• 2 months ago
PTR में हिरण, चीतल, काला हिरण, नीलगाय और सांभर के लिए सॉफ्ट रिलीज केंद्र बनाए गये हैं. रांची से इनको यहां शिफ्ट किया जाएगा.


00:00Total 360 cheetahs, Sambar, Nilgai and Mahiju were to be brought from here.
00:05We have brought 147 of them from here.
00:07And the remaining ones are yet to be brought.
00:09So we are not bringing them yet, considering the cold weather.
00:11So they are living very well in Tenno grass.
00:14They used to live in a small barn there.
00:16But here they are living in open.
00:18And it is looking very good.
00:19The game is jumping and jumping.
00:21And it is looking very good.
00:22Earlier, not a single deer was seen in Tenno.
00:25Now we have left 117 there.
00:28And we have left the remaining ones in Ramandagri as well.
00:30So it is very good for us.
00:33When it is protected, we will release it.
00:36And we hope that every year the number of cheetahs will increase by at least 200-250.
00:42That is why we will increase the prey base.
00:44So that we will have enough food for the tiger.
00:48And we will have proper arrangements.
00:50So we are working on that.
00:51We have made 700 breeding centers.
00:53Out of which four have been kept.
00:55Three more are yet to be kept.
00:56And we will keep Joyga in that.
00:58For more information, visit www.fema.gov
