• 2 months ago
مدي 1 تي في : الفنان محمد العربي السرغيني - 18/01/2025


00:00The secret of creativity is to look at the unknown in an unknown way, because as a creator you will not see things as others see them.
00:28So how about presenting a musical artistic project?
00:32Here we must reach the highest levels of excellence to give the recipient more than he expected.
00:40The journey through the magic of music always takes us to new worlds that allow us to be who we want to be.
01:58Arabic music is always full of magic that unites the lyrics and the melody.
02:03Especially when the performer is able to create a sound, a culture and a melody with any artistic project.
02:12In the opening, we followed a part of a song called All that comes out of you is good.
02:19To an artist that not many people know, but he has touched the world through his participation and his presence in works that are out of the ordinary.
02:30He insists on presenting the Moroccan musical instrument with the most beautiful image in any place and time.
02:37Today I am happy to welcome the artist Mohamed Al-Arabi Asarghini.
02:41Welcome Mr. Mohamed Al-Arabi, a dear guest on the show Kingdom of Creativity.
02:49Thank you for the invitation and I am very happy to be here with you on the show with Dr. Sidi Ahmed.
02:56We hope to be a little polite to the audience.
03:01Our audience will join us and the conversation will be enriched.
03:05As usual, the consultant of the show is Dr. Ahmed Dhafri.
03:08Dr. Ahmed, welcome.
03:10Thank you Mr. Hussain.
03:13So, Mr. Mohamed Al-Arabi, you have worked on world-renowned musical projects.
03:20You have performed in many countries.
03:23The color of the Moroccan musical instrument is always present.
03:30It was the main source of your work.
03:34In the beginning, I would like you to tell us more about your work.
03:43Thank God, I was somewhat limited due to my relationship with the great artists on the international stage.
03:55I wanted to go international because of my cultural heritage.
04:05I wanted to have a color that would be popular all over the world.
04:10Thank God, I was able to do it.
04:12I was able to perform in front of a large number of international theatres.
04:18It took me more than 37 years.
04:21So, you were dealing with foreign artists.
04:24Yes, all of them were foreigners.
04:26How was the coordination between the traditional Moroccan music and their musical colors?
04:36How was the coordination?
04:38For example, when a choreographer comes to perform a specific work,
04:44he has to be in sync with the choreographer in order to express the color of the work.
04:51Because there is a lot of music, you have to express the color of the work.
04:56Thank God, we were able to do it because the two languages are the same.
05:01Doremi, Fasoul and Aram.
05:03A language that everyone can understand.
05:05Yes, everyone can understand.
05:07Dr. Ahmed, what do you think about the presence of the Moroccan musical instrument in international concerts?
05:12This is what I would like to discuss with Dr. Mohamed Al-Arabi.
05:19In regards to the international issue, what is interesting is that Ridley Scott chooses the color of the Moroccan traditional musical instrument
05:30and decides to choose Mohamed Al-Arabi as the singer.
05:36I would like him to tell us about the context in which he made this choice.
05:42When I was in a concert in Los Angeles, Ridley Scott and his team were among the audience.
05:51They were impressed by the Moroccan musical instrument.
05:58They were excited to see the movie, Kingdom of Heaven.
06:02Was it a private concert?
06:04Yes, it was a private concert in a big theater in Los Angeles.
06:08They were among the audience.
06:11When I performed, I noticed that this musical instrument should be in the movie, Kingdom of Heaven.
06:20It happened.
06:22It was a very beautiful meeting.
06:29Dr. Ahmed, many people do not know that the voice of Ridley Scott in the movie, Kingdom of Heaven,
06:39is the voice of the Moroccan singer Mohamed Al-Arabi.
06:44This is a pride and honor for Morocco.
06:47Yes, more than that.
06:49I wonder, maybe this initiative of Ridley Scott could have come from other parties,
07:01maybe even from Morocco.
07:04For sure, Mr. Mohamed Al-Arabi has to go in this direction
07:11and strengthen his communication with the artistic scene
07:16so that he can impose his presence more and work in other cinematic works.
07:23Why not?
07:24Starting from this experience, there will be other experiences, Mr. Mohamed Al-Arabi.
07:30Indeed, I am short in my country because I work a lot abroad.
07:36The circumstances do not help me to be present in Morocco.
07:41Mr. Mohamed Al-Arabi, if your presence outside Morocco gives you these honorable and positive results,
07:49why not stay away from Morocco?
07:51Maybe you are a good ambassador for traditional music.
07:54This is what I am aiming for.
07:56What is the biggest evidence that your presence in a movie of this size with a director of this size
08:04and this level is nothing but pride and honor for Morocco and the Moroccan traditional music.
08:12So, let's watch this clip from the scenes of Ridley Scott's movie, Kingdom of Heaven,
08:19composed musically with the voice of Moroccan artist Mohamed Al-Arabi.
08:34The voice of Mohamed Al-Arabi
09:04May God bless you, Mr. Mohamed Al-Arabi.
09:06Dr. Ahmed, when you listen to and follow these novels with the voice of Mohamed Al-Arabi,
09:12you feel as if he is an indivisible part, a hero of this story, a hero of this movie.
09:19The presence of the singer in these scenes has left a deep impression on the listener.
09:27This is something we should be proud of.
09:30We should be proud of the Moroccan-Islamic Arab culture.
09:36In response to what Dr. Ahmed said,
09:38Mr. Mohamed Al-Arabi, when you were given this opportunity,
09:45how did you deal with this work,
09:49which is a global work with great Arab stars, artists, and an American-English director
09:57who also has a long career in art?
10:00Was it your responsibility to advance this Moroccan traditional music mission
10:08in a way that should reach this level?
10:11How did you deal with this mission?
10:13The idea was that Salah Al-Din would be victorious in Al-Quds.
10:24The number of dead and so on,
10:31and I was told to look for a text that would be relevant to this occasion,
10:36and that would be remembered in his name.
10:39I went to a friend of mine, a Spanish musicologist, Luis Delgado.
10:44I send him my regards from this perspective.
10:47He opened this text for me, and I went to the Escorial library in Madrid.
10:52I was looking for his name.
10:54I found a text that said,
10:56Oh, our brothers, when you talk about death,
10:59we should not talk about it,
11:01and death has been solved,
11:03and death has a beneficial judgment in creation.
11:06In the end, it says,
11:08Whoever has passed through it, let him walk in it in mercy,
11:13and let not the death of the truthful be forgotten.
11:17Seymour Hamid Al-Arabi,
11:19the audience saw that you sang in this film.
11:25Would you like to give us a song from one of your novels?
11:31Go ahead.
11:32If you are not with me, then the remembrance of you is with me.
11:37My heart sees you, and if you are unseen from my sight.
11:47If you are not with me, then the remembrance of you is with me.
12:01My heart sees you, and if you are unseen from my sight.
12:09The eye sees whom it desires, and loses him.
12:21and the heart holds still.
12:24No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
12:31it remains unseen from my sight.
12:37The eye sees what you seek, and you seek it.
12:52And the heart is at rest, the heart is at rest.
12:58No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
13:15May God bless you.
13:27In terms of vocal abilities, there are things that are related to a divine gift
13:36that may be helpful in this field
13:40because energy like this may not be available for everyone
13:44Some may try to practice art and try to sing
13:50but it is impossible to reach such a high level of vocal abilities
13:57if you are so influenced by it
14:01This is what Dr. Ahmed, the program's consultant, said
14:06It is rare to interact and be influenced by musical connections
14:13This is a proof that music is magic, emotion, and influence
14:19This is what we felt through this connection
14:23Mr. Mohamed Al-Arabi, you mentioned that you worked on international artistic projects
14:31in cooperation with other creative artists
14:36These projects were in many countries around the world
14:42Yes, many countries around the world
14:45I mean the world of opera, from Sydney to Buenos Aires
14:57In the presence of a large audience?
15:00No, I didn't go to just one or two performances
15:04I went to thirty performances
15:08Before we continue, let's watch a clip from a world art project called Stork
15:16where the music of the Moroccan people was present
15:21with the voice of Mohamed Al-Arabi's guest
15:38Mohamed Al-Arabi's guest
16:08Mohamed Al-Arabi's guest
16:11Mohamed Al-Arabi's guest
16:14Mohamed Al-Arabi's guest
16:33Mohamed Al-Arabi's guest
16:37We watched the clips
16:40Mr. Mohamed Al-Arabi, can you tell us where this project was held?
16:46This is a project of a choreographer
16:49We should be proud of him
16:51He has a marriage with a Moroccan father and a Belgian mother
16:54He is the master of Eastern Arabic
16:56We should be proud of this person
16:58This is his work
16:59He was recently honored by the Belgian king
17:03We should be proud of this person
17:07He is one of the four best choreographers in the world
17:13He is the master of Eastern Arabic
17:15This project was called Stork
17:17It was produced by the Swedish Opera House
17:22This performance was held in Gothenburg
17:28In Sweden
17:30What is the message of this performance?
17:33We saw the dance flags on the stage
17:36What is the story behind this performance?
17:39This is a true story
17:41Stork is known for her performance on the Swedish flag
17:45She was crying and crying
17:48She was crying and crying
17:51She was able to make her children fall in love with her
17:56She was a good dancer
17:58She was trying to make her children avoid drugs and other bad things
18:04And this is a very good story
18:07Here, in this framework
18:09The thing we should encourage strongly
18:15Is that we should bring our art and our tradition to others
18:21to countries that may not have a clear picture of cultural tolerance
18:29In this way
18:30Yes, in this way
18:31The heritage reaches
18:32There are those who may say that the music of the Andalusian music should preserve its characteristics, its image and its original nature
18:47But I believe that art should move with the passage of time and space
18:55Of course
18:55And evolve
18:56This is what is happening now
18:58And this is the best proof of this, this project that the artist Mohamed Al-Arabi is working on
19:03Well, our viewers, to another musical art project that bears the name of Ihsan this time
19:08To follow the hijacker of this work, who was one of the most prominent heroes of the Moroccan artist Mohamed Al-Arabi
19:15Let's watch
19:46Look, look, look
20:06So, Mr. Mohamed Al-Arabi, as well as another international artistic project
20:10Some clarifications about this work
20:14His first view is that he used the word Moroccan
20:19Where was this?
20:20This was present in the opera, in the theater of the Jeunesse
20:24Jeunesse, Jeunesse
20:25They embraced the first age
20:27And among the references, there is a beautiful word, I am talking about the poet Hassan bin Utabit, who says
20:33Better for people to worship their hearts, as long as they worship the goodness of man
20:41We say, the poetic occasion, we have to say
20:44Of course, of course, because the poetry and the words, Dr. Ahmed, in such international artistic projects
20:51Are the core, the raw material of the project
20:54Yes, and it is also appropriate to focus and show the characteristics of the Moroccan heritage
21:01At the level of clothing, at the level of decor, at the level of the components and components of the space
21:08This is a place, doctor, this is a place
21:10And this scene is going to be in one of the 103 banks in the world
21:18It was found as a Moroccan shape, and we are proud of its Moroccanness
21:22Moroccan paintings are excellent
21:24We have reached the end of the episode, Mr. Mohamed Al-Arabi
21:28And of course, you will meet us in a minute
21:30In the middle of it as well
21:32Let us enjoy and let the audience enjoy
21:34God willing, with pleasure
21:37O My Beloved
21:45O My Beloved
21:52O My Beloved, how much is a cup of your cup?
21:59With wealth or with a soul?
22:29With wealth or with a soul?
22:36Love is only a test for the boy
22:47Love is only a test for the boy
22:51Love is only a test for the boy
22:59No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
23:05The pen runs and the lover is on it
23:13And the lover is on it
23:17And the lover is on it
23:27La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
23:39The pen runs and the lover is on it
23:46And the lover is on it
23:50Oh my eyes, oh my eyes
24:01May Allah bless you, Mr. Mohamed Al-Arf
24:04I wanted to give you hours and hours
24:08You talked about the Qubla
24:11I accept my mother
24:13I accept my grandfather
24:15I accept my wife
24:16I accept my daughter
24:17I accept all mothers
24:19Mr. Mohamed Al-Arfi
24:21In conclusion, what is your project?
24:24Or the next stage?
24:26What are you working on?
24:27Always in the same direction?
24:31God willing, the journey is long
24:34This field does not know the end
24:38It has no limits
24:40It does not have limits
24:41Art does not have limits
24:43A sea that has no shore
24:46One last word, Doctor
24:48I enjoyed this session
24:50I am proud that I was one of the directors
24:57For a voice that became international
25:00Through the work of the International Cinema
25:03I add my voice to the voice of the Doctor
25:06We enjoyed it
25:07And the audience enjoyed this artistic session
25:11Especially the Moroccan international artist
25:15Mohamed Al-Arfi, thank you
25:18We wish you continuity
25:21Always a special relationship
25:24In this field and in everything you do
25:26Thank you, Mr. Hussam
25:28I thank you and the program
25:31Thank you to all the guests
25:33Thank you, Doctor
25:36Thanks to the consultant of the program
25:39Dr. Ahmed Dhafri
25:40Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:41Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:42Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:43Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:44Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:45Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:46Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:47Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:48Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:49Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:50Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:51Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:52Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:53Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:54Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:55Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:56Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:57Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:58Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
25:59Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:00Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:01Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:02Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:03Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:04Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:05Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:06Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:07Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:08Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:09Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:10Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:11Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:12Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:13Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:14Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:15Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:16Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:17Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:18Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:19Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:20Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:21Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:22Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:23Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:24Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:25Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:26Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:27Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:28Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:29Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:30Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:31Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:32Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:33Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:34Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:35Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:36Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:37Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:38Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
26:39Thank you, Dr. Al-Arfi
