• 2 months ago
फरीदाबाद से कीमती सामान या जेवरात की नहीं, बल्कि लाखों रुपये के इंसान के सिर के बाल चोरी करने का मामला सामने आया है.


00:30On the 14th of this month, at around 3 in the morning, my hair was stolen from my house.
00:46I had hidden the money inside my hair.
00:49What kind of hair?
00:51The hair that falls off a woman's hair.
00:54Did you work as a buyer?
00:56Yes, I was a buyer.
00:59How much hair did you have?
01:01More than 150 kgs.
01:03What was the price?
01:04The full price was around 9 lakhs to 10 lakhs.
01:09It was more than 10 lakhs.
01:11And the money was 2,13,000 rupees.
01:16The hair was stolen.
01:18The price was 7,75,000 rupees.
01:21The hair was stolen?
01:232,13,000 rupees?
01:24Yes, 13,000 rupees.
01:25Where did you hide the money?
01:26I hid it inside my hair.
01:30Where were you at that time?
01:32I was sleeping in the next room.
01:34Did you get any hurt?
01:36No, I didn't get any hurt.
01:38Do you suspect anyone?
01:40Yes, I suspect. I gave the police the address.
01:44What did the police do?
01:45The police did a good job.
01:48Which way did the thief come from?
01:52He came from this way.
01:54Did he come from the stairs?
01:55Yes, he came from the stairs.
01:57He came from the corner of the road.
01:59He came from the stairs?
02:01Yes, he came from the stairs.
02:03Did you get any vehicle?
02:05No, I didn't get any vehicle.
02:07I didn't see any vehicle in the CCTV.
02:09He must have parked the car ahead.
02:11How many people were there in the car?
02:13I saw 2-3 people in the CCTV.
