sabha is getting ready for any debate,
01:03through that portal, within 5 minutes,
01:07they can get all the information,
01:09what debates took place in that area, who participated, and what discussions took place.
01:13So this, the whole country and every assembly of Vidhan Sabha is trying in this,
01:18to get all the important debates done by them,
01:25to the people, to the MPs.
01:29For a long time, the CM was there, now the MP of Vidhan Sabha is there,
01:32how was the experience of both?
01:34The CM has a different experience, the MP has a different experience.
01:38In this, both the parties have to work together,
01:41the CM has to run the government,
01:43the responsibilities keep changing, it is okay.
01:46We have with us, Raman Singh,
01:49the former CM of Chhattisgarh,
01:51and now, the President of Chhattisgarh Vidhan Sabha.
01:54He has clearly said that,
01:55to strengthen the assembly proceedings,
01:59debates are very important,
02:01and only through debates, problems are solved,
02:03not through riots.
02:05With Kamsun Ashok, Brijam Pandey, EDB Bharat, Patna.
