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Video Information: Shastra Kaumudi Live, 26.09.2019, Advait BodhSthal, Greater Noida, India

~ How to understand Dominique?
~ What does Dominique want to understand through her marriages?
~ Is the real individual affected by the world?
~ Why does Dominique marry Peter Keating and Gayle Wynand?
~ Why is Dominique making her suffer?

Music Credits: Milind Date

Part III, Chapter II: “Dominique had become an ideal wife. She devoted herself completely to his interests: pleasing his clients, entertaining his friends, running his home […] When he expressed his views on any subject, she did not argue—she agreed with him.”

The Fountainhead, by Ayn rand .


00:00The first one comes from Muthasim. He quotes,
00:18Dominique had become an ideal wife. She devoted herself completely to Peter Keating's interests,
00:25pleasing his clients, entertaining his friends, running his home and so on. When he expressed
00:33his views on any subject, she did not argue, rather she agreed with him. So, the questions
00:46are, Pranam Acharyaji, what exactly does Dominique wish to understand through her marriage with
00:58Peter? How will this kind of devotion to Peter help her in understanding what she wishes
01:06to understand? And then in continuation of this, why was Peter Keating not worthy enough
01:12to remain Dominique's husband? What exactly does Dominique wish to understand through
01:18her marriage with Peter? How will this kind of devotion to Peter help her in understanding
01:24what she wishes to understand? Dominique respects greatness. However, she thinks of greatness,
01:47perfection, excellence in relation to the world. She does not yet realize that perfection
02:16and the world neither go together, nor do they not go together. Basically, they are
02:29different dimensions. Her insistence is to see perfection in the world. Her insistence
02:45is upon a world so perfect that it respects perfection. Her childlike question is, if
03:02there is greatness, why must pettiness exist at all? She cannot see these two co-existent
03:23and she is right in her way. If the real thing is actually real, why must it co-exist
03:32with the false? So she takes her position. She says, if the real is real, it has no business,
03:45no obligation co-existing with the false. The false must go. The real is incompatible
03:55with the false, so the false must go. But the false is big, pretty big, encompassing
04:08the entire world, the masses of men, their culture, their civilization, their minds,
04:17their thoughts, their patterns, their conditioning. That's a huge bulk. That's a huge bulk that
04:30Dominique does not really want to exist. You get her contention? She says, if the real
04:39is actually real, why must the false exist at all? Had it been in her sway, she would
04:49have just wished or ordered all falseness into disappearance. But she cannot do that.
05:09It's outside the province of any person's limited powers. She sees that ignorance exists,
05:20ugliness exists, man's insistence on his ugliness exists, man's defense of mediocrity
05:40stubbornly refuses to go and she pleads, she wants it to all just vaporize. It does not.
05:58So what does she say? She says, now the true and the false have no business co-existing
06:05and the false is refusing to go. The true and the false cannot co-exist and the false
06:14says I will definitely exist. Hence her conclusion is that, I'll repeat, what she says is, it
06:31is a felony that right by the side of truth, falseness should exist, that a great man should
06:42walk surrounded by dwarfs, that a great building should be surrounded by testimonies of human
06:56impotency. She says this is just not acceptable. The tall one walking amongst dwarfs, what
07:16business do dwarfs have being in his company, claiming his company? What business does a
07:26great building have in the middle of a city dominated by ugly instances of man's deformed
07:37spirit? These two cannot go together and if the dwarfs insist that they are very powerful
07:51and very pervasive, then her step is to take the true away. False should go away ideally
08:03but if the false is not going away, I'll take away the true. In any case I cannot allow
08:09the two of them to co-exist. That's her stand. These two must not co-exist. That's unbearable.
08:22It just wrenches her spirit to see these two co-exist. In a party, I think one of Kiki Holcomb's parties,
08:46one fellow comes over to Rourke, drooling, fawning, probably trying to shake hands, expressing
08:57admiration. And Dominique is watching. She says, no, Rourke, no. She doesn't explicitly
09:07express that in words but that's what she says. She says, no, Rourke, no, you have no
09:13business letting that man come to you. Right now he is expressing admiration for your work
09:21and I have seen this idiot express admiration for a third-rate movie as well. No, you have
09:34no business being in his company. It is bad enough that pettiness exists and it is far
09:59worse if pettiness exists right next to greatness. She says pettiness has all the rights to exist.
10:15Let it exist in its own ecosystem. And she says, fine, I will take it as some whim of
10:31physical nature. After all, madmen too exist, don't they? Even animals go mad. Prakriti
10:47does indulge in these things. So it's alright. That can be accepted, tolerated. All kinds
11:01of rubbish, nonsense, ugliness, all that exists in the natural physical world. Let
11:12it exist. Desserts exist. Jungles exist. And you might have a very romantic notion of a
11:24jungle. But if you go to an actual jungle, you might not find it so romantic. It's infested
11:34with mosquitoes and all kinds of little insects insistent on feeding upon you and you can't
11:45even walk properly. There are spider webs ready to claim your face and you don't know
11:55where to put your foot next. There are rotting leaves all around and as you put your feet
12:03over them and there is a rustle, along with the rustle arises a putrefied smell, especially
12:14if it's the rainy season. So all kinds of uglinesses do exist in physical nature and
12:32they have a right to exist.
12:38What Dominique cannot bear is how can a colony of madmen have a sage in between them. That
12:51is what really makes her tremble. She says madmen do have a right to exist and that's
13:00okay. Things exist in nature, in Prakriti. So men without brains, men without souls do
13:11have a right to exist. It's alright. But why do they co-exist with a sage in the middle
13:20of them? And she sees that she cannot stop the madmen from existing. So she says, alright,
13:37I will stop the sage from existing. That's her way of expressing love towards the sage.
13:46She tells the sage, I love you so much, I cannot see you in the middle of all these
13:51people. I will snatch you away from them. If I let you be in the middle of them, then
13:56I know you. You don't hate them. You don't want to go away from them. You have a very
14:05compassionate indifference towards them and in fact you can have no compassion if you
14:09are not indifferent. If you are related, if you are attached, you can at most have
14:17pity. Compassion definitely requires a certain indifference, a detachment. The sage has that
14:26and because he has indifference, therefore he will feel no need to get away from the
14:31world. He is secured. He is world proof. The world cannot affect him. So he feels no
14:41need to run away from the world. Dominic is yet not there. Dominic's principle is the
14:50sage and the world must not co-exist. The sage deserves to be in the company of sages
14:57alone. The sage is an emperor and emperors deserve to be in their palaces. What is an
15:09emperor doing in a madhouse? That's the question she asks. But that is not the question that
15:20the emperor asks. The emperor says my kingdom is within me. So I am not feeling offended
15:30being in the company of even mediocre souls. Further, if I am not in the middle of them,
15:43it's a two-way loss. One, I am acknowledging that their presence hurts me. Second, if I
15:53take myself away from them, who will heal them? Though that is not his primary motive,
15:59please understand. Actually he is motiveless. He just exists motivelessly. Only then can
16:08there be compassion. Compassion can never be purposeful. Compassion has to be motiveless.
16:17We will not appreciate that very quickly or very spontaneously because we are used to
16:24purpose, purposeful pity or consideration or regards or help. Whenever help is purposeful,
16:44it is an expression of the little ego. You are almost gloating over the other's degraded
16:58state. In helping him, in some way you are considering yourself superior to them and
17:08you are feeling lucky that you could come upon somebody inferior to you and your relationship
17:15with someone inferior to you allows you some kind of pride in your own state. The sage,
17:33the saint who is the real individual, therefore has no aversion for the world. You see he
17:48is, I said, the real individual. So he cannot be affected. Who is an individual who cannot
17:54be affected? You cannot take away a part of him. He is indivisible. That is real individualism.
18:03To be somebody who cannot be touched, who cannot be destroyed, who cannot be made to
18:10chop off a part of him, who is just one and that is also called integrity or wholeness
18:19or totality or completeness or purnata. A part of you just cannot be taken away. You
18:27do not exist in parts at all. All parts of you are one. So therefore there are no parts
18:34at all. You are in one solid single whole. So the saint is not afraid. He says, I am
18:45the individual, real individual. Not an individual who follows the ideal of individualism. These
18:55are two different things. Please understand. An idea is always partial because it exists
19:04only at the mental level. So if you are a follower of the ideology called individualism,
19:09you cannot be an individual. Do you get these two things apart from each other? A follower
19:23of the ideology called individualism is not an individual at all because to follow an
19:29ideology first of all there has to be a division between you and the ideology. There is you
19:35and there is the ideology and you decide to follow the ideology. Now division has been
19:40created at the starting point itself. Where is indivisibility? An individual is one who
19:48follows no ideology. He just is. In Vedantic parlance you will say he is whole, he is Atma.
19:59He has no ideology. He lives by the dictate of his central luminous point. In the language
20:17of devotion, bhakti, you will say he is the one who has only one God, only one Lord, only
20:31one to obey. He is the individual. So he never faces any crisis or dilemmas because he does
20:42not have two to obey or two to get confused within. Confusion is only when there is an
20:53order from here and order from there and you do not know which one to follow. The individual
21:01is the one who accepts order only from one place. You can call it his heart, you can
21:08call it his pure soul, you can call it his Atma or you can call it his great Lord sitting
21:18in the skies. Depends on how you want to word it. So you see the difference between how
21:31the sage is and how Dominic conceives a sage should be, there is a difference there. And
21:41that is why Dominic has to take a long path. In spite of Rourke sitting in her heart throughout
21:54the course of the story, externally she is able to reach Rourke only after taking a pretty
22:03convoluted route. So go to Peter Keating, then divorce, then go to Gail Winand, again
22:15divorce, then reach Rourke. This is all happening on the surface. Such a long journey she has
22:24to make. Within she belongs to Rourke even before Peter Keating is able to touch her.
22:35Even in a physical sense, we know that. Rourke was the first one she allowed within her physical
22:49self as well. But then because her understanding is not yet full, so she has to go through
23:03a painful process. In spite of Rourke sitting in her heart, she has to marry Keating. And
23:14imagine the torture. It's like somebody being put on the rack. That is easy because that
23:30ends the game very soon. It's the Chinese torture in which slowly drops keep falling
23:38on your forehead. There is nothing immediate. You don't end in one blow of the axe. You
23:47don't even end in an hour of sustained suffering. You are allowed to continue and you are allowed
23:57to continue for long, but you are allowed to continue as one unsettled and chained being.
24:05That is the kind of torture she faces with Keating as his wife. But she has to bear the
24:11torture. Why? Because her understanding of what fullness or totality really means is
24:27not yet complete. She has to undertake the journey just to complete that learning. Not
24:34that she is purposefully doing the right things to complete her learning. It's just that when
24:40your journey is not complete, you have to go through suffering. But if your intention
24:48is proper, then in the process of suffering, you will learn. And if your intention is not
24:53proper, then you will not learn despite suffering. You get it? If your understanding is not full,
25:03it is inevitable that you will have to pass through suffering. But even while passing
25:12through suffering, it is in no way certain that you will learn. Most people suffer but
25:19never learn. Suffering is at most an opportunity, an opportunity to learn. The great thing about
25:30Dominic is she learns. But if Mudassim you are asking that she has purposefully married
25:38Peter Keating in order to learn, no that she has not done. The great thing would have been
25:45for her obviously to not marry Keating. But being Dominic, she could not have not married
25:53Keating. It was to happen. She is just too concerned with the world. She not only wants
26:01trueness to exist, she also wants trueness to be respected by the world. Now if you want
26:08trueness to exist, that is alright. It's wonderful. But if you start demanding that trueness must
26:15also be understood and respected by the world, you are demanding too much. In fact, in some
26:29sense you are insulting trueness. Though your claim is that you worship trueness, right?
26:35You claim that you worship trueness so you want the world to worship it as well. But
26:41mentioning trueness in the same breath as the world, you have actually pulled trueness down.
26:49You are saying trueness is so great, it must have the admiration of the world. Why do you
26:57mention these two together? If trueness is there, be concerned with trueness. Why do you think and
27:02talk so much of the world? But Dominic does. She cannot think of Rourke without thinking of all
27:10the ordinary men and the common man on the street. She thinks of Rourke and then she
27:22thinks of the average mediocre man and that kills her. She says, Rourke, you have no business
27:33in this city. Look at that man. He is spitting on the stairways. Look at that woman. In the
27:47great house that you built, she is hanging diapers. Now did you build a great house for
27:58that woman to hang her diapers? That's what makes her revolt. She says, no. If that woman
28:09is going to hang diapers in the house that you built, then it is better that you do not build
28:14any house. I will not allow you to get any commissions. Whenever a commission would be
28:19coming your way, I will intercept it. And that's what she does. She steals so many potential
28:30clients away from Rourke and hands them over to Keating. She says, these clients, do they
28:40deserve to touch my Rourke? No, they don't. So I will not allow them to go to Rourke. They
28:45deserve to be with Keating. You go to Keating. She is a child woman. And in some way, Rourke
28:56treats her that way. She is yet to mature. She is on a journey. How dare, what was the name of
29:14the fellow? Stutton or something? Stutton, right. How dare the Stutton fellow come and stand in
29:26front of Rourke? She says, you know, giving commission to Rourke would be a work of heroism,
29:40Stutton, and you do not have the figure for that. So you better go to Keating. See,
29:50that's the way she is expressing her greatest tribute. And when they drag Rourke to court,
30:04she says, now you see why I didn't want you to have contact with them? Why I didn't want
30:13you to work with them? Because if you work with them, this is what they will do to you.
30:17So in some sense, I saved you from them by not letting you land those commissions.
30:26Didn't you build a temple for Stoddard? Didn't you? You did. And what did Stoddard do to that
30:38temple? He disfigured it. He defiled it. He didn't even completely demolish it. He raped it.
30:56So that's Dominique's argument. You built one temple and see what they did to your work. First
31:08of all, they defiled your work. Secondly, they dragged you to court. Thirdly, they hurled abuses
31:16at you. And fourthly, they made you pay up for the entire dirty job. Not only was the temple
31:43desecrated, Rourke was asked to pay the money for its desecration. Dominique says, this is exactly
31:55why I do not want you to get any work. Whenever you will get work, Rourke, you will do it your
32:02way. And whenever you will do it your way, they will not allow you to live or survive. And I love
32:10you so much, Rourke. I cannot see you being dragged to their courts. And it is certain that if you
32:19allow them your company, if you allow them to have an agreement with you, an architect's agreement,
32:29they will most definitely spit over you. You do not belong to their world. You come from another
32:39dimension. You better live in your own dimension. Don't debase yourself by touching these stinking
32:55lots. Don't stoop to their level. Don't take their work. Let them live in their world. You do not
33:09belong to their world. Why do you want to come and build in their world? You go back to where you
33:20came from. You belong to some other planet. On this planet, if you will try to do something,
33:28I will not allow you to do that. Because if you do something, they will hurt you. They will kill
33:32you. You have no money. Not that money bothers you too much. But just as a fact, you have no
33:46money. And look at what the thing called Stoddard is doing to you. He is saying, pay me so that I
34:03can demolish your work. Rourke is being asked to pay up so that the temple can be demolished
34:22or modified and turned into some appendage of the Sikh society. So that's how Dominic's mind
34:45is operating. Is there clarity? How is the mind of Dominic different from that of Rourke? The
34:53world matters too much to Dominic. She wants respect and admiration from the world and she
34:59gets hurt when it doesn't come. Not for herself, but for greatness. She is not someone who would
35:11nurse her own petty vanity. But she wants admiration where it must belong. So when she
35:23looks at Rourke, she says, this is where respect and admiration belongs and it must come there.
35:29And when she doesn't see it coming there, she is badly hurt. Her chief grudge is how dare Rourke
35:52exist in the middle of these specimens who needlessly call themselves as men and women.
36:04To her, Rourke is the only human being who deserves to be called human. Others are all
36:20underdeveloped, unexpressed, underexpressed caricatures of some sort.
36:50Rourke says, I am not in the world to impress the world. Dominic says, but the world owes it
37:02to you to be impressed by you. That's the difference in the being of the two. Rourke
37:11says, I am alright even if they put me in jail. And when they put Rourke in jail,
37:17Rourke is hardly perturbed. But Dominic and Gail Wynand, they are badly shaken.
37:24Rourke says, it's alright. I am not in the world to claim respect from the world. What is then my
37:34relationship with the world? My relationship with the world is that I want to express myself here.
37:40He says, I need clients so that I can build. That's all that I need clients for. So it is
37:54not clients that I need, I need to build. Building is my chief concern. Clients are
38:03just a medium. I need clients so that I can build. Otherwise I do not need clients. Somehow
38:11if it so happens that Rourke turns fortunate and he is able to build on his own without ever
38:21needing a client, do you think he will await a commission? No. Clients are just a necessity for
38:34him. When I say clients, I mean the world. The world is just a stage for him, a stage on which
38:42anything can happen and he has to respond spontaneously. His response is what matters
38:51to him, not the stage. The stage has its own dynamics. The world has its own principles
39:00on which it runs. Rourke is not interested in altering those principles. Rourke is interested
39:11in just expressing his true self. Call it the soul, the spirit, the heart, the essence, whatever.
39:22Do you see how the two perceive the world differently? What is the world? To Rourke,
39:34just a stage. I am here to dance. I am not here to gather adulation. I am here to dance. I am
39:42here to express myself. I am not here to garner applause. Dominic on the other hand expects the
39:54world to recognize and felicitate greatness. He has an expectation from the world and when you
40:07have expectations, you get hurt. Rourke has very little expectations, so he does not get hurt too
40:15much. There are occasions when you find him hit and hurt, but those occasions are few and far
40:24between. And even if he does get hurt, he recovers very swiftly. Dominic's wounds are deeper and they
40:41don't recuperate too quickly. Get it? So what is it that Dominic wishes to understand through
40:59her marriage with Peter? No, she doesn't wish to understand anything. You could call it a reaction.
41:08She has an ideology and that ideology governs her actions and reactions. It is not a decision
41:22taken in pure consciousness. It is a reaction arising out of hurt. Are you getting it? Kids do
41:42it very often, don't they? In their house. If you don't give them what they want, then they choose
41:56the worst that is available. Kids do it, teenagers do it. We all might have done it at some point.
42:12You want your best, your favourite meal to be cooked tonight. You don't get it. What do you
42:23then reactively do? You push the plate aside and you say, I will not eat at all. Dominic goes a
42:35step further. She says, if I cannot have my favourite dish, then I will eat the most unacceptable,
42:53forbidding, nerve-wrenching, nauseating thing possible. That's a reaction. Give me what I want
43:07to have and give it to me on my conditions and if I cannot have what I want on my own conditions,
43:15then I will commit myself to the worst that can be had. In some way, it is her revenge upon the
43:33world. She tells Keating somewhere that this is the biggest humiliation I could have heaped upon
43:49you, our marriage. I humiliate you by marrying you because you know very well that you don't
43:59deserve this marriage. By being next to you, by sleeping next to you, I will remind you every day
44:08of your worthlessness. You are the one who stood in the court and testified against Rourke. Right,
44:24Peter Keating? You are the one. Now, I will have my revenge. So I will be totally unresponsive in
44:37the bed. I won't even resent you. I won't even resist. I will just be cold. That's my way of
44:46telling you of the solidness and height of your masculinity. Whatever you do will not be able to
45:00elicit any sensation, any response from me. My body will lie like a corpse, a naked corpse next to you
45:10on the bed. Keating says, don't think that I am going to trouble you too often in sexual matters.
45:25She says, as often or as seldom as you wish, Peter. That's my way of insulting you. I will not allow
45:54you to touch my soul. The body, you can have it as frequently or as seldom as you wish. I will
46:03neither cooperate nor resist. Do you see how she is operating? That is the reason Rourke does not
46:20stop her. Having wed Keating, she goes to Rourke that very night. On the night of her wedding,
46:35she goes to Rourke and shares the bed with him. That's a great way to offer respect to your
46:45husband. And then for the first time, she says, I love you. In the next sentence, I have married
47:00Peter Keating. And Rourke says, if this moment I ask you to annul that marriage and be my wife,
47:11would you do it? Dominique says, yes. Rourke says, that is why I will not say that. Because
47:27whatsoever you are doing, you are doing as a reaction to others. The world hurts you so much,
47:34you go and marry Peter. If I ask you to marry me, you will obey me. No, I will wait for your
47:43own soul to develop. I will wait for the day when the world ceases to matter so much to you.
47:51I very well know that you can drop Keating in a second. Any day I ask for you, you will be there,
47:59available for me. But I'll not ask for you. I'll wait for many, many years. And he says that. He
48:05says, I know I'll have to wait for many years. It's going to be a long haul, but I'm ready.
48:10Come to me as what I am. Come to me as my equal. Do not come to me as somebody bleeding from the
48:37wounds inflected by the world. I do not want our relationship to include the world. It has
48:45to be you and me. You, me and our naked sincerity towards each other. You, me and our absolute
48:55integrity. That absolute integrity is also called by the devotees, the saints as God.
49:04Right now there are four. There is Roark, there is Dominic. Surely there is godliness as well
49:17in their relationship. But there is a fourth presence as well, that of the world. Roark says
49:24no. The fourth one has to be expunged. And I'll wait, Dominic, till you eliminate the
49:32world from your mind. When the world is gone, then you come to me. Then it will be just
49:38the two of us in purity. So he lets her go. It takes very long. It takes, I suppose in
49:53chronological terms, probably a decade for them to unite. And in between Roark very well knows
50:00that she is the wife of person X or person Y. Do you see how the whole thing is conceptualized
50:20and shaped up? Now Muthasem has asked a very innocent question. He says, why was Peter
50:35Keating not worthy enough to remain Dominic's husband? I'll leave it to you Muthasem. Figure
50:43it out. If you don't figure it out, you might find that some Dominic comes over to you and
50:49asks you to wed her the very same night. That would be your punishment for not figuring
50:57out what's wrong with Peter Keating. Peter Keating is a sweet chap, is he not? It's just
51:04that he does not even know evil. At points he is almost sincere. He thinks he is actually
51:13doing the right things. Sometimes he is actively evil. At other times he does not even know
51:27that he is being snared by the evil. Being actively evil is not far worse than being
51:44unconsciously evil. The result is the same, Muthasem. So watch out. Elsewhere too he knows
51:57greatness and opposes it. Peter Keating does not often even know what he is opposing. So
52:07what? In many ways Keating is worse than Tuhi. Tuhi at least knows greatness. Keating does
52:22not even know greatness. Look at his outburst in the Stoddart trial. He genuinely innocently
52:37blurts out. But what is wrong in trying to please people? What is wrong in being a regular
52:44fellow? What is wrong in being sociable? He does not really know. Your question belongs
52:50to that league, Muthasem. What's wrong in pleasing other people? Figure that out. Why
53:00was Peter Keating not worthy enough to remain Dominic's husband? Go through Keating's speech.
53:06Go through the portion where Keating is losing it. That Orny tells him, you know, probably
53:16you are not well and probably you wish to be dismissed from the court. It is then that
53:23Keating regains his senses. He realizes that all are perceiving that he is drunk. It's
53:37a long rant he inflicts on the audience. And he is not posturing. He is genuinely ignorant.
53:56As ignorant as your question, Muthasem. But none of that augurs well. I repeat, even if
54:17ignorance is not purposeful, not deliberate, not conscience, ignorance still is ignorance.
54:32It is evil. And if it is evil, then you have to pay the price. So never come up and say,
54:40I made a mistake because I did not know that I was making a mistake. Hell, it is your responsibility
54:46to know. But that is our favorite excuse, is it not? I made a mistake because I did
54:57not know that I was making a mistake. Will God the Father know on your behalf what is
55:07a mistake and what is not? It is your own responsibility towards yourself to know. So
55:19there is nothing called a genuine mistake. Or you could say even if it is a genuine mistake,
55:24it still meets the same punishment. That is what is wrong with Peter Keating. At several
55:38occasions he could sense that there is something wrong with himself, with Guy Franken, with
55:50Ellsworth, and on those occasions he preferred not to inquire, not to ask. You come across
56:00such instances severally. Almost half a dozen times Peter Keating had the gut feel, the
56:15intuition that something is wrong somewhere. But he deliberately chose not to ask or inquire.
56:27It is your responsibility to inquire and that is why Peter Keating is not good enough to
56:36be Dominique's husband. There are times when his evil is planned as when he murders Lucius
56:50Hare. That was his name, right? The partner in the firm, Lucius Hare. So that is an instance
56:58of when he is actively evil. But there are several and far more instances when he is
57:10just subconsciously evil and he does not know. In fact, when Tuhy would suggest to
57:28him that he is a partner in some kind of crime, he meaning Keating, Keating would innocently
57:38ask, but we are doing a great job, aren't we? Hey Tuhy, what did you just say? Did you say
57:46crime? No? Are we criminals really? Please explain. And Tuhy would just smile at Keating's ignorance.
