• 2 months ago
મોઢેરાના સૂર્યમંદિર ખાતે ઉત્તરાયણ પછી ઉજવાતો ઉત્તરાર્ધ મહોત્સવમાં ઘૂંઘરૂંની ઝનકાર અને નર્તનથી સર્જાયો નયન રમ્ય નજારો. જુઓ...


01:00I am Vani Madhav from Odissie Dancer Naidili, I am very happy to perform here in the ambience
01:19of the Sun Temple.
01:21I would like to thank the Youth Cultural Department for giving us this opportunity.
01:29We should keep getting opportunities to come here and perform.
01:34What have you performed?
01:36We performed Dashavatar, 10 incarnations of Jaidev Vishnu.
01:40We also performed Moksha, Odissi's last item, where a dancer surrenders himself to God.
01:51This year is the 25th anniversary of Gujarat Mahotsav.
01:56Every year, the Youth Cultural Department of the Gujarat Government organizes this event
02:04with the district administration.
02:06This Sun Temple in Modera is world famous.
02:10It is a historical heritage and a pride of Gujarat.
02:14This temple was built in 1032 A.D.
02:20It has become a symbol of our architectural style and capacity in the world.
02:26The first ray of the Sun shines inside the temple.
02:32It is the Kashi of the temple.
02:34It is also called Ram Kund.
02:37This is a temple of historical heritage.
02:39Earlier, it was a place of great faith.
02:41Now, it is under the management of the historical department.
02:45This stage is a big stage for the artists.
02:49From different states of India,
02:51the artists are invited as special guests to perform on this stage.
02:56This stage is also known as the Gauravvanta stage for the dancers.
03:04It is the faith of the people.
03:06It is the faith of the local people.
03:08It is the faith of the Gujarat Government.
03:10It is the faith of the Gujarat Government.
03:12It is the faith of the Gujarat Government.
03:14It is the faith of the Gujarat Government.
03:16It is the faith of the Gujarat Government.
03:18It is the faith of the Gujarat Government.
03:20It is the faith of the Gujarat Government.
03:22It is the faith of the Gujarat Government.
03:24It is the faith of the Gujarat Government.
03:26It is the faith of the Gujarat Government.
03:28It is the faith of the Gujarat Government.
03:30It is the faith of the Gujarat Government.
03:32Five of my students have come with me.
03:34We are very happy to participate in the Uttaradhama festival.
03:40We are presenting three performances in front of the Sun God.
03:46Suryashtakam, Naram and Jeeva.
03:52What are you feeling today?
03:56This is a place where our Shastra traditions take us forward.
04:10All of us feel very proud to perform here.
