Mumbai : Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who is recovering well at Lilavati Hospital, has been moved to a suite after his condition improved on Friday. The actor was attacked by an intruder at his Bandra residence, who climbed the stairs and entered the Pataudi home in Mumbai's Bandra area. The attacker, who demanded Rs 1 crore according to the house help present at the scene, also suffered injuries from the knife he wielded.
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00:00Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who is recovering well at Lilavati Hospital, has been moved
00:06to a suite after his condition improved on Friday.
00:10The actor was attacked by an intruder at his Bandra residence, who climbed the stairs and
00:15entered the Patowdi home in Mumbai's Bandra area.
00:18The attacker, who demanded Rs 1 crore according to the house help present at the scene, also
00:23suffered injuries from the knife he wielded.
00:26The actor is speculated to be discharged on January 21 if the documents are to be believed.
00:31Meanwhile, the actor's wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, recorded her statement with the Mumbai
00:36Police of Friday.
00:38On the police side of things, the accused has been allegedly detained for questioning
00:42as he was caught shortly after the police released a CCTV footage capturing his face.
00:48As per media reports, the actor was stabbed multiple times in an attempt to fight off
00:52a burglar during the wee hours of Thursday.
00:55The actor sustained six stab wounds, two of which are said to be serious as they are
01:00closer to his spine.
01:01The incident took place at 2.15am when the burglar allegedly barged into their Bandra
01:07home and attacked their house help and then Saif when he intervened.
01:11Saif was woken up by the commotion in his son Jay's room.
01:15He went inside the room to see the culprit arguing with their house help.
01:19Looking at this, Saif intervened to save the house help with bare hands to fight off the