• 2 months ago
Mike, Bill, and Kevin riff on the classic Christmas film, but with the Pottersville part cut out. | dG1feFhYajBGXy1JejA
00:00It's time for Riff Tracks!
00:05And it's not an easy job
00:07They watch movies and then make up jokes about them
00:11Tell their jokes to microphones
00:14Put the jokes into a file
00:16On a secret server deep beneath a mountain
00:20Protected by a dragon
00:23Who you gonna get to riff those tracks?
00:25I don't ever pick tracks where the riff song is in
00:28Why you always gotta pick riff tracks?
00:30All the riff tracks, picks on the tracks, rap rap rap
00:32On some other day
00:34Somewhere far away
00:36You put out wiener wraps and snacks
00:38You fluff the cushions on your couch and buy a TV
00:42All your friends come over
00:45Just imagine their surprise
00:47When you press play and then instead of just a movie
00:51They give jokes, professional jokes
00:53Non-professional, comedy, professional
00:55Who you gonna get to riff those tracks?
00:57I don't ever pick tracks where the riff song is in
01:00Why you always gotta pick riff tracks?
01:02All the riff tracks, picks on the tracks, rap rap rap
01:04It's your lucky day
01:06It's time for Riff Tracks!
