• 2 months ago
মঙ্গলবার আলিপুরদুয়ারে পৌঁছবেন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় ৷ বুধবার প্রশাসনিক বৈঠক করবেন ৷ বৃহস্পতিবার প্রশাসনিক সভা করবেন তিনি ৷


00:00The Chief Minister is coming to Uttar Bengal as well. What are your preparations for this?
00:04The Chief Minister is coming to Uttar Bengal, that is, to the district of Alipur-Dwar.
00:09We thank him and we are very happy.
00:12Because the Chief Minister of Alipur-Dwar did this himself.
00:16He will come on the 21st. We have a meeting on the 22nd.
00:19On the 23rd, we are planning the main meeting.
00:22On the 23rd, we will bring the beneficiary here.
00:24And we will also come here from the maximum number of tea gardens.
00:30Because approximately 9000 workers are being given land.
00:36And various types of government benefits will be given by the Chief Minister.
00:42So, from all the tea gardens of Alipur-Dwar district, all the branches, all the villages,
00:48we will be 100% here in the population of lakhs.
00:55And the meeting on the 23rd is a success for us.
00:58We have come here to see the protection of this.
01:01Can the Chief Minister make any announcement?
01:03That will be said by the Chief Minister.
01:06And the biggest thing is that whenever he comes,
01:09we do something for the poor, low-income and rural people.
01:13Adivasi, Nepali, Rajbansi, Bhoro, Toto, Rabha, Mej, Bengali, Bihari,
01:17whatever settlement we do in the area, we do something for them.
01:22So, there are a lot of projects this time as well.
01:24Whatever it is, the Chief Minister will say.
01:27Today, there was a work of NBDD in the district of Suvashini Sharma.
01:31What was the matter?
01:32A part of the work of NBDD has started.
01:35Its tender had already been done.
01:37And there is a part of work, i.e. 5.5 crore rupees,
01:39which is the work of the North Bengal Development Department.
01:42This work has already started from today.
01:45And it has been inaugurated.
01:47This was the first work.
01:48And there was a demand from the people here.
01:50And in Suvashini Chawagan, when they came for campaigning,
01:54it was their requisition.
01:56So, I said, okay, we will see after the vote.
01:58We started this work today.
