• 2 months ago
00:00All right, let's do a deep dive into this Ravens Bills matchup Sunday night in the below
00:06Yeah, let's start it here and we'll probably finish it after you talk to Chris
00:09But of course the big matchup here is the two guys that are going to finish one and two in the MVP
00:17Voting this year depends who you ask on who's going to be one who's going to be two
00:21But Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen mano a mano chance to go to the AFC championship game
00:28Here's Lamar first, you know, he understands the hype, but Scott, you don't really care about it. He just wants to win a football game
00:35Excuse me for everyone watching, but I really don't care who's watching and like
00:40No to me like the players us players. We just trying to win
00:43We really don't care like how people feel about it. We trying to go in there and just win
00:47You know, that's a tough environment tough tough team offense defense special team. Just trying to go down one
00:52So you don't feel any different as far as the build-up to this matchup?
00:57We I believe we already built up, you know, it's it's playoffs
01:00It's not it's not like we can go out there lose a game and then get prepared for another game
01:04You know, it's when to go home. So we we already like
01:08We're already lit. I mean, let's just face facts
01:12It doesn't get any better than this game. All these other games are really good. And this one's kick-ass. I mean this game
01:21It will live up to it. This game will live up to being the best game this weekend
01:26They put the best game last for a reason
01:29Yeah, and I think you've seen the last few years, you know, you've seen the bill chief games
01:35Live up to it
01:38Slots the last few years and I and I am with you. I think you are gonna get there. I don't think anybody's
01:44Blowing anybody out in this game on Sunday, and I know a lot of Raven a lot of talking is bail
01:50We blew him out the first time
01:54That ain't that ain't happening not with these two guys out there and the kind of stakes
01:59That are going to be raised. We know that Josh Allen look
02:03He is not one for the microphone. He does not give you much like Lamar just did right there
02:09So he was kind of getting asked this week
02:11You know, you guys have been a little bit of a rut you get to the division round every year
02:15But you don't get out of the division round the past three years
02:18Four years in a row now in this spot as usual Josh
02:22Not gonna give you much because he's focused on the game on Sunday
02:26There's some pressure on you guys maybe to get past this round this year
02:29We played in the AFC championship game a few years ago for the flashes before it's here in a row
02:33Oh gotcha divisional and you've been out the last three. So a little bit of history there goes down to whoever executes better on Sunday
02:41That's again. We're just trying to have a good week of practice
02:44Playing a good good team here. We're at home. We'll have to use the
02:48The fan advantage to our or the fans to our advantage and again, we're just find a way to score one more point
02:57Watching and play is
02:59Fantastic and listening to him is like watching paint dry
03:05well, I think it's because he's
03:08He's from the I think he's a very
03:11Personable guy when you get him in different settings when you see him on some of these shows or you see him playing in the dopey
03:17Pebble Beach pro-am or I think he's got some personality to him. I think he's cut from the
03:24Derek Jeter, I'm not giving the media
03:28Anything cloth I'm just gonna stand there and I'm gonna give you the cookie cutter answer, you know
03:34We're just gonna score one. We just keep trying to score one more point than they are
03:36You know, he's not gonna go outside the box and give you any kind of quote. He's boring
03:43I'll tell you this though being a fan of theirs
03:45I'd rather he be exciting when I'm watching him on TV on Sunday than what he says
03:49Then what?
03:54Stupid we I just want to watch him play the guys
03:59Nominal on the football field watching him plays all that matters like I don't care what he says
04:05We have spent
04:08Nauseating amount of time on the weather with this game this week
04:10I understand why McDermott 14 and 2 and freezing temperatures since he's been the bill coach
04:15Josh Allen 9 and 1 when the temps below 32 degrees
04:19Lamar's only played in two games under 32 degrees. It is going to be bone-cold at this place
04:26On Sunday night and they have now moved some snow
04:31Into the forecast as well Scotty, so they're saying there could be some snow that finds its way into the bill and
04:39It's it's dumping down there today, it's today and tomorrow
04:45Snow is like it there's gonna be a lot of snow in the Buffalo area the next two days
04:50But Sunday, it's supposed to be, you know taper off and just be frigid freezing cold, but either way gonna be tough
