• 2 months ago
THE BALLAD OF WALLIS ISLAND Trailer - official movie trailer HD
00:00We'll always have this island and your beautiful music.
00:03Oh yes!
00:06You made it, okay!
00:07It's there not like a harbour.
00:09It's sort of nature's harbour.
00:10Welcome to Wallace Island.
00:11No, no, no, no, no!
00:14Do you sell rice? My fire got wet.
00:16We've got pasta.
00:17Has to be rice, apparently.
00:19Oh, you've got rice pudding, look.
00:20Rice pudding definitely won't work.
00:21Well, not with that attitude. No, it won't.
00:24You know it isn't.
00:26The great Herb McGuire.
00:27Coming all the way out here without your roadies.
00:29Which brings me up to the thorny issue of payment.
00:33Where will the audience be?
00:34You said there'd be a hundred.
00:35I said less than a hundred.
00:37Is it just you?
00:39I'm literally playing to one guy.
00:42I'm going to have to take out a restraining order.
00:43Can you shut the door?
00:47No, I meant...
00:48Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Herb.
00:49I'm not really used to having guests.
00:52So, what happened with you and Nell Mortimer?
00:55When was the last time you played together?
00:57I'm quite a private person, to be honest.
00:58I know you are.
01:00But go on, what happened?
01:02Do you invite Nell?
01:03Yeah, she's with Michael.
01:04Who's Michael?
01:05Her husband.
01:06Oh, shit.
01:07In a good way, or...?
01:08You knew I was coming, right?
01:14I didn't really listen to your songs back in the day.
01:16Is this my guitar?
01:17Yeah, I got that at auction.
01:18Oh, wow, you are a fan.
01:19My favorite was always McGuire Mortimer.
01:21Your music changed everything.
01:24He's gone to get his guitar.
01:25Oh, has he?
01:26Has he?
01:27If you need some affection
01:32and you're feeling all alone
01:36That's lovely, isn't it?
01:37Just take it in, Charles.
01:38Take it in, drink it in.
01:39Glug, glug.
01:41Water, water everywhere.
01:42Please, can we just please appreciate this damn sunset?
01:45And it shows us where it wants to go
01:48Oh, give your love, give your love to me
01:50I know you miss this.
01:52I miss our music.
01:54Oh, give your love, give your love to me
01:57What the hell of a serve you got in here?
01:58I've no one to play with.
01:59So the only thing I can practice is the old serve.
02:03See, this is the issue.
02:06Love the past, but it's gone now.
02:09You've ruined my life.
02:10I wish you'd stop saying that.
02:11One day we might wake up hungover
02:13with two thirds of diddly squats running.
02:16But we'll always have this island
02:18and your beautiful music.
02:21Wowzers in your trousers.
02:23Yeah, waves.
02:24No, shh, like, shut up.
02:26Don't say anything.