• 2 months ago
ফাঁসি হলে মনকে সান্ত্বনা দিতে পারতাম ৷ আরজি কর মামলায় সঞ্জয় রায়ের আমৃত্যু কারাদণ্ডের সাজা হওয়ার পর একথা বলেন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় ৷


00:00I haven't heard the details yet, but I have heard from you that there has been a violent riot.
00:07I have heard it from you for the first time.
00:10My reaction is very clear.
00:12We were hanged for the first time.
00:16And we are still in the same position.
00:19But the court's rule, naturally, I don't know what everyone will say now,
00:26but I can tell you what happened to me.
00:29What happened?
00:30We were hanged in three cases.
00:32Brother, please fix your mobile.
00:34We were hanged for 12 days.
00:38We were hanged for 12 days.
00:41But I don't know if this is a serious case.
00:45Whose mobile is this?
00:47Hey brother, take out your hand.
00:51Hey, take out your phone.
00:54Hey, I don't want to take out my phone.
00:57We said that this case is in our hands.
01:01We were hanged many days ago.
01:04We were hanged.
01:07Whose mobile is this?
01:09I don't know how they fought, what they did, what they did.
01:16You know about the riot.
01:19I don't know the details.
01:23The details are in the CBI.
01:26You can take the case out of our hands as you wish.
01:32We said that if we don't get the case, we will hand it over to the CBI.
01:36But the way we think,
01:39the way we think is wrong.
01:44Sister, has the CBI ever made a mistake?
01:47I can't say all this.
01:49But as a lawyer, I am saying this.
01:54I have seen the details of the documents.
01:56But I am not satisfied.
01:58Because if I cry, I can't keep my mind calm.
