• 2 months ago
With TV soap ratings declining, are you still watching any soaps and why / why not?


00:00The sense of humour has gone out of them a little bit, you used to get more of a laugh
00:03and it's great when you're seeing things like domestic abuse getting put out there and everything
00:09and knife crime which were on Coronation Street. I'm not sure how much of an impact it'll have
00:15because I'm not sure how many people that carry a knife watch Corrie if I'm honest with you.
00:19So whereas again it's great and it's good to have it there, it shouldn't be the main theme,
00:23you've still got to lighten it up a bit, it's telly, it's entertainment.
00:26I kind of always think it's funny that whenever EastEnders is on at Christmas,
00:29I'm not sure if you're the same, but EastEnders just gets left on
00:32because it always seems to be spicier around Christmas time.
00:35If I need to up their game you know, there's always some kind of fire,
00:40there's always a fire going on, some houses burning down on a pub.
00:44I end up getting six to eight months of dialogue and you know exposition dumped on me about
00:50oh this person's talking to this person and oh well this person's gone behind this person's back
00:55and I mean a five-minute conversation could fill you on on six months worth of soaps really.
