• 2 months ago
സമാപന സമ്മേളനം കേന്ദ്ര പ്രതിരോധ മന്ത്രി രാജ്‌നാഥ് സിങ് ഉദ്‌ഘാടനം ചെയ്യും.


00:00The Navati celebrations are taking place in Arambulai, Janmadesham on the 22nd.
00:07For the past one year, various events and programs have been organized in Kerala.
00:16Especially for the next generation of school children,
00:20we have organized the Sukhotha Sushma Vanam program to make them aware of the situation,
00:27and to spread Sukhotha Kumari to their hearts.
00:34The esteemed Kerala Governor, last year on February 22,
00:40decided to organize this program in Thiruvananthapuram Tagore Theatre.
00:44Kavitha Sayanam, Kavya Arangakal, Manisha Avakasha,
00:54and other topics on nature conservation have been presented to the public,
00:58and many other events have been organized.
01:04The four-day Sukhotho Sushma Vanam is organized in Arambulai to celebrate all these events.
01:12Today, the Sukhotho Sushma Vanam has been organized by Kavitha Labanamalsarov and Vanyasamalsarov for children.
01:22A teacher named O.R.Ranjith, who introduces Sukhotho Kumari to children,
01:30has presented a beautiful way to entertain children.
01:35Kavitha Sayanam, Kavitha Labanamalsarov, Vanyasamalsarov, Vanyasamalsarov,
01:40and many others have presented their stories to the public.
01:45In Arambulai, which is the birthplace of Sukhotho Kumari,
01:50near a huge forest, near a dense forest, near the Pamba river,
01:55in this beautiful Arambulai village,
02:00there is no doubt that children will have a new experience after listening to these heartfelt poems.
02:09Tomorrow, we are going on a forest trip through Sukhotho forest.
02:15Inchakkad Balachandran,
02:17Kavitha Labanamalsarov, who wrote this poem,
02:22is going to take the children to the forest,
02:27and tell them about Sukhotho Kumari's poems,
02:32and entertain them.
02:37I hope this will create a great excitement.
02:42The next day, we will go to the forest,
02:47and listen to Sukhotho Kumari's poems.
