00:00We forget everything and think about football in the next 90 minutes and more, this is the dragon against Paz, Paz now wearing his clothing in the third equipment that he presented this week, just like the dark uniform, he will wear black today in his non-traditional blue and red, what will he be doing?
00:21It's not bad, Carlos, because they said that before I did not know when to enter the country, that it was Paz dressed in black for a moment in a few years, it is like a remembrance that makes him an honor
00:41Paz playing now from the back of the set of the tiger, the pressure now comes to Dragon, he will also look for accommodation to give him an exit, ball above, attempted to jump lines, it will be easy to reach the hands of Héctor Ramírez Carvajal, the goalkeeper of the Dragon team
00:53First minutes in this game and seconds also handling the ball now with the back number 4, he is already appearing on the right sector, Calderón, just above
01:06Paz, they take the ball away again, 1 against 2, he stays in the rebound but better and timely for the arrival in Olasco, careful with the robbery, he will reach the area, he is encouraged with the shot, it ends up coming out loose and easy to Jonathan Bay's hands
01:18Now it comes to the Dragon team to try to have a little more minutes, Paz comes now with the attempt, it ends up with the shot to the door, it ends up being cut again, the Paz team has the ball again, open on the left, Emerson, they play now with Jairo, Jairo looks for his profile, the shot to the door, goal!
01:48Paz's goal! It seemed that the ball was going to one side, he hit it as well as he had the opportunity, back number 14, Emerson Rivas, Sandoval scores the first
02:04Well, and there was the play, he had it, he had it, he takes out the left-hander, the goalkeeper in the barraza, he lights up the summer, Paz, he hits him, there is Sandoval, who was always there, one of those players who hesitated, he entered, he left, today he gave him the possibility, Sandoval with his left, down and inside, 1 to 0, Paz wins, lights up the barraza, Emerson, Sandoval
02:32He's going to have it now, Medrano, he's looking for the answer now, Dragón, the attempt in the service ends up being controlled in the background by the goalkeeper of Paz, he's going to charge, Dragón will come, he's going to do the service from above, on the penalty spot, he couldn't hit him in the best way, Alverón
02:49He gave it away, Sandoval appears, Tejada comes in the steal, he has all the space to go through, here comes Tejada, he's biting Nelson, he has to return the ball so that it's Jairo, the shot to the goal, up, Jairo, he cheered up, it was Sandoval again,
03:19I repeat, a pleasant surprise for this fan who won 1 to 0.
03:49The referee sees the time, gentlemen, not even 2 minutes, let's go to rest now.
04:19Let's review what happened in this first half, after the break, we'll be back, here at Winsports, the Major League of El Salvador.
04:50Ten minutes into the duel, Dragón now touching the ball with Calderón from the back, he's looking for it again now from the left side, now on the inside, the attempt, interference appears.
05:11Roberto El Toro González was also in position, he's going to charge Bedrán Aldámez-Coca, from above, the service will be passed, he tries to reject the Paz set, he has it again, Coca, Carlos Ortiz, now here at Maga, he looks for the center, he passes it from above, he couldn't get it from the head, it will be Medrano, who couldn't avoid the ball either.
05:37Paz tries to stay with the ball, he returns now to Don Lasco, the service for Chepito can now be for the Tigre team. He's going to get to the individual, he gets to the back line, he also moves forward with the center, he passes it, it will be a corner kick in favor of Paz.
05:53Very good Guevara, who always, every time he goes.
05:57He's going to charge, Dragón will come now, waiting for the whistle, Cornejo tells him.
06:03Little race, look at the atmosphere, now they start to race.
06:06The charge is coming.
06:07We started to believe.
06:08Let's see, will it be Calderón?
06:12He's going to cheer now, Coca, the rebound in Navarra, the ball that can't come out, the goalkeeper in two times stays with Federico.
06:22The boy Circuit crossed the whole field.
06:25Good game for Circuit.
06:26Yes, of course, he did the right thing, I had never seen him play.
06:30And watch out, he's going to have it now, Dragón is going to cheer now with the rebound.
06:33In the back of Zaballona, Tambay already told us.
06:36Forward position.
06:40I don't know if there was a forward position, we'll have to check it out.
06:44He's moving forward on the right now, Ortiz, Carlos, now with the service, he does it deep.
06:48Let's see if this is good for Dragón.
06:50The center, above the head, the ball goes up.
06:57It didn't go well for Turcios later.
06:59Dragón tries to stay again with the ball.
07:02A little push, he was going to charge the foul, it seems to me.
07:05Exactly, Tejada discomforts him.
07:08The boy Hernández, Maldonado, sorry.
07:12This is one, another one comes out.
07:14And he also compensates and gives Dragón five minutes.
07:21He will then come to charge the team of Dragón.
07:25Maldonado with the back number 5.
07:28He tries to advance now easy, watch out that this can be the counter.
07:31When he goes to look for the service now, he does it with Olasco.
07:34It's one against one, one more goes up.
07:37FAS is there, Tejada also better space, he has more opportunities.
07:40The service in short, there is a man who tries the service,
07:44but ends up rejecting the ball.
07:46The goalkeeper will be on his hands.
07:49There it is, now yes.
07:506-14, ladies and gentlemen, the game is over.
07:53One for zero, FAS has won it.
07:56Triumph of the team, their champion, FAS,
08:00starts this closing tournament.
08:02There is the coach, Agustín Castillo,
08:04with a very striking posture.
08:07Sitting, pleasantly,
08:09seeing how his team wins the first duel of the championship.
08:13The goal of Emerson Sandoval
08:15was enough to stay with the triumph.
08:18Thank you very much, until next time,
08:20through Beansports, the Major League of El Salvador.