• 2 months ago
Derbyshire Times news bulletin with editor Phil Bramley
00:00Here's today's Derbyshire Times video bulletin.
00:02Drivers have been warned of disruption, as M1 roadworks in Derbyshire are set to stay in place longer than anticipated.
00:09National Highways had initially announced that roadworks on the section of Smart Motorway between junctions 28 and 30 would be completed by the end of January.
00:18But this week their website was updated with a new completion date, with the works now expected to continue until the end of March.
00:26National Highways explained that the initial announcement on the website contained an error and confirmed that the works are set to be completed within the next two and a half months.
00:34The works, which started in April last year, are part of a scheme to create 20 new emergency areas between junctions 28 and 30 of the M1.
00:43The emergency areas will provide a place to stop in an emergency when motorists are unable to exit the motorway or stop at a service area.
00:52They will be 100 metres long to accommodate lorries and recovery vehicles, and will be equipped with emergency telephones linked directly to National Highways control rooms to help get help there more quickly.
01:02To allow for the works to be carried out safely, Lane 1 of the motorway will remain closed throughout the duration of the work, and Lanes 2, 3 and 4 will remain open with a 50mph speed limit in place.
01:14The Environment Agency has successfully prosecuted a Nottinghamshire man for illegally fishing for crayfish in Derbyshire.
01:22The incident happened on the River Derwent at South Oaks Farm in Beelie in 2023, and saw a man poaching crayfish with illegal traps.
01:31Armands Rukmanis, 36, of Rawson Street in Selson, appeared at Derbyshire Magistrates Court in connection with the incident.
01:38He pleaded guilty to the offence committed in 2023 and was given a 12 month conditional discharge. He was also ordered to pay costs of £300.
