• 2 months ago


00:00Thank you very much.
00:07Kalchini and Rahmatan Bhagans are opening today.
00:11Three Bhagans are opening today.
00:13Tulsa opened today.
00:14Kalchini and Rahmatan Bhagans are also open.
00:16We are very happy because this is the reason for the SOP.
00:20With the blessings of the Chief Minister, we have made this SOP.
00:28If the owner of the Bhagan closes the shop without notification in an uncertain period,
00:33then it will be waited for three months.
00:35Otherwise, on the basis of the SOP, their ownership will be cancelled.
00:39There are many such laws because of which the owners go out of the shop after misbehaving.
00:45Because there is no production, the right action is being taken against them.
00:49And the Bhagan is being opened.
00:53With the blessings of the Chief Minister and the Labour Department,
00:58I thank the Chief Minister of the state, Mamata Bandopadhyay,
01:02the Labour Department, Maloy Ghatak, and all of us here.
01:08It is a matter of great joy.
01:10Yesterday, there was a meeting of Mechapada.
01:11Today, there is a meeting of Dalmod.
01:12As soon as possible, five Bhagans will open here.
01:14In this Bhagan, the payment of loans and bonuses have also been made.
01:17The MD has already spoken about the liabilities.
01:22The process will start from tomorrow.
01:24The work will start from tomorrow.
01:26After the work is done, the company will see all the bank details.
01:31And as soon as possible, after the bank details are completed,
01:34within one to two days, a payment will be made on their account.
01:38And we have clearly said on the stage that the payment will not be pending.
01:43The payment has to be made at the right time.
01:45And the owner has already said this.
01:48And the MD has already said this.
